Biggest Loser- Why It's good and bad

Hope you all are enjoying watching the biggest loser this season! I personally have not had time to watch and have kind of loss interest in the show after I realized how unrealistic it is. Last season, at every weigh-in there was so much pressure on the contestants to lose a large amount of weight and if they lost like less than 10 lbs. then they went home. That's crazy! If any of us lost 10 lbs. in a week we would be skipping for joy! I am happy for all the contestants for getting their lives back, but I feel like the intense lifestyle they live on the ranch (strict meal plan and working out 24/7) is detrimental once they get back home. Anyone remember Tara? She seemed to have become compulsive about exercise and diet. And what about Eric who gained half of his weight back? He truly did not learn how to live a healthy, balanced lifestyle...My point is that I hope that all us MFPers take baby steps to reach our weight loss and fitness goals and even though they may take a while to achieve, it's better than sprinting up the mountain only to see yourself falling right back down. Also, structure and planning is great, but we have to loosen the reins every once in a while and let ourselves live a little because this is a lifestyle change, not a quick fix! Best of luck to all of you on your journeys! :-)


  • VCStarr
    VCStarr Posts: 155
    I understand your point. The weight loss is unrealistic for people not on the show. It is obvious that it is not reality. There was one show where you could tell all the females were wearing something holding tummies in. But even with that said, I do enjoy the show. There are some exercises and tips I would not have learned otherwise. but my favorite part is seeing the physical changes in the contestants. I love before and afters :)
  • teasdino
    teasdino Posts: 228 Member
    I never watched the Biggest Loser. I did look up what they were expected to lose and almost had a heart attack! Paleez! If any normal person lost that many pnds in that short of time their doctor would be spazzing out on them. You know its true. I mean, I would LOVE to lose that kind of doubt. But I am working really hard at doing it the 'right' way so that it doesnt come back on with friends ;-} I did lose 40 in 08 and have managed to keep 27 of it off. While I am squabbly about what I put back on, I am trying to concentrate on the amount I have kept off. I plan to lose another 30pnds and restructure how the family eats. I also want to get to a point where working out is more for fun than to get to a fitness goal. If you want to add me as a friend go ahead..the more the merrier!
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    Hey There:
    I actually saw the biggest loser for the first time this week. I had heard about it, and from what I heard I knew it was not a Lifestyle Change they were encouraging, they were jeopardizing the people's Lives at the expense of a television show...NOT only that, they are sending a VERY BAD message to people and particular Young People that "that-Crash Dieting and Over/Extreme Exercising" is OK.

    Well, what I saw this week CONFIRMED My conclusions about the is TOTALLY Detrimental to Overweight or Obese people who want to change their lives. Actually, the BIGGEST WINNERS are those that Get Kicked Off the show and Lose Wt on Their own! The statistics have shown that the participants of these wt loss shows REGAIN almost all of their weight back in a year or so...There won't be any "REUNIONS" of contestants, Unless they get them behind the scenes and PAY them to RE-Lose the weight! It's all BOGUS Exploitation. But it's "Must See TV" for people who like to see Morbidly Obese People make a Spectacle of themselves with all their fat hanging out. Can you imagine how what they go through will effect their joints and bones in the long term. When I was 250 lbs. and wanted to run, My doctor said NO...the pressure on My feet bones would be so great that in 10 years I may not be able to walk! Imagine climbing 21 flights of stairs...I bet it actually took them HOURS, BUT Editing showed something totally different and UNREALISTIC!

    Some Doctors have spoken out against the show...but in the end, that's what it is, just entertainment, kinda like romanticizing smoking cigarettes in movies...Entertainment value ONLY! Hate the show (s) and the Concept!
  • charny164
    charny164 Posts: 175 Member
    Hey! I absolutely love the biggest loser. It is by far my all tme favorite show. I find it motivating, inspirational and very melodramtic!
    I agree with everything you all said. They have unrealistic goals with exercise and weightloss. Every season, the contestants get bigger and bigger. The reason that I do love it as much as I do is I know if someone that has 200lbs to lose can run a mile, why can't I? The biggest difference is that they are all in a controlled environment. They can't run to 7-11 for a slurpee and a bag of doritos when they are having a bad day.
    On the last episode, one guy went home and lost a tonne of weight. He looks so much better for sure but his routine was working out for an hour and a half before work, working, working out after work, going home for dinner and going back and working out again. That is like 4-5 hours of working out a day! Who has that type of time or support?
  • Tonya1979
    I love the before and afters too... I can not hardly believe their afters. AMAZING!
    I understand your point. The weight loss is unrealistic for people not on the show. It is obvious that it is not reality. There was one show where you could tell all the females were wearing something holding tummies in. But even with that said, I do enjoy the show. There are some exercises and tips I would not have learned otherwise. but my favorite part is seeing the physical changes in the contestants. I love before and afters :)
  • logansmom6106
    logansmom6106 Posts: 27 Member
    I use the show to keep me moving on my weight loss. i know that prob sounds bad but i will watch it when I need a push to work out. I know that Im not going to step on the scale and see a 10 lbs weight loss but I want to lose one at least. Love the show for that reason.