Getting Re-Started! Ten by Christmas Challenge?



  • SapphCas
    SapphCas Posts: 32 Member
    I'm in too :) This is my first post, and this is just what I'm looking for!!

    I'm going to aim for 15 pounds though, as my brother is getting married in December and I don't want to be cringing at the wedding album for the rest of my life!

    Good luck everyone!
  • CurvyDivaNow
    CurvyDivaNow Posts: 11 Member
    I think this would be a good challenge to start with. I'm in.
  • BeyondApril
    BeyondApril Posts: 133 Member
    Ok I'll try to make a group, lol, I'm overwhelmlmed by all the responses! I think I'll call it 10 pounds 10 weeks: the greatest gift you can give yourself!
  • count me in
  • BeyondApril
    BeyondApril Posts: 133 Member
    I set up the group, "10 pounds, 10 weeks, the greatest gift EVAH!" join!
  • 12 by Christmas for sure!
  • artgalchitown
    artgalchitown Posts: 103 Member
    I'm in - would love to get at least 10 down before the end of the year.
  • karenalpaca
    karenalpaca Posts: 4 Member
    Sounds great. It would be the best Christmas present to myself if I were 10 lbs lighter Christmas morning. A good goal. The solidarity of a challenge will help with the willpower needed for the holiday temptations. Good luck everybody!
  • I would love to join!! I am looking to lose 14 overall, so I am definitely up for this!!
  • futureFITgirl92
    futureFITgirl92 Posts: 6 Member
    Count me in! I would love to lose 10 pounds by Christmas - that would put me in onederland :-)
  • weezie1206
    weezie1206 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm in, that would put a nice dent in my ultimate goal!
  • 26Nirak
    26Nirak Posts: 140 Member
    Do we have a group? Is there a weekly commitment thingy? I would love to participate....
  • I will do it! I am new to mfp so not sure what to do.
    Do you add me to your group?

    I really want to lost ten pounds! And need motivation, or people to lean on, because my husband eats dessert in front of me everynight and has 0 body fat.
  • Hi-
    I want to do this challenge! I am starting today.
    I am new to this site. Do I need to me added to your group? I am hoping some time of accountability will help me to stay focused.
  • Please count me in as well. I gained 10 over the summer as well and need those pounds off to start me down the right track again! Thanks!!!
  • emartin17
    emartin17 Posts: 123 Member
    I'm in- and it is possible to lose more before then! just sayin'
  • Wendysworld13
    Wendysworld13 Posts: 225 Member
    Fill er' up and git it done. I am in!:wink:
  • karinschoultz
    karinschoultz Posts: 50 Member
    I'm in! Just got started back myself. I do pretty good on the exercise and daytime eating part. BUT I get home after work and have a very hard time eating well and not drinking my evening wine! I have to cut back on my wine consumption because I know it is just empty calories. I will not give up ALL wine, but need to cut back at least!
  • valleyjo
    valleyjo Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in!
  • natyts
    natyts Posts: 89 Member
    Hi im in also ...although I want 24 lb seems alot but I know 3lb a week is achieveable if I give it my all :) Good luck everyone