HELP....I need to find a way to drink more water



  • Healthy_Hunnie
    Healthy_Hunnie Posts: 60 Member
    If you want to drink more water then drink more water. It's a conscious decision. No trick, just pick up a water bottle, carry it with you and drink. That said you only need to drink enough of anything for your urine to be pale yellow. Tea, coffee, juices, milk, soup, food are all fluids that hydrate. You obviously haven't died yet so you've been getting enough hydration somewhere. Water won't make you not be hungry if you really are hungry.

    Edit: Just checked your diary. An adult male should be consuming at least 1800 calories a day just to maintain health so with your budget set at 1300 you probably really are hungry, not just needing a drink.

    He said he is NETTING 1300 cals/day which means he is eating more than that per day. Hes earning calories from his work outs allowing him to probably eat 2000+ cals a day
  • JDubIsShrinking
    JDubIsShrinking Posts: 207 Member
    I have a 32oz Nalgene bottle that has become my best friend. My goal is to drink 2 of them, but I usually surpass. If it's there, I drink it. If not, I always forget.
  • Mborroto25
    Mborroto25 Posts: 79 Member
    I used to HATE drinking water, but here is how I have gotten to like it.

    I realized, I don't like drinking out of a glass or through a straw. I make sure to drink bottles of water. I also purchase the crystal light mini packs that are meant to be used with bottles of water. I end up drinking tons at work without even thinking about it.
  • Losingthedamnweight
    Losingthedamnweight Posts: 535 Member
    First of all...crystal light and mio are huge motivators for me to drink more water. The only time i ever like drinking plain water seems to be when i'm hugely thirsty after a run or workout and need fluids stat! Otherwise, i flavor my water with whatever i'm in the mood for. Tea, strawberry lemonade, lemonade. Drinking plain water all the time is so...plain.
    1300 net calorie daily intake.

    I hate to jump on you and generalize because i know how annoying it can be to have yet another fitness paller jump in with their judgement, but wtf are you doing netting 1300 cals as a fully grown male?! Are you 3 feet tall and sedentary?! Feed your body before you get sick of starving and binge on twinkies! Why twinkles? Because they were sent from hell to tempt us with their delicious yellow sponges of death for moments just like THAT!

    And as science shows, we get a lot of our water from the foods we eat. So unless you're eating super juicy foods like fruits and veggies all the time, you're missing out on extra water from just eating alone. Eat more, add flavoring to your water and declare a twinkie day once a week. That is all. Beam me up scotty, i'm out
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I'm like you and this is what works for me: make a conscious decision to drink more water. Fill up glass, drink it, rinse and repeat. No magic tricks. Oh and do it before your meals before you're full.
  • Amcolecchi
    Amcolecchi Posts: 260 Member
    Bring a water bottle/jug everywhere you go...make and alarm on your phone for every 30 min to take some water...whatever you need to do because 2-3 cups is not enough!!
  • What I did was everytime I went to drink my favorite drink I drank water instead at first I flavored it with those drops like mio and crystal light. Just a drop or two now I just drink water. Mind over mater :-)
  • SnowWhiteFanatic
    SnowWhiteFanatic Posts: 129 Member
    I use mio which is fantastic. No calories and no sugar. I drink tons of water during the day because it's flavored. I also love ice water. I drink a lot that. The colder the water the better. I am always adding ice. I can thank disney world for that because 2 years ago that is how I got addicted to ice water. Unbearable heat!!!
  • Healthy_Hunnie
    Healthy_Hunnie Posts: 60 Member
    Feed your body before you get sick of starving and binge on twinkies! Why twinkles? Because they were sent from hell to tempt us with their delicious yellow sponges of death for moments just like THAT!

    lol this just made my morning :happy:
  • Words, so many of them, so I didn't read others responses, but here is what has helped my boyfriend and I. We drink a carbonated water that is sugar, artificial sweeterner and sodium free. Brand name is La Croix and comes in several flavors. We like it so much we decided to go the next step up and bought a Soda Stream. It makes the tap water less boring (it's amazing how much more water we drink, even unflavored) but usually we add a tablespoon or two of unsweetened fruit juice or most of the time I just as a sprig of mint or a slice of ginger or cucumber or a small squirt of lime juice. None of these add enough calories to worry about. We think its the bubbles that makes us want to keep on drinking it. Bonus - having burping contests from all the extra bubbles in your belly!
  • gdrmuzak
    gdrmuzak Posts: 103 Member
    Get into a regiment/schedule of drinking water so it becomes habitual and done without thinking.

    - Many recommend when you first get up to help your organs start to function...I drink 16oz before leaving the house in the AM.
    - Drink a glass before eating a meal. (helps as an appetite suppressant)
    - Drink more during meals.
    - Keep a bottle or cup at your employment and drink 8-16oz in the morning & afternoon/between the meals.
    - Drink 8oz of water 30-60 minutes before bed to rehydrate and flush the system. (it also helps slumber)

    I keep flavor packets/liquid to add to the water when I get bored…some taste better when it's cold water.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    I have to agree that, as an adult male looking to lose about 25-30 pounds, 1300 calories (even as a net) is pretty low. As a 5 foot tall woman, I often net more than that. That could definitely be a reason why you always feel hungry … you need to eat more! If you jumped in and set your loss goal at 2 pounds per week, you're probably being too aggressive. 1/2 to 1 pounds a week would be more ideal; it would help you feel more satisfied and help reduce the amount of LBM you lose.

    That said, it is important to drink enough water. 8 cups a day is a good guideline, but remember, you can count other fluid too (just make sure to account for any calories … so water is often the best option because it has no calories!) If your urine is dark yellow, you need more fluid. Lighter yellow to clear indicates you're doing pretty well (assuming there are no kidney issues!)

    I agree with many other posters that carrying a water bottle around helps me. Even at home, if I keep my bottle nearby, I tend to drink about twice as much water as if I don't bother with the bottle. I use a large (28-32 oz) bottle so I only have to fill it twice in the day. Ice helps, and sometimes I use a Crystal Light to-go pack (or generic) … it's "meant" for a 16 oz bottle, so it's more dilute but I like it that way.
  • BenjaminMFP88
    BenjaminMFP88 Posts: 660 Member
    Check out the link below, it provided me with the insight to fuel self motivation to drink plenty of water every day!
  • Losingthedamnweight
    Losingthedamnweight Posts: 535 Member
    If you want to drink more water then drink more water. It's a conscious decision. No trick, just pick up a water bottle, carry it with you and drink. That said you only need to drink enough of anything for your urine to be pale yellow. Tea, coffee, juices, milk, soup, food are all fluids that hydrate. You obviously haven't died yet so you've been getting enough hydration somewhere. Water won't make you not be hungry if you really are hungry.

    Edit: Just checked your diary. An adult male should be consuming at least 1800 calories a day just to maintain health so with your budget set at 1300 you probably really are hungry, not just needing a drink.

    He said he is NETTING 1300 cals/day which means he is eating more than that per day. Hes earning calories from his work outs allowing him to probably eat 2000+ cals a day

    You do realize that netting and eating very low, in this context, is totally worth the concern right? If he was eating 2000 calories, but working out like a body builder and only netting 100 calories a day, you would think that was cause for concern right? Fuel for your workouts, fuel for your body, fuel for living. You don't just fuel your exercise, you gotta fuel your body to LIVE.

    But really...i don't usually feel comfortable jumping on people about things like this. It's their body and they can do whatever they want. I was just in a sassy mood and thought i'd mention the low calorie stuff. Only cause i care, homie
  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member
    I find I drink more water when I open my mouth, put the water in, and then swallow it.

    That being said, it looks like you have had a lot of decent advice already.

    For me, I drink most of my water when I work out. I lose a lot then, and my body is craving the replenishment. I have never been a huge water drinker, and it is hard for me to choke it down. I find I do better when I use the water bottles that have the straw like tops, when the water is ice cold.

    Also, it really helps when I add some flavoring to it. I use drop ins, or the squirt ins at half strength or less. I lke to put just enough in to flavor it a but so there is some taste to it. At restaurant's I always ask for my water with a lemon or a lime wedge. I squeeze the thing dry and stir it with the straw, and it's a bit more tolerable for me.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Do you wake up thirsty at night?

    If not, you're probably getting enough hydration. Water has never helped me not feel hungry.