Do you have a BUCKET LIST?



  • bunnybutler29
    Ride a horse on the beach
    Visit the Rain Forrest
    Sex in as many different places as possible
    Go rock climbing
    Be in a hot air balloon
    Take my father on a trip
    Road trip across America
    Go to the airport and get on the next flight out.
  • TheSlorax
    TheSlorax Posts: 2,401 Member
    1. Make a lot of MFP Friends
    2. Then delete all of them.
    3. Then friend request them all back telling them I was joking.
    4. Then delete them all and tell them I was joking about joking and that I hate them.

    HI SKR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! do you still have fun sized candy for me?!

    OH YOU!!!!

    MY CHERRY AND I ARE WAITING! :love: :love: :love: :love:
  • jbuck93
    jbuck93 Posts: 89 Member
    Too much to type out. Would get strikes for some of it.

    I left a few of mine off for this very reason.
  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
    Nope. I just do what makes me happy at any given moment.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Omg, I LOVE your #11. Bunny is awesome and even my husband's gotta do a "sippy sippy" now when he has a fountain drink ;-)

    I have never really made a bucket list but I definitely want to travel outside of North America (haven't yet). Maybe for my 40th birthday, that is a few years down the road still and would give me time to plan...

    When I was in a bad marriage a few years ago, I made a long list that was kind of like a Bucket List. It had a lot of stuff on it that I hadn't done - or hadn't done in years and years (go to a drive-in movie, ride a roller coaster, ride a bike, skinny dip, try more sashimi, learn about wine, etc) and when I met my new husband we did all of the stuff on the list in one summer when we started dating :-) We still keep a list of stuff like that on our fridge.
  • seilidhe
    seilidhe Posts: 1,042 Member
    Just off the top of my head and in no particular order:

    1. Horseback ride through the Highlands of Scotland and/or in Ireland
    2. Visit Greece
    3. Visit New Zealand
    4. Run a 5k some day
    5. Reach and maintain my goal weight and be healthy for the rest of my life
    6. Pay off all my bills
    7. Visit Stonehenge
    8. See a show on Broadway
    9. More time on the beach
    10. Dance more
  • SakuraRose13
    SakuraRose13 Posts: 621 Member
    1.recent one lose the rest of the weight
    2. rock a bathing suit once again :)
    3. Go back to college for a culinary degree or photography
    4. Go on a honeymoon my husband and I never had one
    5. Get a new car, I have never had one
    6. Visit Italy and Germany
    7. Go sky diving
    8. Buy a house and never move again :) moved my whole life
    9. Attain financial stability
    10. Dye my hair a crazy color just once may be dark purple
    11. Get a tattoo for my 30th b-day in Feb.
    12. Take my husband and daughters to Disney Land
    13. Go to Hawaii wanted to go there since I was a kid

    For now that's it .
  • SofaKingRad_II
    1. Make a lot of MFP Friends
    2. Then delete all of them.
    3. Then friend request them all back telling them I was joking.
    4. Then delete them all and tell them I was joking about joking and that I hate them.

    HI SKR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! do you still have fun sized candy for me?!

    OH YOU!!!!

    MY CHERRY AND I ARE WAITING! :love: :love: :love: :love:

  • The_Enginerd
    The_Enginerd Posts: 3,982 Member
    1. Make a lot of MFP Friends
    2. Then delete all of them.
    3. Then friend request them all back telling them I was joking.
    4. Then delete them all and tell them I was joking about joking and that I hate them.
    I wonder how many cycles you could go through before they give up and stop accepting.
  • ohpiper
    ohpiper Posts: 729 Member
    Mine was to go and compete at the World Pipe Band Championships in Scotland. Ok...I realize this is not everyone's list. Still, it was a dream of mine. Got a chance to go a couple years ago and so glad I did. Hoping to go back to Scotland next year with the band. We'll see what happens. In the meantime...I'd better start adding some items to my list!
  • xvxCelticWandererxvx
    xvxCelticWandererxvx Posts: 2,890 Member
    I do but not sharing it all :wink:

    Mine does include a lot of traveling though.
  • Mobilemuscle
    Mobilemuscle Posts: 945 Member
    I live it every day....doin what I want, when I want

    time is really the only I make sure to spend it wisely
  • Bromard6
    Bromard6 Posts: 44 Member
    1. Defeat a 72 ounce steak challenge.
    2. Not suffer the inevitable after-effects of defeating a 72 ounce steak challenge.
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    I don't really have one but there are certain things (mainly travel related) that I'm not able to swing budget-wise right-this-second so they're on my "Someday" list
  • Legs_McGee
    Legs_McGee Posts: 845 Member
    I've done several items on my bucket list:

    bungee jumping
    run a marathon (s)
    kayak with orca whales

    I don't really have a current bucket list. I just want to do everything. Swim with dolphins, go in a shark cage, travel more, rock climbing, hike the Kalalau Trail, commit the perfect murder (dammit, I already screwed that up!)
  • ManicD0ll
    1.)visit Estonia & Greenland
    2.)learn to surf(I live in California so I have no excuse)
    3.)try a macaroon
    4.)backpack through the wild
    5.)date a writer/musician
    6.)get to 110 pounds
    7.)drive a corvette
    8.)buy pink skinny jeans.^.^
  • DonCC
    DonCC Posts: 10 Member
    Hike the Appalachian Trail
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    OP - I've already ticked off number one on your list. I live here.
  • IslandDreamer64
    IslandDreamer64 Posts: 258 Member
    1. Live a happy, healthy life.
    2. Visit Scotland.
    3. Go back to Bermuda again.
    4. Continue being a good wife.
    5. See the Grand Canyon, Niagara Falls, and many other natural wonders here in the US.