I don't want to be an obese Bride!

Hey y'all! I thought I had grown to accept my body, well actually no, I decided my body was fine because I was too lazy to change it, that was until my boyfriend became my fiance. Our wedding is six months away and I am hoping to be 30lbs lighter by our wedding day. I never really struggled with my weight, I was a bike messenger in downtown Austin and everyday I got an amazing workout, until I was hit by an SUV, my helmet saved my life (and my face!), six surgeries and 3 years later I have finally gotten the okay from my doctor to start exercising. Aftering a solid year of being bound to a wheelchair or stuck in bed I can do just about anything anyone else can do except my limit is now my weight (and a year of not moving around much). I'm only 4'10 and I weigh 200lbs, before my accident I was 105lbs which according to my doctor she would like to see me at 140 for my particular body.

Most of my friends are bike messengers or bike enthusiasts and are all super fit beautiful modelesque people and I don't have anyone I can really relate to, some friends have offered their support to help me train but most of them want to put me on a bike again. Even coming up to an elliptical bike I go into a severe anxiety attack (you would too if you were in the accident I was in. So I'm looking for some support, I'm new to exercising not on a bike and I have never dieted in my life, if I can make some friends on here to cheer me on and relate I promise to return the favor!


  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    Oh, I feel ya. I was with my fiance for ten years before he proposed when I got knocked up. (And at a very happy weight) (Probably why I got pregnant, lol) Ended up gaining, like 80lbs. Now we have been engaged since 2009 and I won't even PLAN a wedding at the weight I'm at. (215lbs) (or even when I got down to 170 last year) He keeps gettin' on me to just get married already, he doesn't care about my size after being together 15 years. I told him I had to wait ten years for ring...he might have to wait ten years for the wedding! Have a beautiful vintage wedding dress in the closet that doesn't fit though. I can't stand the thought of being a fat bride, the photos capturing that forever and me feeling horrible everytime I look at them ...but I'm on my way to that wedding eventually!

    Good luck to you! May your wedding photos look exactly the way you want them to!
  • stormydestiny
    I too am engaged and scared beyond belief to even try on a wedding dress. i have always had a weight problem but now that im engaged i have become crazy aware of it. to be honest im not even sure they make dresses in my size.in an ideal world i want to lose almost one hundred pounds before my wedding, and because of that we havent set a date. i understand the frustration ladies and trust me i hate it.
  • cppeace
    cppeace Posts: 764 Member
    You can do this! Start walking. Start logging your meals. Measuring and weighing stuff to be accurate.
    Walking, as earlier suggested is low impact and a great beginning exercise. Walk slow and fast for as long as you can. Oh and highly suggest a heart rate monitor.
    Feel free to friend me. You can so get down 30lbs in 6 months.