TMI - bowel movements help



  • conniedj
    conniedj Posts: 470 Member
    Taco Bell.

  • EHisCDN
    EHisCDN Posts: 480 Member
    I think you should really go see a doctor especially if all the things you've tried haven't helped.

    One thing that I think has helped me is Align. I'm not 100% sure if it's effective or if it just has a placebo effect but I don't have the stomach problems which I used to have.
  • lucan07
    lucan07 Posts: 509
    Different things can work for different people, the only thing that works everytime for me is a really ripe pear.

    But go see a doctor and get it checked.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Parasites don't pass but they usually cause more issues than constipation.
  • AprilMae1975
    Have you had your thyroid checked? Constipation and not being able to lose weight (if you're not on medication) are side effects. If my Sythroid is off I feel very similar to how you are saying you feel. I would see my doctor and have them rule it out.
  • mkwongh
    mkwongh Posts: 279 Member
    Thank you so much for all your suggestions... Since I don't like my family doctor, I am going to try Align first to see if things will start moving. If I can find a new family doctor I will make an appointment ASAP , but as for right now, one more experiment before seeing the doc. I hope this helps.
  • mkwongh
    mkwongh Posts: 279 Member
    Not sure if it is a coincidence or not but on day 2 with Align.. already had 3 small successes.. whatever it is.. I’ll take it after 5 days of nothing

    will post back after a few more days :)
  • SofaKingRad_II
    Not sure if it is a coincidence or not but on day 2 with Align.. already had 3 small successes.. whatever it is.. I’ll take it after 5 days of nothing

    will post back after a few more days :)

    Definitely see a doctor. Congrats on the three small successes! PLEASE KEEP US UPDATED!
  • teeduran
    teeduran Posts: 54 Member
    I have IBS and I take something everyday, but I had to go to the Doctor to figure things out. It is better I eat a lot of vegetables but without smooth lax from Walgreen's ( cheaper then the name brand ) I hurt bad. I only put a half of a cap full a day in my morning coffee. I do suggest you go to the doctor. You do laxatives to much and you're body will need them more. My stuff is more natural. Good Luck
  • BrewerByNight
    I work in a management capacity with GI doctors and I hear this type of story on a weekly basis. Get a stool sample. Otherwise, it sounds like you're doing everything right...
  • snsmyth
    snsmyth Posts: 35 Member
    I recommend Bio-K+ probiotics and Natural Calm (magnesium supplement). Easy to take, and gentle results. Metamucil and All Bran just gave me a terrible, bloated belly.
  • cookiealbright
    cookiealbright Posts: 605 Member
    I would suggest seeing a doctor, if you don't like your get another one. Hope you feel better. :flowerforyou:
  • g2214n
    g2214n Posts: 36 Member
    It is wise to go and discuss with a doctor as could be any issue and better get checked here and now - I think you've waited long enough.

    However, As a long time sufferer I found that certain food can cause constipation to me and more often combined with bloating. Few examples - flax seed, aloe vera (I look like a puff fish straight after), too much celery/broccoli/asparagus, prebiotic(different than probiotics), too much prunes/dried fruit., and I am drinking anything between 3-4l of water a day. Do you think you might be intolerant to any food group?
    From what I've read parasites often work the opposite (diarrhea) and in combination with other symptoms.

    Do you have Wholefoods nearer? In my local store(in London) there is a health department and people there are extremely helpful. I've taken Betaine Hydrochloride for few months and thereafter I've been taken Magnesium Citrate - works absolute miracle. Some general info re: Magnesium

    Magnesium is a mineral that is crucial for energy production, muscle contraction, nerve impulse transmission, and bone mineralisation. Magnesium can be found in a number of foods and is most prevalent in green leafy vegetables such as spinach, nuts and grains.

    Magnesium has a number of important functions in the human body including turning the food we eat in to energy and ensuring correct endocrine system function to promote healthy bones. Magnesium is also required as a cofactor for over 300 enzyme systems. Among the systems catalyzed by these enzymes are fatty acid synthesis, protein synthesis, and glucose metabolism.

    From an athletic perspective it is required for metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats for energy. As part of its role in the activity of enzymes, it is involved in the transmission of nerve impulses and myofibril contractions. Therefore, Magnesium can play a pivotal role in the production of energy for both anaerobic and aerobic exercise.

    Magnesium Citrate is a highly bio-available form of Magnesium which allows greater uptake in to your system. Our Magnesium Citrate is standardised to approximately 15% Magnesium content.

    Warnings: Magnesium Citrate can have a laxative affect, so you may need to alter our ‘Suggested Use’ to meet your personal needs. If you do experience these affects it is recommended that you reduce your dosage size.

    It also helps me with sleep, generally I am more relaxed and very quick recovery after sport.

    Hope you'll have it checked and get better soon!
  • elsyoommen
    elsyoommen Posts: 155 Member
    hi glad to hear that you have had some success with Align. I know how hard it can be get a family doctor - but I hope you do find one that you are happy with. I just wanted to let you know that both restoralax and laxaday are available without a prescription from any pharmacy.
  • mkwongh
    mkwongh Posts: 279 Member
    I saw Restoralax and laxaday when i picked up Align.. it is cheaper, and some other people have recommended on here as well.. Do you have success with either of them?... I only assume they are similar to Align?
  • elsyoommen
    elsyoommen Posts: 155 Member
    no they are different. Align is a probiotic - so that helps you have good bacteria in your gut. Restoralax is different. it's a powder that you add to any liquid. It is transparent and tasteless. according to the label: it "relieves constipation by gently bringing water into the bowel. This provides softer stools and increases the frequency of bowel movements, allowing bowel movements to occur more normally. no cramps. no gas. no bloating".

    The paediatric gastroenterologist also recommended I give this to my 4-year old (smaller dose) when she had issues. He stressed that it was very safe as it does not create any kind of dependence. I take a probiotic but, I also use restoralax (or laxaday) when I need extra help. this usually occurs when I travel or for some other reason I get off my normal routine. I really find any time I'm off my routine digestion issues occur. As these are very gentle it takes 1-3 days but they always work with no side effects for me. So now when I travel I bring little travel pouches of them with me (if I remember).

    I suggest you keep going with Align if you are happy with it. But in addition try restoralax or laxaday.

    (and of course make an apt with your doctor)
  • babyluthi
    babyluthi Posts: 285 Member
    If you up your fiber, you HAVE to move your water intake up also.
    TGIF and happy Friday MFP’ers !!

    I need some advice…Since coming back from Mexico in July, I have had some serious issues going to the bathroom. The only way I can go is if I take senokot laxative. The only time I will take the laxative is after a few days of discomfort, and if no movement has been made all week. Otherwise I try to stay away from any laxative.

    I have tried adding extra fiber with Metamucil, but all that did was make my stomach feel worse and bloated for days. Even though it made me feel worse, I continued for a few weeks in hopes that it would help move things. But it hasn’t.

    I recently (maybe last 3 weeks’ish) started with prune juice, and prunes. I hate that it has such high sugar, but the first week I had them, it helped me go for 2 days in a row which was an amazing feeling. BUT that did not last, and after those two days of washroom visits, I am now back to square one, and all the prunes do now is make me extra bloated with extra smelly gassy’ness. (tmi – worse than protein farts)

    Some history of my background
    - I like to think I eat pretty good (diary is open) with lots of fruits and veggies
    - I work out 5-6 days a week. Currently with Body beast lean week 8 and T25 (resting off of T25 after I injured my knee 2 weeks ago)
    - I drink 12-17 cups of water every day
    - I used to be very regular
    - After splurging a bit on vacay, I cannot seem to lose any weight, or inches since july, and even went up in weight – about 7-10 pounds
    - I eat anywhere from 1500-1950 calories a day
    - I feel bloated, weighted down, and not myself every damn day with no bowel movement

    Has anyone else experienced this.. still experience this.. have any tips to move past this before I make an appointment with my family doctor
  • mkwongh
    mkwongh Posts: 279 Member
    elsyoommen - interesting. thank you for that info. I wasn't sure if you could take both at the same time. I will keep going with Align for the next few weeks, but will look into estoralax (or laxaday) for extra support when needed. I always have issues with traveling, so this is excellent to hear :)

    Babyluthi -- I drink min 12 cups of water a day.. when I increased my fiber i also increased my water intake anywhere up to 19 cups of water a day - that should be plenty of water?
  • mkwongh
    mkwongh Posts: 279 Member
    UPDATE W/ ALIGN- Tomorrow marks one full week using align.

    this week things have started to move a little more regularly. I was able to make small movements 4 out of the last 6 days which makes me very happy. I still feel like something might be blocked, but hopefully with the use of Align, that will pass too.

    I still have pretty foul gassy'ness - but it seems to have gone down a bit this week too. (probably because i have had some success with my BM)

    I will update again in a few days -- If anyone is still interested,
  • theopenforum
    theopenforum Posts: 280 Member
    My weight loss homies are right, talk to a doctor. Fiber, water and a higher carb count aid in easier bowel movement but it sounds like you have tried all 3. The real kicker is the trip to Mexico so I would definitely suggest seeing a Gastroenterologist. I am highly familiar with these kind of issues and my niece has problems like this as well but no advice will be enough at this moment in time.

    Hope that helps,
