5'3 29 Bucket List Of AWESOMENESS! Need Friends~

I've been 190lbs, 160 & most recently 130lb working my way down. I mean wheeling around in a Rascal 3000 sounds pretty cool but...then again, I don't think my cat could fit his furry fatpants body into the basket so sadly that's a no go!

One of my many bucket list items is to pretty much burn your eyes with my super hotness, nah actually I just want to wear a bikni like a normal person, skip my way down the beach all without scaring small children : ) I've been told it can be done!

If you:
- like to eat (cheese especially oh yummm)
-sarcasm & dry wit...oh the British how I love thee
- cook/bake
-eat low carb, you'll be shocked at the deliciousness I've figured out!
-setting goals (eg weight loss....half marathon which I signed myself up for to be accountable, it'd be embarassing to be last hello motivation!)
-play sports/run - I could use running advice for the half marathon training
-know the mystery of why oh why back fat exists, ugh savage

Add me!
I'm also vaguely fascinated by before and afters I should really post a before & during!

SW: 132 (from 190, then 160lbs)
Goals: To rock out at the Chicago rock n roll 1/2 marathon July 20th, 2014 at whatever weight means flat stomach and sweet running skillz!

Add me cause it's boring here, alone....


  • southerndream24
    southerndream24 Posts: 303 Member
    Well, I'm 5'3 like you. I run ALOT which means I eat tons and tons of carbs (something you'll need to work on with half marathon training.)

    Added you!
  • GoldFish1326
    GoldFish1326 Posts: 81 Member
    Running=eating carbs...YES please.

    Anything that says I get to eat cheese and bread together....yeah AMAZING! I'd probably run a half marathon if I knew there was free cheesebread at the finish line....I'm not sure if that makes me a total cheesewhore (ahem read cheese conissuer if that's not politically correct) but probably, and I'm okay with that :)

    Nice to meet you!
  • Lucia_Armstrong1973
    Okay, I'm 5'2 (close enough right??) Goal is 150 (down from 250), and absolutely HATE running! However, I refuse to let anything beat me, so I run daily (not even close to half marathon status), love, love LOVE cheese, and am also low carb. However, I do remember the warm, soft goodness that is fresh bread... ***sigh***. That being said, I would love to watch and read about your progress.
  • GoldFish1326
    GoldFish1326 Posts: 81 Member
    I'm impressed you run daily! I laugh when I think about how ill proportioned I personally am for running I'm like a top heavy midget, not really born to run....but running is actually really hard because you can stop ANYTIME you want...that's why it's so damn hard it's all about will power so good on you lady!

    Yeah bread...oh my sweet sweet love...second only to cheese but that being said I have a few sites you might want to check out, alldayidreamaboutfood.com this lady is a diabetic lowcarber but she makes amazing food and is a runner so if you haven't it's worth a look. Also yourlighterside.com has lots of yummy low carb desserts.

    I currently make low carb cinnamon ricotta waffles and use no sugar added syrup they're actually really good, I've also made coconut flour pancakes...they're pretty mealy texture-wise.

    I've tried and sometimes failed at lots of low carb recipes so you have any good ones to pass along or a genre you're looking for ideas for I'm a wealth of random sometimes even helpful info :)
  • southerndream24
    southerndream24 Posts: 303 Member
    Yep, when you're training for a distance race it's recommended you eat 60% carbs. Granted, I tend to do about 45% and only go up to 60% when I'm carb loading the week before a full marathon. Which I'm currently do right now.

    Good luck with your running! Always here to answer any questions you may have.
  • Lucia_Armstrong1973
    Thanks for the info. I can use all the help I can get. Luckily for me, I only really have a taste or craving for them, during that time of the month, but oh the cravings during that time! I am going to those sites as we speak....
  • GoldFish1326
    GoldFish1326 Posts: 81 Member
    Good thing I LOVE me some potatoes & squash I think those might be my go to items for marathon training!
  • GoldFish1326
    GoldFish1326 Posts: 81 Member
    I have a flour allergy, doesn't mean I don't eat it (cause HELLO soooooooo yummy) but it makes my stomach bloat and it's painfully uncomfortable while it sits there...just hanging out...not digesting at all...so it makes it a bit easier to not eat regular flour stuff too often. But I think all these cooks that have mastered almond, coconut & peanut flour...are amazing! There's a delicious mushroom, sausage, diakon soup on the lighter side website, yummy!
  • MusicyClaire
    Hi everyone! I'm also 5'3", started at 142lb about a month ago, and am ~136lb now. I enjoy running, and I am trying to become a more serious runner. I ran two 5k's this week, so I was really proud of myself. Let's all share out successes & motivations!
  • GoldFish1326
    GoldFish1326 Posts: 81 Member
    Ahhhh weight loss motivators let me count the ways:

    - chub rub...yeah it'd be cool if my thighs didn't touch...they still kinda do when I'm not looking I totally know they're huddling together for warmth or something!
    - back fat, seriously this is a curse I think it means strength training is a MUST learn to do properly activity
    - obvs I want to be strong...HE-MAN strong...if you don't know He-Man...well...I'm not sure we can hang out...do your research ;)
    -public weighings such as doctors office, not to mention yearly physical (hello touching my stomach chub inappropriately!), ah or things like bunjee jumping cause if you lie about your weight you might die...unfortunate but true
    -that little roll of fat when I hunch a bit...yeah I SEE YOU there...you're banished
    -pretty bras, this might seem odd but it isn't
    - running a half & full marathon in my 30th year (I turn 30 in holy crap 9 days)
    -also this might be weird but food not controlling me, I see you bowl of candy...but I won't eat all of you...and that makes me proud!

    What about you guys?
  • CallieM15
    CallieM15 Posts: 910 Member
    Yes yes yes. I like you already.
  • GoldFish1326
    GoldFish1326 Posts: 81 Member
    Sweet I always wanted to be friends with a super hero, now bench press me!

    Well or maybe wait til I drop a few pounds but still it sounds like a sweet idea right!?!
  • Mborroto25
    Mborroto25 Posts: 79 Member
  • kbolton322
    kbolton322 Posts: 358 Member
    You whole list is so me!!! I LOVE LOVE carbs... I tried to do the SOuth Beach Diet last year but the first two or three weeks is carb free... not just bread carbs ALL carbs.. I was told I was being a total ***** and needed to eat my carbs again.. so I gave up on South beach... I love to work out and Starting to really love my running more and more each day.. I weight 155lbs and my goal is 130lbs by my birthday in March.. I'm running in my first 5k this weekend and its kinda last minute just to do it and see how my time will be... plus I'm going to be colored in NEON colors... Add me if you want..
  • Greywalk
    Greywalk Posts: 193 Member
    Here is a bucket list of info for you...Marathoning for Mortals is a text you really want to acquire.

    Sites to add to your favorite list:

    Running is a way of life and running festivals are a blast. Carbs are 55% of my food and would be 100% but my body insists that protein is a requirement. Add me if you want blunt honest advice or support...but beware expect the same.
  • GoldFish1326
    GoldFish1326 Posts: 81 Member
    Thanks for the info. I can use all the help I can get. Luckily for me, I only really have a taste or craving for them, during that time of the month, but oh the cravings during that time! I am going to those sites as we speak....

    Ohhh and here's the recipe for ricotta waffles, this morning I added approx 1/2 a scoop of vanilla protein powder (body fortress walmart brand) and it made the waffles less cinnamon french toast airy texture (still good) and more bread like!

    2 lg eggs beaten
    cinnamon to taste (I put ALOT in and it smells great but can't taste much of it so no worries with measuring there)
    1/2 tsp baking powder
    1 tbsp splenda
    4 tbsp ricotta cheese (sounds bizarre but trust me)
    1/4 - 1/2 scoop protein powder vanilla or plain

    Uhh that's it, mix it up like a boss, it'll be runnyish and it won't be smooth looking but that's perfect, pour into a greased waffle maker at about medium, or a bit over and cook! They come out nice and golden and dare I say damn close to crispy if you let them sit a few minutes to cool!
  • GoldFish1326
    GoldFish1326 Posts: 81 Member

    What is this bump you speak of? God I'm so not tech savvy...I need a small child to help me!
  • Yodifer
    Yodifer Posts: 87
    Hey there girl I will add you I am 5'2 151lbs down from 186! ( I did get down to 139 but put on a few lbs again but we wont talk about that) anyways I am all sorts of awesome so we should be friends.
  • GoldFish1326
    GoldFish1326 Posts: 81 Member
    Here is a bucket list of info for you...Marathoning for Mortals is a text you really want to acquire.

    Sites to add to your favorite list:

    Rock on, I tend to fall into the Mortal category I mean unless I'm doing something uber cool so this will help thanks!
  • Jaimie6171
    Jaimie6171 Posts: 37 Member
    These sound AMAZING. Thanks for sharing!!!