Increased aggresion

Alright dudes! I have been getting increasingly aggressive here recently. Don't know if its the increase of testosterone or what. Wondering if any of you fellas can tell me how to cope with this. I feel perturbed all day and its annoying. See Im angry typing this out... Thanks in advance!


  • xarrium
    xarrium Posts: 432 Member
    Bump! Hopefully the advice isn't just helpful for the guys!
  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
    testosterone will do it.
  • Annista
    Annista Posts: 59 Member
    Hi, Im not a dude but I do know that that the more weightlifting you do, the more testosterone your body produces. I would look at anything you may be taking in, like anything to help with endurance and muscle gain, when I use that stuff it makes me aggressive and anxious. If not anything like that I don't know.....Hope you feel better
  • msemejuru
    msemejuru Posts: 229
    Switch your meats to organics. I've heard that the growth hormones etc. in red meat especially can cause agression problems.
  • TK266
    TK266 Posts: 3,689 Member
    kickboxing, grappeling (ie an MMA workout). Seem to keep my aggressive side in check. working out by beating and being beaten by your freinds works wonders.
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    Yea I take a lot of muscle builders and NOX pills. I guess thats the reason? I also noticed I now have to shave my face more often. I have a baby face and facial usually never grows, but now I have to shave everyday and Im not used to it. I also dont eat meat. So thats out of the question. It just seems like im on a short fuse.
  • megsta21
    megsta21 Posts: 506 Member
    I was getting a bit depressed and aggressive a while ago... my sister (a Naturopath) put me on St Johns Wort.... Its a natural Happy pill!! I loved it!!!

    Since then I went off it and was only taking vitamin B supplements (also natural happy pills just not as strong) and now im not on anything....

    I dont know if this would help... but yeah.... helped me return to an even keel...
  • TK266
    TK266 Posts: 3,689 Member
    could be your body needing more/different/better fuel. I know when I don't eat enough cal, my fuse get a lot shorter.
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    Its like I wanna punch everyone I see. I am definately not on roids or anything. But my strength has really launced like a rocket flying in to outer space. My clothes are really loose and I weigh the same. I didn't believe it was the hellacious increase in muscle mass. I have done 1 round of Power 90 and P90X. I am now on another round of P90X. I eat all organic foods and I stay away from meat like the plague. I was vegan but now im more of a vegetarian.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    So what changed to become more aggressive? Stress in other parts of life? That time of the month? :P j/k
  • brewer_gal
    Hey there, I'm a licensed therapist professionally (SO SORRY FOR THE LONG ANSWER) and I work with a population of men that I often see for irritability, anxiety, etc (soldiers to be specific). I'd recommend having a professional measure your testosterone, glucose and other hormonal levels, including thyroid, especially given your change in lifestyle, body mass, list of complaints, etc. Your complaints are consistent with any number of imbalances in those areas, or could be from lifestyle. Simple blood work. I'd also encourage you to explore personal expectations and standards for yourself (are they realistic, too high?) and think about the degree to which you are trying to control things. People in rigid diet, exercise, work, etc. routines often become slaves to those rituals, develop overwhelming need to continue to control, and can therefore become easily annoyed when unable to maintain the routines. My lil 2 cents, all about balance!
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    @brewer_gal, yea my change in lifestyle was hard and fast. I changed everything I was doing. Sedentary is a thing of the past. It may as well be caused from stress. But a little introspective reflection may take care of that for me. Thanks everyone!
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    @brewer_gal, yea my change in lifestyle was hard and fast. I changed everything I was doing. Sedentary is a thing of the past. It may as well be caused from stress. But a little introspective reflection may take care of that for me. Thanks everyone!

    Bust a 'Nut' or a few :laugh: j/k But not a bad idea. :wink:

    Best of Luck :flowerforyou:
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Yea I take a lot of muscle builders and NOX pills. I guess thats the reason? I also noticed I now have to shave my face more often. I have a baby face and facial usually never grows, but now I have to shave everyday and Im not used to it. I also dont eat meat. So thats out of the question. It just seems like im on a short fuse.

    This is the reason. If you're taking NO or andro it will increase you aggression. You may want to cycle off of it for a bit. Ya don't want to do any road rage and all.
  • rolandhulme
    rolandhulme Posts: 148 Member
    As I've been launching into weight training, I've DEFINITELY noticed this, and my libido kicking up. I'm a fairly placid guy, though, so just use some meditation and relaxation tricks to cool the tension off and throw my aggression into my lifting instead. The libido thing my wife is very happy about!
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    I noticed that when I went on a very low carb diet that I had increased aggresion. I also noticed years ago when I tried a chromium picolinate suppliment that I had a very very short fuse on my temper. Normaly I am a very laid back easy going type of person, but these two instances I distinctly remember the huge difference, and so did my co workers! Someone suggested that it had something to do with the sugar/insulin reaction.

    ** Same thing happens to women going into menopause...the decrease of female hormones causes an imbalance with the testosterone, and the testosterone wins causing the stereo-typical "menopausal woman rage" and excess hair growth. Probably is the testosterone getting you.

    Good Luck!
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    Yea my libido is insane! And im angry to boot! I'm either horny or mad at all times... It's very frustrating.
  • whyflysouth
    whyflysouth Posts: 308 Member
    How long you been on the NOX? If it's been weeks, it might be time to lay off that stuff for an equal amount of time. It gives good pumps, allot of energy, but honestly you don't want to become dependent (psychologically, not physically of course). It's part of the new trend of supps and those things usually have allot of caffeine and I don't know what else to get you stimulated. I've started on some stuff and while it helps me focus in the gym, I take less than what is recommended and I've got mixed feelings about the whole thing tbh. Creatine's been around and in use for a long enough period for me to see it is effective and has no adverse effects, but this NO stuff is relatively new and one should approach it with caution.

    The testosterone should increase the libido, that's true, the aggression, I'm not so sure about. It should be making you feel "peppy", like a bullet, but not pissed off. That's why I think that aggression may be more from something you're taking.
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    Welome to puberty :laugh: JK anyway testosterone can make you aggressive but I would listent to some of the other posters and look into all of your supplements, the two you mentioned may actually cancel each others effectiveness out, if there is any true effectiveness at all (NOX has really bad reviews). Not too mention the possible side effects of taking the two together can be headaches, lack of sleep and diahrea..........just saying.

    Just try not to hulk out on anyone and you should be fine :wink: