The 17 Day Diet



  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    I didn't try the diet, mostly cause the foods didn't sound very appetizing. I loved the 17 day workout though and that helped me lose some weight.

    My sister and grandma tried the diet part and said that after 3 days they were beyond starving! My sister was begging my grandma to cook her some actual food.

    You have to eat A LOT of the foods in cycle one or you will be starving. The first 3-5 days are the hardest. You are adjusting to eating differently then you are used to eating. It's very clean and very low calorie foods. So you have to eat a lot. My plates overflow with food. I have to use the bigger plates, instead of the smaller one I usually eat off of. It gets better after the 1st week. Once your body stops craving sugar and carbs, it normalizes and that stuff goes away. Once you start realizing that you need to eat *more* and do so, you are full all the time. You cant' follow the suggested meal plan in the book, it's too low calorie. but stir fry, salads, Spanish eggs, snickerdoodle pudding, Baked or pan seared fish!!!! YUM!! Vegetable soup! Chicken salad! Protein cake!! Tuna melts!! Egg roll ups!! There are so many options! The first 3-5 days suck, but after that it gets much much better!
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member

    Nope, calories in vs calories out for weight loss.

    If a person eats pizza, ice cream, bacon, etc....and stays in a deficit. They'll lose weight.


    I didn't say eating 1 of those foods sometimes will make you gain. If you ate all that type of food everyday you'd be hard pressed to stay in a calorie deficit, Which is why I say you'd probably gain. Esp since most of them aren't filling. I used to eat a lot more of those foods and was always hungry. If you're not good for you. Different people, different needs. Without exercise I have a very small range to go from eating at deficit to over eating. 1 of those things would put me over or if I 'fit it in" i'd be starving as i'd have to skip real good filling foods from another meal. I'm glad that wouldn't be the case for you.

    As the poster above said. It's hard to exercise on this plan. You either have to cut back the exercise or modify the plan to accommodate for it. I chose option B, after trying option A and not being happy with it. I need to exercise. Exercise makes me happy.

    I love this plan. It gave me somewhere to start and gave me the kick in the pants I needed to get back to eating healthy. It's not for everyone and it's only going to work if you can stick with what it teaches and keep yourself in check when you do want or do eat ice cream and pizza.

    I also love all the new foods and recipes I get to try!! I'm excited to get to the next cycle!!

    I dunno...
    Ask anyone (like me) that regularly eats ice cream, pizza, and bacon every other day, and I think I get filled up pretty fast! So much so that if I have all that in one sitting, it's not likely I'll need to eat again the rest of the day. :-D
    And who wants to keep themselves in check when they want ice cream? That sounds like hell.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    I make my own ice cream if I want it. :~)

    and pudding..
    and pizza

    and i'm glad it fills you. Pizza tastes good, but it makes my tummy hurt and i'm always hungry not long after. Although when I go visit where i grew up. I always get 1 slice at the boardwalk. There is just some things you have to put yourself through. :~p

    Different strokes for different folks.

    Also, you can have bacon on this plan. Just not in the beginning.
  • featherbrained
    featherbrained Posts: 155 Member
    Foods like ice cream and pizza and stuff are awesome. However, I can consume more than I should, and they actually burn off quicker for me, so I need to eat again in a couple of hours, and if that's the coaster I'm on, I'm likely going to choose something equally fatty and tasty and not a piece of fruit - And here we are 300lbs.


    Yes, I enjoy those foods every week. For a MEAL. The rest of the time I eat foods that sustain me for longer and provide the energy I need to do what I need to do. Foods that don't send me into that cycle of cravings that got me here in the first place. If I had a good relationship with yummy pizza, I think this would be a non-issue! :)

    Yes, I did try the 17 day diet. I lost 17lbs in 17 days. (I did not say 17lbs of fat - quiet from the peanut gallery!) For me personally, it was not sustainable, but I didn't see anything wrong with it in and of itself. I'm so happy its working for you! Keep us updated on your progress, will you?
  • JessG11
    JessG11 Posts: 345 Member
    One thing that appealed to me about this diet was it's focus on helping cutting sugars/carbs and getting your digestive track working properly. I've known people, myself included, who have used this plan to help with their digestive health. Unfortunately for myself, it's yogurt heavy and I am lactose intolerant so it made things worse for me. And with such restrictions in the beginning, I couldn't do it.

    But I know a lot of people who have been successful with it. I lost weight and yes I gained it back. I don't blame this eating plan, I blame the fact I went back to eating horribly and not working out. I know there are lots of gimmicks, and I'm sure a lot of people on here have tried them all, but this never really hit me as a gimmick. It's more of a "how I should eat plan" is restrictive, but some people function better with restrictions and some don't. If it's working for you and you are learning from it and forming good eating habits then good luck to you!
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    I was thinking.. if I came on here and said here is my meal plan for today: (which this is my meal plan for today lol)

    Breakfast: Overnight oats/coffee
    Snack: protein shake made with grapes and keifer
    Lunch: Italian spaghetti squash, chicken and a protein cake with strawberry jam topping and tea
    Snack: 2 hard boiled eggs
    Dinner: Salad with Taco soup on a bed of cloeslaw, sauerkraut, tea
    Snack: Tea and undetermined snack (probably snickerdoodle pudding or dark chocolate square)
    Water: 12 glasses (i'm already at 6 lol)
    Exercise: Combat class/heavy lifting day

    =1600 calories

    Everyone would tell me it's a great plan, good choices etc..

    As soon as I say it's C2 17 day diet complaint.. i'd get a lot of negative feedback.

    I don't really see what is difference is. It simply gives you a plan to follow to adjust your choices and to learn to make healthier ones. It gives you a pathway to get to those choices and takes the guesses out of it. After the 3rd cycle it's anything goes. You can eat *any food you want* the theory being at that point you will have learned to eat better and make better choices and to indulge in moderation. If you haven't that's not the books fault, it's yours.

    It i sorta of the IIFYM ideology, but it give you a path to learn how to live that, rather then just saying.. well i guess i can have this *insert food here* and then winging it. It teaches you healthy food choices, healthy recipes and if you follow it properly you have to adjust your thinking and your lifestyle in order to make these choices. If you don't nothing will work anyway.

    The book itself doesn't advocate tracking your calories (unless i missed in for C3 or C4 haven't read those two as in depth as c1 and c2 yet) which is the one thing I do not like. It's hard to eat enough on this diet. You need to know where you are so you can adjust properly. It's also easy to not get enough protein or too many carbs. and as you progress it's easier to over eat. You need to know where you are and what you are eating. It's the one thing I would change.

    Poster above me: there is a modification list for those with allergies and intolerance. There should be substitutes for lactose intolerant diet. There is even modification for TOM and various cultural food differences.
  • 0khawkins
    0khawkins Posts: 30 Member
    2 positive things about this program 1. I'm not hungry 2. I dont have any sugar or junk food cravings.
  • Sovictorrious
    Sovictorrious Posts: 770 Member
    No thanks. I'm planning to live longer than 17 days.

    Always planning for the future. Live for today they say!
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    2 positive things about this program 1. I'm not hungry 2. I dont have any sugar or junk food cravings.

    I only hae about 20 or 25 pounds to lose when I started and I've lost 13 so far.. just starting C3D1 today. I fell off the wagon a few days and I don't follow it strictly because of my exercise. So i'm sure you'll do great! Yes I love that it pretty much annihilates the junk food/sugar cravings and i'm never hungry either.. well this second I am.. but I just woke up. It's breakfast time. lol
  • 0khawkins
    0khawkins Posts: 30 Member
    Congratulations Confuzzled4ever on your success and good luck on cycle 3!
  • imaccountable4me
    imaccountable4me Posts: 10 Member
    I followed the first 2 cycles and then moved on to using MFP and counting calories. I found this was a great way to build discipline in my food choices and develop some healthy eating habits. I also learned a few valuable lessons during my time following this food plan. 1. I can eat plain greek yogurt with my own additions of fruit of sugar free jam and greatly control the amount of sugar I eat without giving up taste. 2. My cravings for high sugar and highly processed junk food virtually went away once I got in the habit of eating real food and 3. I can fix a healthy dinner within a 1/2 hour without using processed foods or pre-made meals. I think this plan is a good kick start if you truly follow it. Just like any other food plan is you only follow the portions that are comfortable you will have limited success. It was the determination to make it through these 2 cycles exactly as outlined that set me up for future success. It got to be a little bit of a joke between my husband and I when he would ask me when we could have this food or that and I'd say day 35. We got to the point that every meal we would just laugh and say come on day 35! Good luck to you in whatever path you follow to becoming a healthier you.
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    Nothing wrong with eating nutritionally dense foods and minimizng processed foods... however, the diet itself has a bunch of broscience built in. Here's a couple of rips from WebMD of it being reviewed. Dr. Moreno's quotes mind you....

    "Cycle 2 “causes calorie confusion, resets your metabolism by increasing and decreasing calorie intake to stimulate fat burning and prevent plateaus," Moreno writes in the 17 Day Diet." - LOL

    "No fruit after 2 p.m. is a red-flag tip that Moreno explains is because “it is harder to burn off these calories and they might get stored as fat." Diet and nutrition experts say what matters is the total number of calories consumed, not the time of day or type of food." - As if this hasn't been debunked numerous times...