18 Ways to Build Muscle All Day

Just want to see what the good people at MFP will have to say about this Yahoo! article.

Sure, you want a broader chest and abs that whistle in the wind. Biceps that bulge through your shirtsleeves would be nice too. But these aren't the only reasons you hit the gym. You also work out to burn off the jelly doughnut you had for breakfast (and to guard against tomorrow's cruller). You might even believe that an hour of pushing weights makes up for eight spent sitting at a desk. And as long as you don't miss that hour each day, you will build a body that makes the doe-eyed barista downstairs take notice.

The reality: The rest of your day is just as important for building muscle. "The point of working out is to force your body to adapt," says Joe Dowdell, C.S.C.S., CEO of Peak Performance in New York City. "But those adaptations don't occur in the gym -- they occur during all the hours you're not there." Build muscle on the 24-7 plan with these 18 tips.

Continued in the article.


  • Shawshankcan
    Shawshankcan Posts: 900 Member
    Better than what I thought it would be. Really, it does become a life style and that is what the article is trying to get at.
  • FP4HSharon
    FP4HSharon Posts: 664 Member
    I thought it was going to be more about how to get some exercise in throughout the day...for example, when I'm at home, I wear 5 lb ankle weights on each ankle, to work those muscles as I do stuff around the house. I take stairs instead of the elevator in any building I go to. Put a rubber band around one wrist to remind me to constantly be sitting/standing straight & pulling my waist/abdominals in. I try not to sit down at home unless it's for a family meal. Any other ideas like that?
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I want my money back. I fully clicked on that link expecting it to be terrible advice that i could lampoon and post stooopid gifs about. but noooooo, it was perfectly reasonable stuff.

    now what am i gonna do with all these damn gifs?
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    I want my money back. I fully clicked on that link expecting it to be terrible advice that i could lampoon and post stooopid gifs about. but noooooo, it was perfectly reasonable stuff.

    now what am i gonna do with all these damn gifs?

    There there, buddy. There will be other derp threads, I promise.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    wait...a post that was good?

    I sense a disturbance in the force.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    I want my money back. I fully clicked on that link expecting it to be terrible advice that i could lampoon and post stooopid gifs about. but noooooo, it was perfectly reasonable stuff.

    now what am i gonna do with all these damn gifs?

    There there, buddy. There will be other derp threads, I promise.

  • Skrib69
    Skrib69 Posts: 687 Member
    Amazing! Something sensible! Not what I was expecting at all!
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Tip 10 especially resonates with me. My hip flexors are always really tight when I go to squat.
  • Nataliaho
    Nataliaho Posts: 878 Member
    Surprisingly a pretty reasonable article, although I am dubious about #1, drinking water increases metabolism by 30%... really? Maybe if you currently never drink anything at all but for most people I doubt extra H2O will have that much impact (though obviously very good for you).
  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member
    LMFAO @ #8...

    i better turn up my thermostat.. the conditions here are grossly catabolic

    "If you don't take the time to work your hips, ankles, and glutes throughout the day, you'll be too tight to lift properly when you eventually hit the gym,"

    ummm, no

    I'm curious about number 12.... skip pain killer.... anyone got a good article on this?

    "Knocking back 40 grams of protein before bed can boost muscle growth while you sleep by 23 percent"

    why 40? why right before bed?
  • JorisSt
    JorisSt Posts: 36
    After a high peak performance at the Gym its important that you dont eat carbohydrates. The have a negative effect on growth hormones and they block your muscle growth.
    Its important indeed to eat alot of proteins and carbohydrates and fat but not directly after a workout.
    All little things help :)

    Joris St.
  • HelloDan
    HelloDan Posts: 712 Member
    LMFAO @ #8...

    i better turn up my thermostat.. the conditions here are grossly catabolic

    "If you don't take the time to work your hips, ankles, and glutes throughout the day, you'll be too tight to lift properly when you eventually hit the gym,"

    ummm, no

    I'm curious about number 12.... skip pain killer.... anyone got a good article on this?

    "Knocking back 40 grams of protein before bed can boost muscle growth while you sleep by 23 percent"

    why 40? why right before bed?

    Why do you disagree about the mobility?

    Not an article, but by painkillers it is referring to NSAIDs, in which case by reducing inflammation, you're going to reduce bloodflow, and so reduce the delivery of substances required for growth and repair. As for the gastro-intestinal effects, they're widely known, and not disputed, you should be able to find loads of studies confirming.
  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member

    "If you don't take the time to work your hips, ankles, and glutes throughout the day, you'll be too tight to lift properly when you eventually hit the gym,"

    Why do you disagree about the mobility?


    stretching, mobility drills, and foam rolling are great... i just dont think you need to stretch all day before going to the gym.....I wont be too tight to lift, as suggested... Even coming back from a hiatus, with heavy "doms", its still never been necessary... this is my personal experience... mind you, i do warmup and do mobility drills every time I go in to lift... I just dont to it hours ahead
  • addysolari
    addysolari Posts: 181 Member
    Bump for later
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    I am confused as whey you would want to burn more cals to gain muscle, or not take in higher cals drinks. This article seemed more focused on health and fitness, not muscle building.
  • HelloDan
    HelloDan Posts: 712 Member
    stretching, mobility drills, and foam rolling are great... i just dont think you need to stretch all day before going to the gym.....I wont be too tight to lift, as suggested... Even coming back from a hiatus, with heavy "doms", its still never been necessary... this is my personal experience... mind you, i do warmup and do mobility drills every time I go in to lift... I just dont to it hours ahead

    In that sense, I don't think you need to do anything particularly special, but you do need to move, rather than be rooted to your desk. Obviously depends on training too, a snatch is going to have different demands from a hamstring curl.
  • jovalleau
    jovalleau Posts: 127 Member
    Hah, great responses all.

    I read the article on Yahoo!, and it seemed legit, but then I realized it was a Yahoo! article so it had to be full of misinformation, hehe.
  • PeterCohenUK
    Great article! I guess that's just some suggestions and I really doubt anyone will follow all of them day in and day out, lol. Nonetheless I agree with most of the suggestions especially the exercise part. To me, to build muscle, ones must exercise and no other alternative if you expect long term result. Diet, cardio and weight training are the 3 in 1 to achieve fitness and muscle building, and the magic spell is will power. I used to be a 220 pounder and tried everything under the sun in order to get into shape but only to my deepest disappointment. I thought that's it, I have to live with how I looked, until my friend recommended me with this website and I just follow it for 2 months to shed away belly fat and build muscle. This is the website that I mentioned above, check it out: