Food Scales



  • chellycakes
    chellycakes Posts: 347 Member
    I use a kitchen aid one for ~$22. It helps me REALLY see how much I really do eat, and I love it!
    I also love that I can use it to measure ingredients as im cooking because I keep losing the measuring cups ha.
  • lilred806
    lilred806 Posts: 195 Member
    I bought one and loved it until it died a few months later. Well it didn't die it just stopped measuring correctly. It wouldn't go back to 0. It would jump around all over the place. I changed the batteries and that didn't help either. It was a Weight Masters. So that is one to avoid. I will be watching this thread because I want to get another one. I found a scale to be very helpful. I understood portions much better.
  • kynara
    kynara Posts: 5
    I've been using my digital postal scales I already had for my ebay business. I just put a plate or bowl on it and hit the "tare" button then add my food. They'll do oz or g. One is a little one I bought from Walmart ($15-$20). Royal brand I think. I've had it for years. It works for most things. I had to use the bigger one earlier to weigh a crockpot of chili. It's a weighmax, and they're really good scales. It has a flap that comes up that I can lean stuff against that may be too wide to set on the top. :smile:
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    I have one I got a wal-mart I think.. It's got a digital display and does oz, grams, and kg (and I think 1 other measurement?) I discovered I was over estimating meat esp fish and underestimating veggies! I'm getting pretty good at eyeballing it now, but it really really helped me eat proper portions.