Couch to 5k: who has done it?



  • snshne31
    snshne31 Posts: 7 Member
    I've started this program a couple times and after being in the military, you would think running would be easy...not so!!! I am encouraged however and will give it a try again. Maybe I was just running too fast...:happy:
  • ElizabethFuller
    ElizabethFuller Posts: 352 Member
    I've started this program a couple times and after being in the military, you would think running would be easy...not so!!! I am encouraged however and will give it a try again. Maybe I was just running too fast...:happy:

    It's very hard to run slower but it really made the difference to me - the difference between breathing and gasping!
    My friend told me that I should try running at a speed where I don't have to open my mouth to breathe, that worked for me and I was able to finish the programme.
    Now I'm trying to improve my run time I still occaisionally go too fast and then have to walk for two minutes to get my breath back but I'm definitely getting better.:happy:
  • todayis4me
    todayis4me Posts: 184 Member
    Did it loved it. Use treadmill regularly but moved it outside with success too. Ran my first 5 k last month and was so thrilled....continuing running and working toward a 10 k next :) love to have fellow running friends so feel free to send an FR just include a message please :)
  • lawlorka
    lawlorka Posts: 484 Member
    I'm starting Week 7 today. Did the first 3.5weeks outside but its too dark to run outside in the evenings now so I'm on the treadmill.

    I'm really enjoying it. Once I finished Week 5 i knew the rest of the programme would be achievable. All of the runs in Week 7 are the same length so I'm going to run each one at a faster pace than the previous one, same with Weeks 8 & 9.

    I have a 5k and a 10k booked for 2014 and am going to start the 10k programme as soon as I'm finished with Week 9.

    The programme works. You just have to trust it - honestly its mostly mental - once you break through the mental barrier of 'I Can't' you'll be flying!
  • It's how I started running on January 2010. I could barely run 30 SECONDS straight when I started. Since then I've done a marathon, an Ironman, two Half Ironman, two Half Marathons, and a bunch of smaller runs/triathlons.

    It works.
  • Just chiming in - I started the program in Oct 2012, and in Oct 2014 finished my first marathon. On the way I have joined a running club and made a load of new friends and got a lot fitter! One thing that might be good when you get towards the end is to see if there are any parkrun events near you. They are a timed 5k run (emphatically NOT a race) every Saturday morning at 9am, that attracts a wide range of abilities. For example, one of our local sessions had Jonathan Brownlee (Olympic triathlete) blasting rounds in 14:43, while other people were going round in 38 minutes or so.
    Not many sports where mere mortals get to "play" with the pros, so that is another really good thing about running.
  • lua_
    lua_ Posts: 258 Member
    It's how I started running on January 2010. I could barely run 30 SECONDS straight when I started. Since then I've done a marathon, an Ironman, two Half Ironman, two Half Marathons, and a bunch of smaller runs/triathlons.

    It works.

    Wow, well done! I hope to do all of this one day.

    Before Couch to 5k, I couldn't run for longer than minute. I started Couch to 5k in July this year, and now, 3 months later, I'm running 13+ miles a week (hoping to get to 25-30 by the end of the year!) with my longest run being 1hr 25m so far! It's a fantastic plan
  • mreeves261
    mreeves261 Posts: 728 Member
    I would suggest signing up for a race about 3 weeks out from your estimated finish date. That way you will have that "I HAVE to finish" in your head already. I started in May with C25K, switched over to the 10K Bridge in July. I never actually finished the program due to some injuries and health issues. I did finish my first 10K race this past Sunday. I'm looking for more races!!!

    My advice...
    If you need to repeat weeks, repeat them.
    Stick to the program and try not to be tempted into doing more. This will help you avoid over-training like I did.
    Remember, you brain will try to quit before your body does.
    How fast you go doesn't really matter, it just matters that you go.
    Run outside if/when possible. Treadmills have some benefit but are completely different from outdoors!

    Enjoy!!!! Running as addictive!
  • BrendanScrote
    BrendanScrote Posts: 61 Member
    Just felt the need to drop my two pennyworth in here

    I'm a big fella (270 lbs) relatively healthy but unfit and I started this 5 weeks ago with the aim of getting fit and losing a bit of pudding, I got as far as the middle of W4D2 before having to take a 10 day break due to an (unrelated) eye injury. I got back on the treadmill yesterday and restarted at W3D2 which i managed fairly comfortably and I'm raring to go again.

    Some general comments

    * I continue to surprise myself, the gradual build up of run/walk ratio really helps
    * Beginning of week 4 was horrendous but I did it and the next one too
    * I'm using the "Run 5K " ap which is tremendous and well worth the investment
    * I know I'm told no to, but if I'm feeling good at the end of a run I will do an extra set or two of run/walks
    * I have taken to walking 5K on the day i don't run which really helps
    * I seem to run very slowly (5.5 K/Hour) feel at the end i will be able to run for 30 minutes rather than 5K
    * My joints ache like buggery sometimes but I have a great feeling of self satisfaction
    * I lost 14lb and 2" from my waist in 5 weeks, my clothes fit better and my skin has improved

    Next steps

    * Start running outside (even if it is cold, wet and miserable)
    * Enter a local 5K shortly before Xmas
    * 80lb more to lose
  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    This has been interesting reading. I was thinking about trying it, but with the cold and snow coming up, maybe I should wait until next spring. I just can't imagine that I could do it - I have never been able to run any distance.

    You can do it. Try it. I have never ran a mile in my entire life until C25K and the infamous week 5 day 3 where I managed to run 2 miles straight.

    I am still slow as a sloth, but I run and if I can do it, seriously, you can too.
  • I am now inspired. Thank you.
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    I'm just starting to do it but here's a question. When I run on the treadmill I do OK, almost enjoy it. When I ran outside for the first time in my life it felt like I was pounding the pavement really hard. I now I'm a chubby gal but I thought maybe I was doing something wrong. I was wearing older running shoes so maybe that was it or could it be that I was doing whimpy running like Phoebe did in that episode of "Friends". Is it possible to learn how to run like I know what I'm doing down the road so I can run in public?

    Running outside is harder than a treadmill. My best advice is this:

    1. Wear good running shoes. Pavement is a much harder material than a treadmill, so proper running shoes are a must.

    2. Go slower. Most people have to run slower outside than on a treadmill.
  • ansonrinesmith
    ansonrinesmith Posts: 741 Member
    Hey everyone!

    I started the c25k program this summer and just took it up again. I just started week 4 and having just looked at the upcoming weeks, I was wondering how other people found the last weeks of the program! I'm trying to stay motivated to be able to run a 10k this summer.

    If you have done it, did you like the results? I haven't lost weight but I feel that I'm more toned and slip easier in my jeans, which is nice! Also, did it motivate you to go up to a 10k?

    Thanks so much!!
    Done it, twice! First time I had never ran more than a mile (IN HIGH SCHOOL!), and wanted to get fit. Lost weight and ran a 5K 9 weeks later, at the end of the program in 45 minutes. It motivated me and I eventually ran a half marathon!

    Got a hip injury and didn't run for 6 months. Got back on it and started running 5Ks again at the end.
  • teamAmelia
    teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member
    I hated running since I was able to walk - not able to run more than 1 second (max !)
    currently doing week 6 and it surprisingly goes pretty well !!!!
    As people just said, I also was surprised to succeed running 20 minutes straight !!!

    Totally recommend it ;-)

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Really, since you could walk? No more than one second? :laugh: Exaggerating much?
  • farniente8
    farniente8 Posts: 30 Member
    I'm on week nine and have really enjoyed the program an the benefits of running. I think I will end up doing the 10k program next! Good luck!
  • 2abnorth
    2abnorth Posts: 59 Member
    I'm doing the program now & will be hitting week 5 this week. Due to a knee issue, am doing it on an elliptical. As winter is hitting (snow here this week!), the plan is to do the full 10k on the elliptical for now & hopefully, transition on real running. The timing in this program is great. Use the C210K app. Highly recommend it!
  • teamAmelia
    teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member
    I'm doing the program now & will be hitting week 5 this week. Due to a knee issue, am doing it on an elliptical.
    That's such a neat idea. I never thought about doing it for anything other than running. I might try this for biking. Thank you.
  • asp415
    asp415 Posts: 1,492 Member
    Did it, loved it! I signed up for my 1st 5k @ week 2, to make sure I pushed through & completed the program. I just did my first two 5ks this weekend, one on sat & one on sun. It was the best feeling to cross that finish line.
  • besdais
    besdais Posts: 76 Member
    This has been interesting reading. I was thinking about trying it, but with the cold and snow coming up, maybe I should wait until next spring. I just can't imagine that I could do it - I have never been able to run any distance.

    You can do it. Try it. I have never ran a mile in my entire life until C25K and the infamous week 5 day 3 where I managed to run 2 miles straight.

    I am still slow as a sloth, but I run and if I can do it, seriously, you can too.

    So I am starting to think I might try it, but what happens when the snowstorm comes and I am inside for a few weeks? I was thinking about starting in March or late February. Also, does everyone have the app? Is that the best way to do this?
  • teamAmelia
    teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member
    This has been interesting reading. I was thinking about trying it, but with the cold and snow coming up, maybe I should wait until next spring. I just can't imagine that I could do it - I have never been able to run any distance.

    You can do it. Try it. I have never ran a mile in my entire life until C25K and the infamous week 5 day 3 where I managed to run 2 miles straight.

    I am still slow as a sloth, but I run and if I can do it, seriously, you can too.

    So I am starting to think I might try it, but what happens when the snowstorm comes and I am inside for a few weeks? I was thinking about starting in March or late February. Also, does everyone have the app? Is that the best way to do this?

    Oh, yeah, the app is definitely the way to do it. I don't know how ppl can do it w/o the app bc the app lets you know when to run and walk. Why wait until spring? If it will be too cold, then I understand. But, you could always do it on a treadmill.