Need Strength Training Help

I could really use some help/advise/websites . . .

My exercise has always consisted of walking/jogging. I walk 3-4 miles on an incline 3 to 4 times a week - keeping my heart rate in the cardio zone. This has been effective and I'm seeing steady progress. But, I've ready on many posts here that strength training is really effective and should be included in everyone's fitness schedule. I've googled strength training exercises but I haven't found any helpful sites. They're either pay sites or they list hundreds of possible exercises or they require machines. I'm on a very tight budget and do my workouts at home, not the gym. Does anyone know a website that gives a strength training routine that someone without exercise equipment could follow. I know you don't need a lot of money to focus on strength training, but I'm overwhelmed when I see hundreds of options. I'm looking to add 30 minutes of strength training 3 times a week.

Thanks in advance for any support, ideas, tips, etc.


  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,526 Member
    I've been using Jillian Michael's 30 day shred dvd. It also burns a lot of calories. Costs between 10 and 15 dollars.
  • hpdoxi
    hpdoxi Posts: 32
    If you an invest in either an exercise band or one set of weights (a 5 pound or 10 pound or whatever weight you want) set a pair of dumbbells, I think that would help. I doesn't take much really. I subscribe to the emails from magazines such as Shape, Fitness, etc...and they send all kinds of workout ideas to me in my email for free. I think if you just had a few exercises to start with you could get off the ground. Work your bicepts, tricepts, shoulders, back and then lower body. It doesn't take much you are right, but very overwhelming as there are sooooo many options out there. I have a set of 5 pound and a set of 10 pound weights. I just do 3 sets of 10 of each exercise a couple time a week right now...I am just trying to get conditioned and adding it into my workouts. You can print pictures of moves from the computer and make a notebook of them and then choose a few to do each day. That's pretty basic from me, but I hope it helps!!! :) Keep up the good work!!!
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    I have read on lots of different body building site that you shouldn't add weights etc until you can efficiently lift your own weight. There are tons of exercises you can do using your own weight, push-ups are a great overall chest, upper-back and arm toner. Squats and lunges are great for the legs and butt. I can tell you I have lost so much more, look and feel so much better since adding weight training to my routine. As little as 2-3 times a week can make a huge difference. The more muscle you have the more calories you burn!!! Good luck!!
  • crmartin
    Look up Turbulence Training . . . it's body weight workouts that are really effective. Since the beginning of the year I have done a combination of kickboxing, turbulence training and now doing aerobics along with other exercises and have lost a total of about 65 pounds and I still have yet to go about another 40 and I'll be happy. It's doing different exercises with your own bodyweight. As far as weights . . . a gallon of water weighs more than 8 pounds, use canned foods, push-ups, push a mower, sit ups . . . if you google it i'm sure you'll find different exercises available . . . the core exercises revolve around pushing, pulling and squatting. Think of different things to do and I'm sure you'll get your strength training without spending money. Good Luck!
  • sarahenagy
    sarahenagy Posts: 66 Member
    I really like The Biggest Loser Power Sculpt DVD ($10 at Target) - all you need are 5lb hand weights and your own body weight. Combine it with The Biggest Loser Cardio Max for a great total body workout for a one time $30 investment. Both DVDs also have varying levels.
  • hopewms
    hopewms Posts: 22
    Thanks to all for the great ideas and suggestions. :happy:

    hill242 - thanks so much for those links. That's exactly what I needed: a routine that I don't have to organize, buy equipment for or wonder if its the right sequence. I've already printed it out and am excited to start it tonight!
  • SeanMurphy

    provides info on how to properly do exercises, with emphasis on home workouts. Most of his stuff can be done with basic materials (chinup bar, cheap dumbbells). It's harder to do without ANYTHING, but even then, you can do pushups, pullups, crunches and squats to get a near full-body workout for next to nothing.
  • IngeS18
    IngeS18 Posts: 36
    If you're on a budget I'd suggest using things you already have. Like using a chair to help with squats and steps. Or using a bottle of water as a weight when you train your arms.

    It's very easy to get a work-out going for all major muscle groups. Do planks and different types of sit-ups to train your core. Squats and lunges for your legs; Bicep curls and tricep extensions for your arms and that should cover most major muscles.
    There's plenty of info to be found on the internet. You don't necessarily have to pay for them (at least I don't)!

    Hope this helps! Let me know if you need any other info. Good luck!
  • hill242
    hill242 Posts: 412 Member
    Glad I could help you. is a great resource. I will probably be using these routines myself when I travel next week =)