Skin Changes



  • Margarette
    Margarette Posts: 69 Member
    This may have already been looked into but as i got older i developed a severe allergy to dust and dustmites. My pillows need to be encased or replaced eery few months and mattress the same thing. Also the sheets need to be washed every week to two weeks in hot hot water (we had to adjust our washer to actually reach this hot). I got rashes on me also and if the itching gets worse at night...well that could be a sign its dustmites. I also had to buy an air purifier and dehumidier (humidity helps dust mites to increase). Just thought this might help. Same thing with foods. Please remember allergies change with age. Some people outgrow the allergies and some develop them as they age. Good luck!
  • becomingsara
    Not sure if this fits, but I have psoriasis and if I let sweat (after working out) sit on my skin for ONE SECOND (well maybe not LITERALLY, but you know what I mean :0) it flares up...whatchu tink?
  • cstrong53061
    cstrong53061 Posts: 7 Member
    My skin acts up from too much caffeine or high acid foods as well as perfume in laundry or bath soap.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    lol thanx guys...the dust mite thing scares me...but i'm religious about cleaning my bedding (my fiance sweats profusely) but i'm still giving it an overhaul tonight lol so no more hot showers, no more fun smelling soap, shower as soon as i'm done sweating...those are all really good ideas...i'm also going to stop exfoliating for a bit...i usually only do it on sundays but maybe my skin needs a break...i certainly haven't used anything but water on my face since this rash started...i'm scared to lol
  • herwholejourney
    herwholejourney Posts: 86 Member
    Below is what I think I have - maybe you have it too??

    ps. sorry for this double post - wasn't sure how to reply to someones specific post (now I get get! :o) lol)
  • herwholejourney
    herwholejourney Posts: 86 Member
    This may not be the same thing, but it just might. About a month and a half ago I woke up and had a rash on my hips. That rash spread to cover my entire body for a week. (it was so gross) and it hurt and was red and like raised skin. The rash went away after a week - but since then (for a month and a half now) everytime I scratch my skin at all - I get the lines of the scratch in red on my body in the form of like raised skin and bumps. My skin is super sensitive even the slightest bit of pressure and I will get rash. After googling online I found that this type of skin disorder is common in adults in their 20's and 30's. I always had really good skin - no problems with anything like this before.

    Anyways, I have not yet gone to the doctor to get it checked out, and I have not seen any changes over the last month and a half. But my sister did read a thread on this site of a girl that was going through the same thing. She decided to start eating as 'clean' as possible. (Not eating packaged foods, not eating fast food etc) Eating very healthy and 'clean' and her rashes went away. I haven't tried it yet, because I have boxes full of lean cuisines in the freezer - lol but I may try it if this doesn't go away in another month! You may want to try this.

    EDIT-- sorry just saw that you already are eating 'clean'. I have no ideas then! Let me know if you find a solution! :o)

    Sorry to threadjack (sorta) but I kind of have this same problem! It started about last summer. I'd wake up in the middle of the night SO ITCHY, and would get these horrible rashes/bumpy skin problems. It didn't go away in the winter, but I finally got it slightly under control by using more lotions and keeping cool while I sleep. I figured it was a sweating issue.
    But lately I've noticed my skin is doing the same thing--if I get a scratch, or I just rub it slightly, it gets really red and raised and bumpy. I also have issues with weird itchy spots that raise and get puffy with the slightest touch, and my legs/lower back/chest area still get weird "heat rashes".
    I haven't changed my diet SO much in the last couple of years, so I never thought it was a food issue. Sure I mostly eat fast food and packaged dinners (so I don't eat the "cleanest" at all) but I've never had any sort of weird skin issues till last summer. What was the name of that skin disorder you found? I don't even know of any dermatologists in my area, but maybe I'll try to find one... it really bothers me!

    The skin condition I found when I had googled my symptoms is called dermatographism.

    Here is part of the article that matched everything that was going on with me::::

    "This skin condition is characterized by the appearance of raised patches of skin or welts. What makes this condition unusual in appearance is that the welts are in the pattern of the force applied to the skin.

    For example, if a blunt object is used to write or draw something on the skin simply by the use of pressure, the writing will appear on the surface of the skin as raised letters. If the skin is lightly scratched, the raised areas will be in the pattern of the scratching. Accompanying the raised skin areas is very itchy skin prior to the welts, while the welts are forming, and while the hives or welts are present.

    Other dermatographism symptoms are skin redness and possibly the appearance of small red bumps. Often the individual with dermographism gets up in the morning with red marks all over the face and other body parts. Also, drying off with a towel after bathing can lead to read marks on the skin, especially in the facial area."

    it also said "Dermographism symptoms can appear at any age, but is more common in young adults. Individuals in their 20s or 30s are most often affected."

    So yeah I don't know - I havent been cured yet lol I havent seen a doctor either though.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    No, that's not quite what I have, but my best friend does...i can tell the minute she's been picking her skin because there's huge welts on her face...i had a pee warm shower last night, used fragrance free soap to wash my face, and bought some Oil of Olay sensitive skin, no perfume face is really red and splotchy today but it doesn't feel like hopefully it was just extremely dry skin due to sweating, exfoliating, hot tubs and bad moisturizer...
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    No, that's not quite what I have, but my best friend does...i can tell the minute she's been picking her skin because there's huge welts on her face...i had a pee warm shower last night, used fragrance free soap to wash my face, and bought some Oil of Olay sensitive skin, no perfume face is really red and splotchy today but it doesn't feel like hopefully it was just extremely dry skin due to sweating, exfoliating, hot tubs and bad moisturizer...

    Sounds similiar to something that happened to me years ago. I asked a friend of mine who specializes in "skin treatments". She looked at me and said "You're dehydrated". I began driking more water and Walla... gone.