day one and food is boring

Hiya all

I know I am probably annoying you all with my hundred of posts but I made lunch today and it was boring . I tried to be healthy but then after putting it into the MFP it looked wrong like too much sodium, cals but not over the daily cals yet and feel like I am in a little over my head with this all.

I thought all vegies were good to eat or am I mistaken??? I had cruskits with phili and cucumber and an egg with an afternoon coffee, I have been drinking heaps water but it just feels like too much effort. the food is boring feel like im straining to eat good and everything is a little trying today.


  • kw1452
    kw1452 Posts: 113 Member
    When I tried to change things all at once, I ended up quitting, binging, and gaining more weight. My strategy was to make little changes every day. Like I started ordering a salad as a side at Wendys instead of fries. Then I stopped ordering my usual soda. Eventually I stopped going to Wendys.

    Dont make your food boring! Dont listen to what other people say about egg whites and carrots with hummus and whatever foods you already know you arent interested in. Instead, find healthier options to the foods you already like. Or eat the foods you love, but throw away half of the food instead of cleaning your plate.

    I simply could not make a ton of changes at once. Never worked for me. But when I started making little changes, those new foods started to taste better. I now absolutely love salads (never thought Id say that), but it took time to learn the flavors I enjoy and the ones that I just plain dont like.

    My current plan is to take my healthy eating habits and just cut down the portions. Like I make half sandwiches out of one piece of toast cut in two, which forces me to use only half the mayo, half the meat, one slice of cheese instead of two, etc. I still get the sandwich I love, full fat mayo and all, but for half the calories.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    When I tried to change things all at once, I ended up quitting, binging, and gaining more weight. My strategy was to make little changes every day. Like I started ordering a salad as a side at Wendys instead of fries. Then I stopped ordering my usual soda. Eventually I stopped going to Wendys.

    Dont make your food boring! Dont listen to what other people say about egg whites and carrots with hummus and whatever foods you already know you arent interested in. Instead, find healthier options to the foods you already like. Or eat the foods you love, but throw away half of the food instead of cleaning your plate.

    I simply could not make a ton of changes at once. Never worked for me. But when I started making little changes, those new foods started to taste better. I now absolutely love salads (never thought Id say that), but it took time to learn the flavors I enjoy and the ones that I just plain dont like.

    My current plan is to take my healthy eating habits and just cut down the portions. Like I make half sandwiches out of one piece of toast cut in two, which forces me to use only half the mayo, half the meat, one slice of cheese instead of two, etc. I still get the sandwich I love, full fat mayo and all, but for half the calories.

    This is good advice. Don't go balls-to-the-wall from Big Mac's to skinless chicken in a day. Take your time, don't worry about macro's until you get your bearings on portions. There's no need for food to be boring. If you're inclined, go crazy on cooking all those neat little dishes that are posted in the Recipes forum. If you're like me and hate to cook, just look at the nutrition info on the food items you do buy. Check online for restaurant nutrition menu's before you go out to eat.

    There's no need to give up what you like. Just find ways to either eat less of it, eat another version of it, or exercise more to burn it off.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,871 Member
    Your food does not have to be boring and bland to be nutritious and healthy....get a cook book or something and learn to cook with whole can make awesomeness that is very wholesome and nutritious. I'm a foodie...I don't go for bland and boring...I only eat good **** and I'm very healthy and fit and lost 40 lbs easily eating awesomeness.
  • maracuya23
    Agreed with folks above on both the healthy food can be awesome and make small changes.

    For food, spices are amazing! Maybe try cooking or preparing one new thing every week or so- a new mix of salad (spinach, dried cranberries, a few walnuts, grilled chicken, a little tasty citrus dressing?).
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    I can definitely add to the "food doesn't have to be boring" mantra. I look forward to my food so much more now that I have a set of recipes for dishes I love. I cook and pre-package in individual servings the following: pot roast and mashed potatoes, caroway and celery seed crusted pork tenderloin with rice, turkey chili, chicken pesto pasta with walnuts, Sweet Italian sausage soup, and sirloin steak stir fry. I think some of each of these is in my freezer now.

    I add in freshly prepared veggies, several different fruits, small pre-weighed chunks of cheddar, yogurt, and a few snacks with chocolate and I have great days of wonderful food within my calorie level. I get my nutritional needs met and my emotional ones too.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    food doesn't have to be boring. I still eat similar to how I used to eat, I just found ways to tweak some recipes, and cut portions down a little on others.
  • bird_3_lee
    bird_3_lee Posts: 64 Member
    you know you dont have to eat boring, you really can havewhatever you want ( just portion it so it stays in your calorie allowance) if its some sort of calorie whopper try and write it in your diary first so you can hold back on other portions for the day and you can always use the extra calories you ate as good motivation to get up and burn more:smile: off