Christmas GOAL..whose wants in ?



  • hoyalawya2003
    hoyalawya2003 Posts: 631 Member
    If it's not too late, I want in too. My goal is more modest than some--9 lbs. But I think that is realistic for me (1 lb per week) considering Halloween and Thanksgiving in there.
  • I am definitely IN! i am trying for so long to loose those last 10 pounds and it is just not happening. I would love to finally loose them by Christmas.

    Wishful and realistic goal is 10 pounds!

    Lets do this!!!
  • soulsnette
    soulsnette Posts: 35 Member
    I'm also in!

    Realistic Goal: 15 pounds
    Fantasy Goal: 25 pounds

    Good Luck!!
  • jwrjewel
    jwrjewel Posts: 4 Member
    Count me in, I have 15 lbs to reach before my first goal (to be out of the 200s) and it's coming very slowly.
  • My goal is to finally be in One-derland by Christmas....that's 25 lbs. :)

    PS....anyone can add me as I'm very new.
  • rochelleh88
    rochelleh88 Posts: 7 Member
    I am in! My goal is 11 pounds by Christmas and to finish Insanity. I am 3 days in so actually that might be a week or two before Christmas. Either way, having a good goal will keep me focused during all the holiday festivities and I am so close to the goal :)
  • courtneywiens
    courtneywiens Posts: 148 Member
    My 30th birthday is December 21 and I so wanted to be at my goal by then. It's really unrealistic. So, I must adapt:

    Realistic goal: 12 pounds
    Wishful goal: 23 pounds
  • I'd be great with losing 5 lbs by then. Gettin close to my goal weight, til i start bulking :)
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,123 Member
    Right now I am teetering between 178-179 lbs and I want to hit 160 by Christmas.... so about 18-19lbs. That's a pretty hefty number for only 2 months but we'll see :)

    Goal: Lose 19#
  • Ibleedlipstick
    Ibleedlipstick Posts: 33 Member
    I want to be under 140 by Christmas, which would be a 15lb loss — pretty doable!

    In fantasy land, I would love to be at 135. Doable, but that would involve a lot more work.
  • raegrove
    raegrove Posts: 37 Member
    I need to lose 3-5 more pounds to reach my weight goal. BUT my goal by Christmas is to lose that, keep it off, and do a lot of toning! All my weight loss has been through a calorie deficit, so I am still at 37% body fat even though I am now in my BMI range (5'8" and 163).
  • LilacCatTessa
    LilacCatTessa Posts: 11 Member
    I am in too. I want to lose 14lbs until Christmas. Should be achievable.
  • DesDawn24
    DesDawn24 Posts: 147 Member
    I'm hoping for another 15 by Christmas, but would be pleased with 10. That would put me a few pounds over halfway to my goal!
  • I'm going for 15lbs for it would be amazing if I get to 20lbs :) I'm totally dedicated to this, so we shall see!
  • lknjohnson
    lknjohnson Posts: 351 Member
    I would like to be down 10-15lbs by xmas and or 1 pants size down.
  • Laurali7
    Laurali7 Posts: 26 Member
    I'd like to be down about 15lbs, but need to buy a set of scales for the house so I can track my progress!

    Realistic goal: 8lbs
    Ideal goal: 15lbs
  • 15lbs by christmas
  • I am just getting started and would like to make small goals at a time. I would like to lose at least 8-10 lbs. by Christmas, and try to keep going.
  • I will set a goal of 15 lbs by Christmas. I need the motivation of reading how others are doing it and the "stick with it" attitude. This is a difficult journey. The older I get, the harder it gets!
  • lesaw01
    lesaw01 Posts: 207 Member
    I'm in. I would like to loose 13 lbs. by Christmas, that would get me to Onederland. It's been a long time since I have been below 200 so I really want this.