Protein Shakes For Weight Loss...Not Muscle Gain



  • turbojanem
    i love my Shakeology. i too can give you more info. and it comes in a chocolate flavor if you are a chocolate nut like me.
  • championnfl
    championnfl Posts: 324 Member
    google....Are the protein shakes for only gaining muscle mass?
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    LOL Before anyone else reply I am basically asking does PROTEIN DRINKS help with WEIGHT LOSS or just MUSCLE GAIN??

    They helped me with weight loss. When I lost a great deal of weight I had protein shakes nearly everyday for breakfast. This was back in the day when I was working on first shift, and I didn't really want to wake up any earlier to cook something. Using the blender was much easier.

    I made protein shakes using my own recipes starting with skim milk and either vanilla or chocolate flavor protein powder (cause those seem to be the easiest flavors to add to without making it taste really weird).

    While I did gain lean muscle seen in my strength gains, I did not bulk up at all (which is not really possible for women unless you are training strictly as a bodybuilder or taking steroids) and I went from a size 18 down to a size 6.

    I have gained some back recently, but I am adding the shakes back into my daily plan because what worked before surely will work again.
  • atynk
    atynk Posts: 400 Member
    Here is my question.... why the heck would you not want to gain any muscle??? I know you said you will by exercising, but do you realize that the more muscle you have the more calories you burn just doing NOTHING!!! Thats right, when you have more muscle, when you are sitting or sleeping or whatever you can more calories and you don't even have to do anything! Sooo more calories burned = weight loss! And also, you need to strength train or else you are not going to have very nice or tight skin when you drop those 80lbs :( Don't think you will bulk up- I strength trained during my weight loss of 47 lbs and it kept my tummy and skin tight.
    To answer your question- protein drinks don't really "help" with weight loss, you use it as a replacement for protein if you can't get it in... its the healthy diet and exercise that will help you, but you can use protein shakes in your diet as well.
    Pls reconsider gaining some muscle... you will look fit .
  • FemininGuns
    FemininGuns Posts: 605 Member
    I think you may have to let go of the number factor for weight loss...

    Having muscle with help with burning fat... You need to have a balanced nutrition that supports your exercise routine. Just like some have mentionned on here - you firstly won't "bulk up" with more protein because women do not produce enough testosterone to do this... If you are only concerned with numbers, you may be robbing yourself of some milestones in losing fat. Try measuring yourself and you'll get a better picture of how your body is transforming.:bigsmile:
  • sunnysashka
    You will be loosing weight due to calorie deficit. Shakes would not speef it or slow it. SO, just choose any pure protein and watch the calories.
  • nicoleg98
    Myroplex low carb protien shakes are good :)
  • GoodBye_Fatty
    GoodBye_Fatty Posts: 40 Member
    thanks everyone! I got my question answered!!! :)
  • SonyaVelonis
    You have to try Shakeology. It's amazing! I had tried Slim Fast many times before and it doesn't even come close to it. I have lost 30 lbs using it. It has 20 grams of protein, probiotics, and only fructose. Nothing artificial at all. Also, there is a 30 day bottom of the bag guarantee if you don't end up liking it too. That is what helped me to try it out at the beginning. I just figured I'd send it back. Message me if you have more questions because I could go on and on and also, there is a way to save 25% off the price if you want.