Needing that Motivation!

CKNT Posts: 5 Member
So I've been battling with my weight for neaaarly two years (been on and off diets and healthy eating so i'm really happy with my weight at the moment).

Just wanted to see if anyone would like to buddy up and we can motivate eachother into keeping fit, doing exercise, and eating a good calorie controlled diet without too much stress!

I guess I'll tell you a bit about what i've started doing, so here:
>My highest weight was 143lbs

>I currently weigh 114/118lbs depending on water retention

>I'm 5"3/5"4

>I've started doing 100 squats, crunches and leg raises a day

>Gym for cardiovascular workouts 3 times a week (roughly 30 mins a time because im a bit lazy and get bored)

>I decided to start keeping fit again last week as I have a prom coming up in June

>I'm not really big so I don't want to offend people, I just want to tone up the skin where I have lost the weight (just incase anyone gets offended that I'm trying to keep fit..)

I think it's always beneficial to motivate and support, as well as get motivated and be supported! Its good to get reassurance from people and so I'd be delighted to be a buddy on this ^_^


  • jecalloway91
    Hello! I am also looking for someone that can help me stay motivated.. I've struggle with weight most if my life and i am ready for a change!! Im not as petite as you are but i am aiming to be.

    A little about myself i am at my heaviest weight of 220lbs

    I'm hoping to get down to 160lbs

    I'm 5'0

    I've been on my weight loss journey about a week also.

    I started off with with a squat and crunches challenge which last 30 days.

    But now I've started doing at home exercise(about 20 min a day)

    -jogging, running stairs, sit ups, push ups, jumping jacks, ect.
  • jon201983
    jon201983 Posts: 20 Member
    if your still looking for someone to help motivate and some positiveness, add me