Hi all....32 year old Male - Immediate Changes Needed

Good Day everyone,

I want to start out by saying that I have had the App for MFP on my phone for a while, but only used it once back a few month ago for a week. I thought i could just use it a little and understand my eatting was unhealthy as i did in the past, which i did understand, and even dropped about 7 pounds by my next check up, however, after that i slid back a little, and then got the news last week monday that I am officially Diabetic via my 3 month A1C average at 7%. I was devistated....for the past 2 years i have been working to avoid my prediabetic condition and stay off out of those ranges, but now i am there, and unless i change drastically, i am in big trouble. At 32 years old, 2 young kids and a wife, it has to happen now.

The day after the diagnosis, I began looking at this differently. I began reading more about the changes i need to make, i began eatting healthier options. I have a long way to go....367 lbs is way to big (i maxed out at 375 back in august so i am making some progress), my BP was 142/94 - my Triglycerides are so high, that my Cholesterol can never be accurately measured, and god know what else.

My hope of lossing weight is now a necessity and cannot be anything less. I look forward to making some connections to help with my transformation back to the healthy youngman i was back in my early twenties.




  • mom2fabfive
    mom2fabfive Posts: 207 Member
    Congrats for taking the first step to becoming healthier. My dad is a diabetic and I definitely don't want to go down that path so that is what drove me to this site about a year and a half ago. I had gestational diabetes with several of my pregnancies so that adds another layer of risk. What are you doing for exercise? My dad really had great success with changing his diet and exercising too. I would be happy to be your pal on here and encourage you on you journey. I know that the changes in lifestyle and my weight loss success are all because of hard work but also because of the support system I had.
  • HeatherScottTN
    HeatherScottTN Posts: 65 Member
    You can do this! You have a beautiful family to help push you when times are tough. Small steps... small improvements... One Choice at a time! I have some really bad "binging" habits that make me feel out of control sometimes. My weight has continued to creep up. I'm now 20 lbs higher than when I was already unhappy with my weight and health. My BP has been elevated. I just moved my "physical" from this Thursday to Jan 2nd. I must make some big improvements by then. Let's do this together! Log your food. Awareness is huge and who likes to post a big binge? Let's be "friends" on here -- if you think encouragement will help. Make your "food log/journal" viewable to friends and let's really try to focus on getting the NUTRITION right! If there is no nutritional value...why are we eating it? It's about moving toward HEALTH and the Scale will Follow! :flowerforyou:
  • hey chap, i would like to add you, im 30 y.o and also in need of a drastic change , i am attempting to lose 11 stone (154lb-70kg) and would like to think we can help each other and share ideas.. its great you are making a start and know where you want to go.
  • _KitKat_
    _KitKat_ Posts: 1,066 Member
    Congrats on the goal. My mother-in-law was diabetic, hers got so bad that her doctor was warning her that she would soon need insulin. She tried crash dieting and nothing helped until she made a lifestyle change. Now she is healthy more active than she had been in years and not a hint of being diabetic. I will say the kids didn't like her cooking as much, but she was never the best cook anyways..lol. She does not watch her calories or carbs at all just switched to more lean meats and better carbs (ie: brown rice, wheat noodle ect.) and she uses splenda in everything. She is happier than any point that I have known her in the last 16 yrs.
  • Hey, we are all in the same boat, but we have made the steps to change it! I also have diabetes and am on multiple meds, at the point of trying not to have to go onto insulin. I know weight loss is the answer - soooooo hard!
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
  • Skeemer118
    Skeemer118 Posts: 397 Member
    Hey, it's awesome that you are ready to make changes. You'll find so much great support here. Friend me if you'd like. I'm fairly new - returning after lots of time away - & making new friends again to share the encouragement with.
  • SnowWhiteFanatic
    SnowWhiteFanatic Posts: 129 Member
    Fellow diabetic here. I also have a family. So far with diet and exercise I have lost 30 pounds in 3 months. My AC1 came out to a 5.6 from 7.7 in just 3 months. I am still diabetic and I will always be but here is proof that diet and exercise can help. I'm not on meds or insulin. Add me if you'd like.
  • Good for you for taking control!!
  • GottaLoseIt13
    GottaLoseIt13 Posts: 31 Member
    Congrats on starting your new journey!

    If you ever need someone to lean on for support, or vent to...or laugh with... feel free to add me.

    Just remember, that no matter what...you can do this... you will do this.. and with MFP...everyone here has your back and will help you do this!!! YOU GOT THIS!!!

    Good luck!
  • azjoec
    azjoec Posts: 2 Member
    Hi crusherkun,

    My name is Joe and I weigh 292 lbs 5-11. I have been struggling with blood pressure and cholesterol issues as well. I am not diabetic, but if I don't change soon, that is most likely what will happen. I'm going to send you a friend request. If you want please accept it and maybe we can help motivate each other. I hope to hear from you soon.

  • walleyebob977
    walleyebob977 Posts: 201 Member
    Yup sounds like my story. But with a lot work running strength traing and eating right I lost 72 lbs and now my A1c is normal. When I found out my wife was pregnant 11 months ago. I said it was time to change. I told my self my kid will not see me as a out of shape dad. By know means I'm I where I want to be but I'll get there. You can do this and mfp community was a huge help. But you have to put the work in. So get after it you got this.
  • CrusherKun
    CrusherKun Posts: 353 Member
    Right now, i am trying to make one change at a time. Food is my biggest challenge. I love food....to the point that I would almost call myself a food addict. I eat through my boredom, anger, frustration, and stress. Excersize is difficult at best cause of the scheduling with the kids and work and my wife, but i do try to walk around more during the day at work, and stretch frequently to get my old limber self back so its not so painful on the joints.
  • you can do this, its important not to get overwhelmed and take it one day at a time, ive been diabetic for 28 yrs, im now 34 and trying to keep it under control, feel free to add me to your friends list, would be glad to help in any way possible, we have to support each other through these hard times. keep your head up!!!
  • Good for you for naming your problem and the things that contribute to it. I have had a life-long battle to keep my weight in an acceptable range--and I don't always succeed. But, I keep trying and encourage you to do the same. Cultivate a mindset of not getting discouraged/defeated if you slip from your idea for a day; just get back on track as soon as you can and continue forward. You'll see progress and I'll bet you come to think of this as one of the best things you've done for your self and, ultimately, for your family.

    No, I haven't found a magic formula for will power. But, what works best for me is to keep an eye on my carbohydrate intake as well as calorie intake…for me, maybe not for you, the carbs seem to trigger an insulin dump that sends my appetite into the stratosphere. Less carbs, less hunger. But, your metabolism might work very differently, so be mindful of what you take in and how your body reacts.

    And of course, if you can see and talk to a nutritionist, you might get some really good ideas and support.
  • __Aid__
    __Aid__ Posts: 72 Member
    It's never too late to make a fresh start

    Diabetic for 25 years, wish i'd started sooner

    Good luck !
  • CrusherKun
    CrusherKun Posts: 353 Member

    The last 28 days has been a challenge....but one that I have to say I met head on with some excellent results. I had a lot of support from people far and wide (no pun intended) and I have mad a few new friends that I hope will be with me for many years to come.

    Since I made the introduction, I began walking right away that same day. Not this plan to do it crap. I just got up and did it. Since then, I have been steadily challenging myself to beat my minute per mile record (started at almost 21 minutes and now down to 15:11) during my lunch walks, and making a point to get at least a 3 1/2 mile walk in on Saturdays AND Sundays (weather permitting). I have also pushed myself to make my calorie goals, and while I do sometime go over or have a rough night of binge eating, I am still making so much progress. 20 lbs have come off in a short time, and I know its has been slowing up the last week or so, but I am happy with where I have gotten to so far and ever more excited to get back in good health. Already close to my End of Year goal and looking ahead to renewing my loss goal by end of year to 330 lbs.

    With this change not only have I been able to look a little better already, but I have been able to wear my wedding ring without it cutting off my circulation for the first time in 6 years!!! It has also helped inspire a good friend of mine, a co-worker, and my wife to get more serious about taking care of themselves. Being that person helps me keep pushing forwards, but I always have to remind myself that this is not about my need for others approval, but for my own health. In that way I have to be selfish! :)

    In closing, my one word of advice for anyone struggling to lose weight or even make better life choices, or to those who don't feel it possible to ever start..... Take it slow....one day at a time...you will make a change with the decisions you make today, for better or worse. It all starts with U, for U, and by U!

    Stay Strong MFP's!
