I gained 20 pounds in 3 days



  • featherbrained
    featherbrained Posts: 155 Member
    Weighing yourself at night means NOTHING. Seriously, stop. I can gain 4 lbs in one day and it's gone the next day. Weigh yourself first thing in the morning when you get up and after you use the bathroom. And there's probably a ton of water weight in there too.

    This is partially true: however, if you consistently weigh yourself at night, you should still get consistent results. I've tested the theory, and I weigh pretty close to the same in the evenings, but it is a few pounds more than in the morning. So, if you weighed in the morning, you would see that you are actually lighter than you think you are! And those days your food choices are less than ideal, you will likely register a spike on the scale.

    Mornings really are better for accuracy. But evening weighings will give you a "trend" reading.
  • HeavenlyBri
    I honestly don't think it's possible to gain that amount of weight in 3 days, even water weight.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Weighing yourself at night means NOTHING. Seriously, stop. I can gain 4 lbs in one day and it's gone the next day. Weigh yourself first thing in the morning when you get up and after you use the bathroom. And there's probably a ton of water weight in there too.

    Not exactly.

    as pointed out the CONSISTENCY matters more than the actual time- or even the numbers themselves. If you like weighing at night- fine- just do it all the time at the same time- you should still see the down ward trend.

    I think OP is a bit foolish to weigh on 2 different scales with such a variety of stuff going on and not getting accurate results- but I'm also of the mind unless you are extremely scientific about it- weighing and fretting over numbers daily is also foolish- but I'm a deeply pragmatic person so take that for what it's worth.
  • ThriceBlessed
    ThriceBlessed Posts: 499 Member
    Okay, there are lots of reasons. Weighing yourself on different scales might be part of it, water weight is probably part of it, all that extra food sitting in your gut after a binge might be part of it, and some fat gain might be part of. Get back on track with your diet and weigh yourself on the same scale each morning for a while and you'll get a more accurate weight.
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    Those all you can eat buffets 3 days in a row for every meal really got ya hey?
  • emartin17
    emartin17 Posts: 123 Member
    Did you notice any visible changes? if so read the following:

    It is actually possible to gain 20lbs in 3 days. My friend did just that over labor day weekend. She found out she has to be on a sodium strict diet, low sodium, because she has a disease in her kidneys. The disease meaning that the kidneys are creating a lot of protein, attacking things that shouldn't be attacked, and thus the reason for unable to dilute the sodium to be absorbed into your body.

    If not- check your scale.
  • RockinTerri
    RockinTerri Posts: 499 Member
    Please don't starve yourself again :(

    It is so unhealthy and it is never the right mind set to lose weight as a lifestyle.

    What is your plan to deal with cravings? What is your mindset towards the next set back (because, there will be many). Who are your support people? What is your exercise plan for the rest of the year?

    Plan plan plan - and get support - for a real change, and not a silly starvation phase followed by a binge phase.

    This. And this poster is right - we all have setbacks. But the damage that can happen from this starving then binging is more than just the initial weight gain/loss - it can cause an eating disorder (or be caused by one). If you've had instances like this In the past, you should speak with your doctor.
  • hseipel12
    20lbs in that amount of time indicates organ problems. I have Nephrotic Syndrome caused by Minimal Change Disease, my immune system attacks my kidneys and makes my body lose more protein than it retains. Your body actually retains water because it is malnurished from not enough protein. I was undiagnosed for a long time and had substantial weight gain 10-20 lbs within days. After a stay in the hospital and kidney biopsy later I was diagnosed. I'm on meds and a low sodium diet.
    It is dangerous for your body to hold this kind of water weight. It puts a lot of extra strain on your organs, please check your scale. If there is nothing wrong with your scale go in and have blood/urine testing done. If it is nephrotic syndrome it is manageable, and now that I'm on meds and a restricted diet I'm down to my goal weight. Have the testing done, you should never ignore a 20lbs weight gain in a short amount of time, it indicates an underlying medical issue. Please private message me if you have any questions.
  • rbear713
    rbear713 Posts: 220 Member
    ok so how you got there doesn't really matter - not REALLY. point is you're up in weight , feeling fat and maybe down on yourself because of it.

    LOOK AT YOUR TICKER. You didn't lose 115lbs by mistake. Don't worry about how you gained - its in the past. NOW is your time. You did it once, friend. YOU CAN DO IT AGAIN. Worst thing that happens is you lose 20 (or whatever) slower than you gained...but that doesn't mean you cant lose it! GO AHEAD N GET IT!!
  • ehimass
    ehimass Posts: 92 Member
    Yes, I flew a lot. In fact I fly for a living. I probably spent 20 hours flying (Shanghai-Anchorage-Chicago-Austin) in airplanes over the 3 days where I gained the weight. I was eating a lot on the airplanes too, we get catering for ourselves during the flights with lots of deli sandwiches and other hot foods. Plus I drank a lot of fruit juice (OJ and Grapfruit).

    I'm feeling a bit better because I just slept for 12 hours. My sleep schedules get whacky when I'm overseas during work.

    I weighed myself after the sleep and I was already back down to 190. So I somehow lost 6 lbs of weight overnight. Usually it's just a couple of pounds.
  • Mr_Excitement
    Mr_Excitement Posts: 833 Member

    Seriously though, don't worry about it. You couldn't put on 20lbs. of real weight that quickly. It's water retention.

    Unless you're actually feeling bad or notice some visible problem-- in which case I'd say go see a doctor.
  • CountryGirl8542
    CountryGirl8542 Posts: 449 Member
    Water weight. Sounds like you ate a lot of sodium-heavy foods, so you'll be retaining water due to that. You have to eat 3500cal over maintenance to gain a pound - and so unless you ate 70,000 calories over maintenance in three days, you won't have gained 20 pounds of fat. Drink lots of water and it should come off.

  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    That's actually pretty impressive, 20lbs over 3 days
  • ayalowich
    ayalowich Posts: 242 Member
    With respect to item #1, that is not true. I had a kidney issue and was in the hospital for 48 hours on constant IV saline drip. I had not eaten much but when I was finally discharged I was shocked that i put on 17 lbs in 2 days. Sickened was the more realistic thought. Here I was with a kidney stone still lodged, a stent that messed up other things and now I was at my highest weight ever.

    Fortunately, in 4 days, the weight all came off.

    Obviously a different situation then the OP, but still not impossible.
    1. It would be impossible to actually gain 20 lbs in 3 days.

    2. I hope you learned your lesson that after a bad day starving yourself for the next 2 days isn't going to be a successful plan. You should have instead ate your calorie goal on Tues & Wed with plenty of healthy foods. One bad day won't do a much damage. A whole week of the nonsense you did likely will - but not 20 lbs worth.

    Just jump back on track. Don't be so hard on yourself.
  • lyzmorrison
    lyzmorrison Posts: 172 Member
    Don't knock yourself out with guilt. What's done is done, and now you just look towards the future. This is a lifestyle change. It's about making mistakes and then learning how to avoid them in the future. It's about learning how to make good food choices and then realizing that hey...that grilled shrimp and veggies was just as good as the chicken fried steak and smashed potatoes. Next time you go on a business trip, you can mentally prepare yourself for the hazards and then steer clear of them. We just got back from a cruise and I love love love the desserts on the cruises, so I told myself that I was going to enjoy one a day, but just one. That way I didn't feel too deprived, but I didn't go as crazy as I wanted. And when the trip was over, I felt like I got to enjoy my dessert splurge and I didn't have the guilt of knowing I hoovered up the entire dessert table.

    Just continue to burn more calories then you consume and you'll be back on track. You can do this!
  • hseipel12
    Ok, this has been bothering me all day. Please ignore all of these posts to just drink water and let the water weight fall off on it's own. That kind of water retention is a sign of kidney issues. Please don't ignore such a giant red flag. Go to the doctor and have the protein in your blood and urine tested. It could be nothing, but I really wish someone would have made me go into the doctor the first time this happened to me. It would have saved a bunch of money had I just found out right away. If it was 5-7lbs I would say it's nothing, but 20lbs should not be ignored!
  • ehimass
    ehimass Posts: 92 Member
    I just did an hour of cardio (31 minutes going pretty hard on the elliptical and 35 minutes jogging at 7.5 mph) and weighed in at 185 lbs. So I'm guessing it was mostly water weight. It'll be interesting to see where I stand at the end of this week.
  • mazmataz
    mazmataz Posts: 331 Member
    Yup something's not right. It may be because one of the sets of scales you used is out by 15lbs...or you've accidentally eaten a lump of lead over the weekend! But yeah, I'd say that's not accurate!
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Please don't starve yourself again :(

    It is so unhealthy and it is never the right mind set to lose weight as a lifestyle.

    What is your plan to deal with cravings? What is your mindset towards the next set back (because, there will be many). Who are your support people? What is your exercise plan for the rest of the year?

    Plan plan plan - and get support - for a real change, and not a silly starvation phase followed by a binge phase.

    Actually that's called a fast & perfectly ok as long as you dont develop an ED over it. I don't eat anything for 40 hours 3 times a week. I don't binge at all on normal days.
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    Also did you weigh after you drank a gallon of water