Weight Watchers refugee here to start over

Hello! My name is Leslie. I have had a profile here for a while but have not followed it much. I recently ended one of many stints on Weight Watchers, a program I had a lot of success on in the past but have found increasingly difficult to stick with as time goes by, and as my metabolism and my personal situation with work and family has changed. So this time I did meetings at work, and lost only as much as six pounds, which as of today I have gained back in their entirety.
So I am starting over with this, and with the idea that I need to be looking at whole foods and healthy options rather than at WW, which helped me game the system. I obviously don't have the discipline to do that anymore :) So I'm back here, starting all over. I need your support. Anyone have any ideas?


  • same to u dear
  • Wendysworld13
    Wendysworld13 Posts: 225 Member
    I have been playing the same weight loss/gain cycle so I totally am with you. We have been moving, now a new job, different stresses, etc and so on.

    I have finally gotten my head out of my butt and am ready to start again.

    Friend me and we can support each other through this journey. I see it as a one day at a time thing. And I am in it now for the long hall.

    Best of luck to you.
  • law110
    law110 Posts: 43
    I think it's really helpful to look at the success stories posted. Then look at any open food journals out there and you'll probably be surprised that you can eat such a wide variety of food and still have success!
  • coopscoopc
    coopscoopc Posts: 626 Member
    I am in month 4 of WW and I have had little to no success. I am going back to counting calories and moving more. Plus I don't like to spend money for a weight loss system. I firmly believe moving every day, making good food choices, and counting calories is the way to go. Calories in and Calories out!
  • Green lean berry smoothie! -my personal fav!
    -Almond or skimmilk

    -blueberrys or blackberry

    -frozen banana


    -scoop of protien powder ( you could if you want to)

    I played around with the portions a little it really depends on how exposed you are to greens anyway) but I really enjoy this smoothie!
    P.S. you won't even taste the spinach, the berrys and bananas cover the yucky greens up!
  • I'm an ex-WWer as well. WW doesn't seem to work for me anymore since I also have yo-yo'ed with the same 5 lbs. Recently, I discovered fitnesspal and love it since I can log in my food intake and discover which whole foods were higher in calories than others, then adjusted. Last month, I lost 6 lb by exercising 30 min a day and using fitness pal. I took two weeks off and now I'm back. As Wendy says, I'm in it for the long haul as well. So let's work it together ;-)
  • I am in the exact same position. Thank you for sharing, I thought I was alone.
  • Crazycupcake75
    Crazycupcake75 Posts: 5 Member
    I am trying to loose the rest of my baby weight. Tried WW and was starving all the time. Tried slimming world and actually gained weight because you can have unlimited pasta, potatoes etc!! Now I have devised my own plan...1250 kcal a day, 50g net carbs and 30mins of exercise, even if its just a walk with the children. It all adds up.

    Good luck. I think it's about change of lifestyle rather then thinking of it as a diet.
  • lelugray
    lelugray Posts: 5 Member
    You guys are awesome! I got married three years ago and turned 40, so my knees got old and I added another person's food habits and schedule at the same time. No. Good. At. All.
    But he recently lost almost 30 pounds just adding a trainer and cutting out junk, and I feel like I've wasted a lot of money and time on WW and not doing it. It's embarrassing. But I gotta do something...we have a lot going on and a lot of travel, and even though I eat for work - I write about it - that's not every day and I don't have to give into this. I can do better.
    And that smoothie sounds awesome!
  • I've done the WW thing many times and always lost but, like you, gained it back. The last time was two years ago and I managed to keep half the 40# I'd lost off for two years. But a visit to a new doctor, back surgery, and a move to a more active community had me looking for a new idea. I read about MFP in the local newspaper - not an altogether flattering article - but I decided to try it anyway. Started Sept. 13 and so far have lost 14 #'s but am on a plateau right now. i know part of that is because of a week of eating out much more than normal. Seem to be back on schedule with the meals now so maybe it will show by the end of the week. An arthritis flare-up had me feeling so bad last week that I also slowed down on the exercise but feeling better today so maybe that will help also. The thing I like is the full nutrition information instead of just counting points. I needed to watch my sugar and cholesterol intake closely and this really helps. Good luck, just know you are not alone!
  • lelugray
    lelugray Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you so much!!!
  • lisad1971
    lisad1971 Posts: 33 Member
    Wow, this topic is timely! I am currently doing WW, but thinking I need to come back to MFP.

    Today, I tracked in WW and MFP and the difference is unbelievable. In WW, I am 5 points over for the day. With MFP, I have 829 calories left for the day due to my activity level for the day.

    My concern is that I am undereating with WW. I eat my activity points and know that I can dip into my weekly points, but in some weird way that feels like cheating. I love the accountability that WW gives me with weekly weigh-ins, and my employer just started paying for half as a wellness benefit, so I'm not sure what to do.
  • I've done weight watchers 3 times since I was 18, now 23. The first time I lost weight but I wasn't necessarily healthy. And the last two times I didn't lose any weight, just starved. The only time I was really ever able to lose weight was monitoring my calories and working out 6 days a week. Now two and a half years later and a new job, I've gained almost 60 pounds. I'm back on the MFP train and ready to lose that weight again too. So good luck!
  • sunflourpcs
    sunflourpcs Posts: 1 Member
    I too am a WW refugee. I've had great success with the program in the past, but have since gained the weight back. I have a new job that takes up most of my time, and just cant seem to make the time to go to the meetings. I'm pretty sure I've helped WW's fund the remodel of my meeting site, by paying the monthly fee, and not going for months now!! A friend recommended this site, and so far I like it. It's so easy to use. Also something about seeing the actual calories instead of points that's making me realize I'm eating too many calories to lose. We can all do this together!
  • coopscoopc
    coopscoopc Posts: 626 Member
    I'm an ex-WWer as well. WW doesn't seem to work for me anymore since I also have yo-yo'ed with the same 5 lbs. Recently, I discovered fitnesspal and love it since I can log in my food intake and discover which whole foods were higher in calories than others, then adjusted. Last month, I lost 6 lb by exercising 30 min a day and using fitness pal. I took two weeks off and now I'm back. As Wendy says, I'm in it for the long haul as well. So let's work it together ;-)

    So awesome on the weight loss! Toot Toot! let's git r dun this time!
  • coopscoopc
    coopscoopc Posts: 626 Member
    I too am a WW refugee. I've had great success with the program in the past, but have since gained the weight back. I have a new job that takes up most of my time, and just cant seem to make the time to go to the meetings. I'm pretty sure I've helped WW's fund the remodel of my meeting site, by paying the monthly fee, and not going for months now!! A friend recommended this site, and so far I like it. It's so easy to use. Also something about seeing the actual calories instead of points that's making me realize I'm eating too many calories to lose. We can all do this together!

    I'm with you. I want to see my calories and carbs summary. The points thing just didn't work for me. And some of us just can't snack on fruits like that all day long.. I truly felt like I was starving! I have a lot of friends that like the system and it works for them. Me? I like this format so much better. I can micromanage what I am shoving in! :drinker:
  • Krista916
    Krista916 Posts: 258
    I did WW for 3 months and lost 7 lbs, I did MFP for 2 WEEK and lost 7 lbs. I was hooked!! I'm a lifer here now!!
  • Make one change a day and don't get discouraged!
    I went to a low carb diet and am starting to see results. I did it gradually because giving up carbs is tough, but do-able!

    Good luck and don't get discourage, we are only human after all!
  • I hate the word DIET . . . . I prefer lifestyle change, because really it is!
    Best of luck to you! Keep up the good work!
  • I was also in WW. I couldn't lose much weight on the program. I had a difference in pay and I have a son wanting to go to a trade school. I would rather put my money back for him. We could give each other support. I need it.