Group Challenge Starting 11-01-2013



  • I would like to join, I am new to mfp but have been on my "journey" since march 2013 and have had to restart a couple times. I need the accountability and support!!
  • JenFrogLover
    JenFrogLover Posts: 54 Member
    Please sign me up! :):)
  • christiecma
    christiecma Posts: 2 Member
    I could really love to be part of this challenge! I used to do weight watchers years back & did really well...I've not been doing as well on my own. I need the accountability!
  • I've never joined a group on here. This would be my first. I'm down.

    I hope everyone's motivated!
  • KathyPerry70
    KathyPerry70 Posts: 40 Member
    Room for one more? I've been slacking for about six weeks now and need something to get me off my butt. Haven't done too badly weight-wise considering how lazy I've been. But with the holiday season coming up fast, it's really time to get back on track. Time to stop with the excuses and get my mojo back. Thank you!
  • Sign me up 7 weeks in - I log everyday
  • 802meesh22
    802meesh22 Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you for getting the group started, count me in!
  • KKE23
    KKE23 Posts: 19 Member
    I would love to join this challenge as well! Good motivation!
  • medicablasto
    medicablasto Posts: 37 Member
    count me in!!!!
  • prefabsey
    prefabsey Posts: 25 Member
    If there is still room, I'd love to join! What a great idea!
  • 1ZenGirl
    1ZenGirl Posts: 432 Member
    I am looking for an active group and could use the support.
  • I'm interested and will do my best...please include me.
  • Patty50548
    Patty50548 Posts: 9 Member
    I would like to be part of the challenge. I'd really like to lose 13 pounds by Thanksgiving - but since I'm non-weight-bearing on my right foot for the next 5+ weeks I might not be able to make it...but I'm going to TRY through diet even if the fitness efforts will be minimal.

    Today is the 1st time I've looked at the message boards for MFP so this would be my 1st attempt at a challenge with this community.
  • ladyredeemed4
    ladyredeemed4 Posts: 72 Member
    I am interested if you still have room. I work at a hospital and want to get my co-workers involved in a weight or fitness challenge, but I know they will start, but then slack off. I love challenges. I have started training for the 5K Jingle Bell Jog in December, so the motivation would be great.
  • Lilloise
    Lilloise Posts: 25 Member
    I'm interested too! Really motivated at the moment but need some support and inspiration.
  • I would like to join your challenge. Challenges keep me motivated. If I can't complete the activity of the day, I will do the best I can.
  • dlsaw
    dlsaw Posts: 4
    I would love to join as well if there is still room! :)
  • hellakitties
    hellakitties Posts: 27 Member
    I would also like to join if you're still taking members. I've been really diligent about logging and watching what I eat, but I've only been on the site for a couple of weeks. I'm worried about stopping once the novelty wears off, and I think joining a group would be great motivation!
  • How will it work? as far as exercise?
    Because I'm currently doing the body for life program (anyone familiar?).
    Will we have to do ANY activity or a SPECIFIC activity?
  • ladylyda
    ladylyda Posts: 14 Member
    If you are still taking in participants, I'm in!

    What are the rules?