Stopping binges once and for all...



  • CeleryStalker
    CeleryStalker Posts: 665 Member
    I know a lot of folks say there is no science behind eating every few hours as opposed to whenever you're hungry or whatever, but in MY experience, I have not had a single craving or inclining to binge since I started to regulate my eating habits. I eat every three hours for a total of 6 meals a day. I drink 24oz of water in between each meal, in addition to a morning coffee, an afternoon tea, and whatever other non-caloric beverage I might want to enjoy after I've finished my water intake between the meals. I set aside one day a week where I allow myself leniency, but I don't take it to the extreme. My 'big cheat' last week was a burrito bowl from Chipotle, although I spread that out over 3 'meals' because it was simply too much to even want to attempt to ingest at one time. Along with that, I also had a few home made cookies and some wine that evening.

    In previous times, that Chipotle would have been scarfed down in one sitting, leading to a stuffed belly and the desire to gorge later in the day. Even without the Chipotle, the mere action of eating a couple cookies would have resulted in chogging half the batch.

    It just seems that by regulating my meal times to include roughly the same calories & macros at each meal, my body is on a more even keel, and the desire to overeat is gone, even in the face of goodies. It's worth trying, if nothing else. Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • CTcutie
    CTcutie Posts: 649 Member
    I only know what is working for me and that is to not do cheat meals/cheat days. I would be setting myself up for disaster. I stick to my calories, eat treats daily, and exercise. What motivated me is seeing consistent weekly losses. I had one bingey day in the last 3 months, and it was during a very emotional time and i limited the damage. Still lost during that week, actually.
  • ClaUuuUuu
    ClaUuuUuu Posts: 13 Member
    I do little steps... but mainly:

    -Avoid to all cost the triggering foods (refined carbs for me)

    -Recognize the feeling (for me is loneliness and bored) and what exactly is making me feel it.

    -What always always works is leave the house and meet friends... But that's a hard one cuz everybody is so busy.

    -Also convince your self you can stop.. Because you CAN... is not impossible.

    -If you are bingeing right now just enjoy it.... Tomorrow is a new day, and nothing really SOOOO terrible is happening.

    - Set short term goal... No more than 2-3 weeks.

    - will will will and more will...

  • krisflower19
    krisflower19 Posts: 17 Member
    I have that same exact problem except I work at an ice cream store on the week end so I can just constantly eat away. I found that having some sort of treat every day, little, is good. Like I brought a nut mix that had dark chocolate in it as my treat for the week. Makes it a bit easier to manage the weekend
  • aliceclutz90
    aliceclutz90 Posts: 151 Member
    Thank you! I have today for the first time during the week had a sweet treat after dinner which was 150 calories and I am not hungry and I feel that I have had something different and tasty today (not that the usual protein and veg, occasional porridge etc is not tasty but it's not a "treat" either). My calories came to a total of 1,406 and I exercised so I think this is still fine. Will try again tomorrow :) Happy to have a treat again come Saturday, and I'm hoping the daily changes will mean that this does not turn into a binge and is not a whole "treat meal".

    Thanks again for your support everybody, much appreciated
  • MyLuvMaya
    MyLuvMaya Posts: 23 Member
    I never have a treat meal, EVER. Nor do I have a cheat day.
    I keep a few calories almost every day for something sweet that I really like (most of the time, chocolate).
    Sometimes it's up to 300 calories of chocolate.

    I never feel deprived and it's easy to tell myself: "I'm done for today, calorie wise, but I can have it tomorrow. First thing in the morning if I want". If it's not forbidden, it's easy to fit it into your daily/weekly allowance.

    Hope it helps!

    THIIIIIIS...I have treats nearly everyday. If I know we're going out for dinner or I REALLY REALLY want that fried ice cream for dessert, I work for it by doing extra exercise or limiting calories for the rest of the day. If I denied myself, I'd not last a week.

    I agree 100 percent! I eat whatever I want in moderation so there is no need for cheat days.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Just offering support. I have the same problems. Mine stems from watching other family members eating goodies that I have put on my no no list. Really hard to watch your kids enjoy an event and your not "partaking". There are some treats in my cycle, but years of food abuse has left me prone to binges. Feel your pain over here!
    Not disagreeing, but I also watch kids playing hours of video games, and watching hours of tv. Sometimes being an adult is hard. you want to live to watch your kids enjoy events for the next 50 years. Enjoying is not limited to partaking. You know that. You can do it. (while making sure your kids develop healthy relationships with food).