I've had enough!

Hi everyone,

I'm 34, female, and fed up. Probably haven't exercised in over six months. I'm lazy and demotivated, but it just took one more sleepless night and yet another groggy morning to realize something needs to be done.

Tonight I start the gym. I hurt my foot about a week ago, so no high impact running just yet. I'm going to also give a go at yoga. Healthier eating and drinking more water are two key components! I don't diet per se, but I definitely need to make healthier choices.

I want to make a lifestyle change because I want to feel good. Right now, I'm tired, lethargic, moody and just plain run down. There is no physical activity in my life, and my diet needs a major overhaul.

I could use all the support I can get! Please feel free to add me, and I promise I will help motivate you too!


  • KellyMay101
    You are not alone - I am fed up too!

    I cannot seem to stop eating sugary foods and feel so lethargic and have put on half a stone in the last month. Something needs to be done and this is the first step in the right direction.

    Come on weather_nerd, we can do this together :)

    Have a good time at the gym tonight, don't go completely mad or you won't be able to walk in the morning lol.

    With the cold weather coming I have started making myself some warm filling soups, today I have curried butternut squash soup which is delicious and so filling. Apparently soup keeps you fuller for longer so this might stop me snacking on the sugary sweets that are lurking in the office.

    Exercise wise, I do walk my dogs twice a day but they are 16 and 12 respectively so its only a gentle plod around the park, nothing strenuous. To combat this I am going to do a 2 mile walk every evening followed by either one of my pilates DVD's or some swiss ball exercises and weights at home. I am off out to dinner tonight with a friend but I am determined to get my exercise in first!

    Good luck and I would love you to add me too, we can support each other.
  • Go4it1985
    Go4it1985 Posts: 169 Member
    Good on you for starting something positive :)
  • jenns717
    jenns717 Posts: 32 Member
    You already made a choice to be healthier-you are here! I am here too, because I need to stop the down hill slide I am on. I lost 50 pounds two years ago, but in the past few months have put on 15#. Didn't feel like I was eating too bad, was still exercising, but not like I was. So, I am here again to make myself accountable.
    I think your plans sound just right to get you on track. Once I started adding some kind of movement to my days I got addicted to the good feelings it brought. So, I added more and then the weight came off. I began to look forward to my workouts, because of the benefits of good moods, great sleep and overall positive attitude. You can do this!
    If you need any help, motivation or just a friend-add me and we will support each other!
  • Go4it1985
    Go4it1985 Posts: 169 Member

    I cannot seem to stop eating sugary foods and feel so lethargic and have put on half a stone in the last month. Something needs to be done and this is the first step in the right direction.

    Apparently soup keeps you fuller for longer so this might stop me snacking on the sugary sweets that are lurking in the office.

    I've just finished reading a book about the dangers of sugar (it actually makes you hungrier!) that would perhaps put you towards limiting your sugar intake (if you knew how it can cause problems) by Dr Robert Lustig - http://www.amazon.com/Fat-Chance-Beating-Against-Processed/dp/159463100X

    Protein is your best friend for keeping full for longer. It has 2 benefits - whilst it keeps you full for longer (this is because the body takes twice as long to break it down) it also expends more calories by doing so (so you have an increased thermogenic effect). Starting off breakfast with a source of protein is a great way to begin the day feeling fuller and can assist in you not getting as hungry throughout the day.

    The other way to feel fuller is eating complex carbohydrates (wholegrain rice/pasta/cereals) as this will also take longer to break down and often have a good amount of fiber which makes you full too. Vegetables also contain lots of fiber (keep you full) and fruit as well.

    Since, last month I have pretty much stopped eating white rice and pasta and upped my intake of protein (e.g. lean chicken/turkey slices/eggs/Greek yoghurt/almonds (but beware of fat content), and since doing that it takes me longer to feel hungry and I truly don't have much craving for sugar.

    On the odd day if I do, I eat Lindt dark choc (85% cocoa) or have dried or fresh fruit :)

    Hope this might help....
  • tanyasee
    Hello everyone,

    I saw weather_nerd's post and I feel the same... I keep telling myself that "today is the day..." or "tomorrow is the day." When it rolls around I don't have the motivation and determination, I'm sure having friends and people to go through this with you would help a lot better rather than feeling like the only one fighting an uphill battle to become healthier. I'm pretty new to this, so hopefully I can get this going and make some friends along the way!