Protein Shakes For Weight Loss...Not Muscle Gain

GoodBye_Fatty Posts: 40 Member
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
I have been trying to find a shake that helps WEIGHT LOSS. Only thing I could find was Slim Fast. I began searching again because I wanted something with less sugar and carbs and more protein.

So I began looking at Pure Protein. Tried their bar today and it was a little too thick for my taste. I would really like to try the shakes. I told my co-worker about it but he said I shouldnt have tooo much protein (Shakes. And he mentioned Muscle Milk as well) because I then will have to work out more to get the protein off (If this makes any sense). Which I am working out 6 days a week.

Basically, Im not trying to gain any muscle at this point. I want to lose 80lbs and once thats gone I can think about gaining muscle (Im sure I would gain some by working out but thats not my GOAL...WEIGHT LOSS IS. If I gain in the process...great!)

What Im confused about is what is a GREAT shake for a MEAL REPLACEMENT that will help weight loss. Slim Fast has been doing it for me and I am losing weight and I would love to stick with it if I cant find anything else better.

Are the protein shakes for only gaining muscle mass?

I know there is a HUGE controversy with SF but if you look at my food dairies I have 2 meal bars for B & 3 snacks and my 500 (Or less) cal dinner. And still stay under my 1200/day.

I just want to make sure Im doing everything I can do correct with losing weight and if there is something better out there I def want to try it...

Thanks MFP Fam


  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
    I just use whey powder and add it to food and drinks. great way to add that extra protien.
  • outlanderlg
    outlanderlg Posts: 1 Member
    Whey Sensation is a good option - very low carb and high in protein. They don't taste too bad either!
  • I lost 100 lbs using the slim fast plan before having my son, I was keeping it off easily too (with 1-2 shakes a day, 3 snacks, sensible dinner and about 20 minutes of exercise a day) until I got pregnant and threw everything I'd learned out the window (which I think I would have done with any plan as I was in the whole bad mindset of "eating for 2" -- 2 elephants lol). So, just wanted to share that slim fast isn't exactly evil :)

    There are a few that I love - I like chocolate protein -- it's sugar free and 150 calories for 2 scoops. I mix it with water, frozen fruit and spinach. I also like most chocolate whey powders and some mix with just a spoon which is handy. I usually go by whichever is on sale because I'm a very tight food budget (another reason why slim fast always seemed to work well for me, it was the cheapest).
  • smitty328
    smitty328 Posts: 164 Member
    Whey is what I have...not to bad in taste either!! Cheers.
  • GoodBye_Fatty
    GoodBye_Fatty Posts: 40 Member
    Thank You, Brenda. Are you still doing the SF Plan?
  • GoodBye_Fatty
    GoodBye_Fatty Posts: 40 Member
    LOL Before anyone else reply I am basically asking does PROTEIN DRINKS help with WEIGHT LOSS or just MUSCLE GAIN??

    If it doesnt help with weight loss, I will just stick with Slim Fast....

    I see people are giving me tips on the drinks they like and not really answeing my
  • I use Shakeology it's wonderful. If you're interested I can tell you more.
  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    A friend used Delicious Dream Protein powder and gave me a little in the container to try. It is 86 calories; less than one sugar, low sodium, 20 g of protein. It says Doctors for Nutrition on it - no artifical sweeteners too. She gave me Creamy French Vanilla and I tried once - it's good! I get tons of protein from my meals - always over - so I do not really need a protein shake but for once in awhile. Not sure where she got it but I just did a search and found at Amazon and :

    Just read your new post and it does if you are not getting enough protein!
  • sent you a message about 10 minutes ago about the shakeology, it really is the healthiest option
  • GoodBye_Fatty
    GoodBye_Fatty Posts: 40 Member
    4lafz , I am ALWAYS over my protein thats long as Im over Im getting all the protein I need?
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    I take Visalus. A shake for breakfast and lunch, it's full of protein and vitamins, it's really good for you. Check out the video, it explains how nutritious it is in more detail :bigsmile:
    And yes, protein does help with weight loss, it makes a huge difference. Hope this helps.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    Why am I getting the impression that this site is becoming overrun by beachbody spam?
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    Protein has some specific benefits for weight loss--it promotes satiety, it can help conserve lean mass during weight loss, and it has a mild thermogenic effect.

    It is not magic, it can come from a variety of sources, and it needs to be kept in proportion.

    Most of the research I have read suggests that a modest increase over the RDA for protein has a beneficial effect, roughly 1g per kilogram of body weight. It doesn't really have to be precise. I also read a study that suggested that females who ingested 100g of protein, regardless of body weight, lost more weight that others eating less.

    In my personal journey, I lost 60lbs and never ate more than .8-.9g per kg of my target body weight per day (actually, it was more like .7g of my actual weight when losing), and never went above 20% of total calories from protein (I also had no problems conserving lean mass or increasing strength levels).

    You can get your protein from food sources. Some people prefer shakes or bars because they provide a convenient and concentrated form of protein. They also are usually more expensive. I personally think that they have a placebo effect for most people (the shakes and bars, as opposed to just eating food), but that's just an opinion.

    As others have said, watch out for shakes or bars that contain a lot of sugar or fat as well. And keep in mind that, for most people, it is the amount of protein that's important, not necessarily the source.
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    Why am I getting the impression that this site is becoming overrun by beachbody spam?

    hmmm, beachbody spam sure sounds nicer than the beachbody green shake looks!

    Back to OP, if slimfast is working for you and you tend to go over on proteins anyway I would avoid protein shakes and stick with slimfast or try some of the pharmacy own brands to mix it up a little. Of course there is shakeology but it comes in pretty expensive, according to their site its $4 a day based on one shake a day...youch!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Why am I getting the impression that this site is becoming overrun by beachbody spam?

    Was thinking the same.

    To lose weight, calories consumed must be less than total energy expenditure. Simple as that. If you want to get all your energy from shakes only then you could. Remember, there are other things to factor in to creating a healthy diet like the micronutrients (not just the macronutrients) which is why it is better to consume real food.

    In saying that, whey protein has it's place (post workout) but living off these drinks is not a good idea IMO.
  • **Why am I getting the impression that this site is becoming overrun by beachbody spam? **

    I'm another one who wonders this, too.
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    I have a friend that lost 40 pounds using Naturaid Total Soy Meal Replacement. I was using it for a while in my weight loss plan until I ran out. They were DELICIOUS!!! Very affordable and I just mixed with water and sometimes added fruit or peanut butter.
  • Jennyzfit
    Jennyzfit Posts: 175 Member
    You shouldn't beat yourself up over this one. Just eat the amount of calories MFP suggests and if your at a stand still just change up the cardio a bit. This actually does work.
    cheers and good luck :drinker:
  • vaughny
    vaughny Posts: 145
    protein drinks will aide in weight loss if you are using them as a meal replacement and not going over your daily calories, they will also help build muscle, You will want to build some muscle as you lose weight. SF does have about 10-15 g of protein depending on what type you get, I have used these before just to supplement extra protein in my day as my snack. You are not going to turn into a muscle head unless you start drinking monster milk and lifting heavy everyday. = )
  • HIzara
    HIzara Posts: 187
    If you do cardio 6 days a week (or at least 5x a week), protein drinks won't bulk you up. It's not possible, it's just too much cardio to bulk you up.

    I was working out 8-10x a week, with 5-6x jogging, 1-2x strength (circuit training) and 1x "purely" weight lifting and i made it a rule to drink a protein shake after every 60 min workout. It was my dinner meal replacement. (Did not eat dinner as my workouts were after work.) As a result, I lost 20 lbs in 3 1/2 months.

    Protein does not bulk you up unless you are lifting 4x or more a week. I take in my weight in pounds to protein in grams. So 105 lbs = 105 g protein.

    Protein, esp whey protein, helps in muscle repair, which reduces soreness and pain the following day. I believe in protein, whether you can consume it or have to drink it.
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