One week on diet, sugar problem - opinions


I would like to search to you one episode that happens and put me thinking on that.

I did started on the last week doing exercise (my goal is 60min and i try doing everyday or 5days/week) and eating healthly, count calories and i did try to avoid eat things that i'm additect to: cookies, chocolates and cakes. Alwalys when i saw them i say "No" to myself and i choose eating things that i enjoy and take me that necessited to eat something sweet like for exemple low fat milk with a similar product to Clusters from Nestle (i can't eat oats i'm allergic)

So, everything was woonderfull i didn't feel tired and i didn't feel the necessited to always eating something ( because of sugar and insuline). But on sunday i decided at night that i was in control for almost 6days of sugar and i can eat something sweet, and i eat 6 cookies (192 kcal) . On monday i think that what i really enjoy to eat was a cake with a cream, so i buy it with one 45g bar Cadbury caramel. And i did eat that too. Today, tuesday, i buy one more cadbury caramel and did like to try cadbury fruit and nut. And i didn't stop when i eat the two!

Beside that i didn't exercise monday and tuesday! Just because i was lazy and supossely tired! And cereal did finish and buy the Fiber 1 from Nestle but the flavour isn't the same and don't satisfited me that craving for sugar. What sould i do? continue on the Fiber 1? buy clusters ? mixed them?

Now i'm thinking about this situation. And i would like to ask what i should do? Don't eat more cookies, cakes and chocolate for 1month or more? Don't eat this things in all time of the weight loss journey?

Just for saying i have a light hypotiroidism.

Thank you


  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Quit buying junk foods and quit eating them. If you don't buy it you can't eat it.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    Once you stop having the sweets, you'll crave them less
  • AmykinsCatfood
    AmykinsCatfood Posts: 599 Member
    Quit buying junk foods and quit eating them. If you don't buy it you can't eat it.

    Agreed. If you can't control your eating when you have junk in the house, just stop buying it all together.
  • JoanneLynn
    JoanneLynn Posts: 156 Member
    Try adding fruit.
  • ADietadaM
    ADietadaM Posts: 213 Member
    Quit buying junk foods and quit eating them. If you don't buy it you can't eat it.

    I really stop buying for long time, but i can say to you that i have lots of cookies, lots of chips, chocolates, and much more and i DON'T eat them. I don't have any support from diet at home. At home they said to me once that i can be on a diet but the others don't, so they will continue eat cookies, chips, and everything they won't! And for me i did stop along time ago that things! And i need to say to you that isn't easy because always have some chocolate coffee cake, some cake or other stuff every week and i DON'T eat!

    What i did buy its things that i really enjoy, i don't have at home at all, and people here don't know! Because if them know he will sabotage my diet!

    But yes, you're truthfull on that!
  • kjimmie4848
    kjimmie4848 Posts: 123 Member
    If you can't stop eating those things, at least make them yourself. Unsweetened chocolate bar, some raw stevia, and whole cream makes a low carb fudge that you maybe won't feel guilty about, and won't spike your blood glucose to the danger zone. I'm sure you can find foods that can satisfy you, yet don't kill you. Good luck.
  • ADietadaM
    ADietadaM Posts: 213 Member
    Try adding fruit.

    Yes! I'm try to eat 2 , 3 fruits a day!
  • javakitty
    javakitty Posts: 31 Member
    There are some foods that will send you on a downhill spiral. The best thing to do is avoid eating them at all. It takes time to develop a strategy to deal with the cravings. Find some substitutions that you like, but have control over. One thing I did was make whey smoothies. I would use vanilla whey, banana, unsweetened cocoa powder, ice and coconut water. It helped me get over many cravings. It may be something different for you.

    As you add more healthy foods especially fresh fruits and vegetables into your diet, your tastes will change. One positive change will help you make the next. Don't be hard on yourself if you have a set back; they are just learning opportunities! Feel free to add me to your friends list; we can encourage each other.
  • ADietadaM
    ADietadaM Posts: 213 Member
    There are some foods that will send you on a downhill spiral. The best thing to do is avoid eating them at all. It takes time to develop a strategy to deal with the cravings. Find some substitutions that you like, but have control over. One thing I did was make whey smoothies. I would use vanilla whey, banana, unsweetened cocoa powder, ice and coconut water. It helped me get over many cravings. It may be something different for you.

    As you add more healthy foods especially fresh fruits and vegetables into your diet, your tastes will change. One positive change will help you make the next. Don't be hard on yourself if you have a set back; they are just learning opportunities! Feel free to add me to your friends list; we can encourage each other.

    Thank you for your post i'm trying some strategy to deal with the cravings! I will try to do something whey smoothies like you and see if that result with me.
  • I am a big time sugar addict too. I bought Atkins bars. Some taste better than others, but the do satisfy my sweet tooth and have protein and fiber. They are easy to incorporate into my meal planning. I will probably eat them forever. :tongue:
  • jkkenny3
    jkkenny3 Posts: 6 Member
    Sugar addiction is much worse to control than you think. Natural sugar is in everything...even green beans!! When i started doing the food diary on here and checked my sugar intake, it was too high...and that was for me eating alot of fruit:D I had to learn to not bring sugar items into my home, to have fiber bars that have low sugar handy or a piece of fruit for a craving. I froze grapes and ate them for ice cream/sherbet. Most of all, I learned not to crave them by ignoring the urge, drinking water (which I use to hate!) and eating something raw and satisfying, like avocados or unsalted almonds (fatty but with protein)...until I could handle the addiction better. I haven't added sugar back into my life and its been 6 months now. I first got rid of sugar and started doing minor walks. Then after weight started to come off naturally, I decided to get very serious and use the My Fitness Pal food diary and exercise counter. I set my goal, read the book "the skinny rules" by Bob Harper and began two months ago. Now concord grapes taste like the best baked dessert you could imagine!! (I wasn't a grape fan). Trust me. You need to step away from sugar entirely. If you put it in coffee, stop. Don't use coffee creamer. Avoid sugar substitutes...they just teach you to keep loving sugar. Your body is designed by God to love natural flavors of fresh food. I wasn't raised that way but now know better.
    Good luck and hope anything I said helps in some way. By the way, I am the sister of someone I love who has bounced back and forth with type 2 diabetes, which contributed to my mother's death and that of several aunts or relatives. Sugar is bad, worse than fat (it keeps your body overproducing insulin and exhausts the poor liver too). Eventually, diabetes can lead to blindness (partial for my mom) and gangrene (toes, etc. amputated). That's the awful truth. Tell yourself you'll treat yourself to a piece of dark chocolate (just one) in a month if you want, but try to avoid until its no longer an issue....I suggest a season (3 months or so). God bless you and keep on here. We are all friends trying to help eachother be healthier:D
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Try saving a treat for after dinner. It's going to come down to willpower here.

    You can also go cold turkey. I've done it before. But why go cold turkey when I can just eat what I love in moderation?
  • ADietadaM
    ADietadaM Posts: 213 Member
    I am a big time sugar addict too. I bought Atkins bars. Some taste better than others, but the do satisfy my sweet tooth and have protein and fiber. They are easy to incorporate into my meal planning. I will probably eat them forever. :tongue:

    Thank you for your suggestion i will try add more protein on my diet and maybe some protein bars, just for try it and see what i feel.
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    Try saving a treat for after dinner. It's going to come down to willpower here.

    You can also go cold turkey. I've done it before. But why go cold turkey when I can just eat what I love in moderation?
    Agreed. I can say no to a donut with my morning coffee and a chocolate bar after lunch if I know I can have ice cream after supper. :drinker:
  • ADietadaM
    ADietadaM Posts: 213 Member
    Sugar addiction is much worse to control than you think. Natural sugar is in everything...even green beans!! When i started doing the food diary on here and checked my sugar intake, it was too high...and that was for me eating alot of fruit:D I had to learn to not bring sugar items into my home, to have fiber bars that have low sugar handy or a piece of fruit for a craving. I froze grapes and ate them for ice cream/sherbet. Most of all, I learned not to crave them by ignoring the urge, drinking water (which I use to hate!) and eating something raw and satisfying, like avocados or unsalted almonds (fatty but with protein)...until I could handle the addiction better. I haven't added sugar back into my life and its been 6 months now. I first got rid of sugar and started doing minor walks. Then after weight started to come off naturally, I decided to get very serious and use the My Fitness Pal food diary and exercise counter. I set my goal, read the book "the skinny rules" by Bob Harper and began two months ago. Now concord grapes taste like the best baked dessert you could imagine!! (I wasn't a grape fan). Trust me. You need to step away from sugar entirely. If you put it in coffee, stop. Don't use coffee creamer. Avoid sugar substitutes...they just teach you to keep loving sugar. Your body is designed by God to love natural flavors of fresh food. I wasn't raised that way but now know better.
    Good luck and hope anything I said helps in some way. By the way, I am the sister of someone I love who has bounced back and forth with type 2 diabetes, which contributed to my mother's death and that of several aunts or relatives. Sugar is bad, worse than fat (it keeps your body overproducing insulin and exhausts the poor liver too). Eventually, diabetes can lead to blindness (partial for my mom) and gangrene (toes, etc. amputated). That's the awful truth. Tell yourself you'll treat yourself to a piece of dark chocolate (just one) in a month if you want, but try to avoid until its no longer an issue....I suggest a season (3 months or so). God bless you and keep on here. We are all friends trying to help eachother be healthier:D

    Need to say thank you very much for your post. I did read everything and you was very helpfull i need to say! Put me thinking in very things that i didn't pay much attention! I will do (not try, do) that season, step by step, one month to feel and see my taste change, to see what i feel on it, to see the result, and i hope that will motivated more myself in this journey! Thank you
  • ADietadaM
    ADietadaM Posts: 213 Member
    Try saving a treat for after dinner. It's going to come down to willpower here.

    You can also go cold turkey. I've done it before. But why go cold turkey when I can just eat what I love in moderation?
    Agreed. I can say no to a donut with my morning coffee and a chocolate bar after lunch if I know I can have ice cream after supper. :drinker:

    In my case i did try and wasn't very good the results! The question is, some people are prepared to increase some things they love with moderation everyday without compulsion, others can't because if they eat one thing the compulsion can back.

    Maybe one day i can be also like that. But at momento i can't.
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    I have the least cravings when I don't eat the sweets. I hate that, but it's true. I do well having them once a week, but like you, I crave them more after that one time. The next day it's really hard to not eat them. But then it gets better again the day after that.

    If I can stretch the days in between to longer than a week, I do, because then I won't have to deal with cravings. And I only allow myself 1 piece of cake or whatever. No binging on the sweets, lol.

    My blood sugar is too high now, but still not diabetic. So it's very important that I try to not have a sweeth tooth anymore. That means avoiding sweets mostly, yes.

    Fresh fruit made into a topping with a little water (cut up, add a little water, mix, and let sit for a while) over Angel Food Cake is really nice! That isn't too many sugars for me most days, and it's a real dessert :) I also eat a lot of fruit, but I do enjoy a bit of cake. Real Angel Food is the best kind I've found for blood sugar problems.

    Also desserts made out of oats! Like oat bars with a few little chocolate chips in them. They taste like dessert and hardly have any chocolate or sugar at all, really. The oats help them not spike blood sugar. I'm sure there are oat cookie recipes that don't take much sugar, too. Good luck!
  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    Who is the "they" that won't let you get rid of the junk food in your house? Your parents?
  • ADietadaM
    ADietadaM Posts: 213 Member
    Who is the "they" that won't let you get rid of the junk food in your house? Your parents?

    Yes, parents.
    But i'm focus on my weight loss journey. Take me long long time to avoid the "junk food" like you say, but i did!
  • I love apples cut up with cinnamon on them.. Stick in the oven it taste amazing!! Satisfies my sweet cravings..