Battle of the "Binge"

Just had a battle this past week, battle of the binge. Gained 3 pounds. I'm not depressed about it, I'm pissed at myself for even allowing it to happen. I should be able to control what eat, but every now and then my old patterns creep back into my life and I fall. This is the second time in 45 days. I should be proud that its only happened twice, but I know better. I really feel that weight loss isn't just about what you eat and how you exercise, I feel like it's also about your mind and the power food has over it. So if I'm right, how do you defeat it, the "binge"?


  • hannahpistolas
    hannahpistolas Posts: 290 Member
    What kind of binge are we talking? A day binge, or a week binge?
  • fullersun50
    I log everything before I eat it. It helps me see what I'm doing and allows me to stop and think "Am I hungry? Do I really need this?"
  • tbullucks06
    I really wish I knew......Sometimes I honestly feel like I needed it, can get past it and move on really quick. Then other times I get down and depressed about it and then it makes me just do it more. I guess I have a weak mind at times.
  • doddzington
    doddzington Posts: 5 Member
    I'll admit today there was a football tailgate potluck at work..and I went to get some chilli and came back with chilli, a piece of pizza and a couple other things. After eating that crap I am the grumpiest girl alive right now lol. That food made me so irritable :( Its as if someone else took over my body and made me eat that crap--USUALLY though im really good! I wanted to just say to try and think of how it makes you feel afterward. It doesnt make us feel good at all, and makes us take steps backward instead of forward. Its not worth it at all. I understand what you mean, but typically I distract myself or tell myself its not worth it afterward. :) Yesterday at work people were eating donuts and I got my grapes out and started eating those instead and I was happy!
  • doddzington
    doddzington Posts: 5 Member
    Fullersun--Ive been doing that too! It REALLY has helped me! :D
  • janicelo1971
    janicelo1971 Posts: 823 Member
    the 3 pounds is probably water weight if you ate a bunch of crap....let it go...look at the entire month or atleast the weekly picture..average out the calories that way....we all go off track sometimes, such is life....just hop right back on:):flowerforyou:

    I also try to pre log my food for the day...I know I always want my skinnygirl marguerita (not saying its so healthy!)..but I try to still stick to my calorie allowance for the day/week..
  • MacMomma2013
    MacMomma2013 Posts: 128 Member
    Good for you for aknowledging your battle; it's the first step towards "overcoming" it.

    How do I overcome my binge? Well, I look at my goals- where do I want to be and how will I get there? I also look at all the progress I have made to date and try to reinforce my success so far. It's human to not succeed at everything that you try; you just need to learn from your "mistakes" and carry on.

    Personally, I try to incorporate some unhealthy food items in moderation throughout my week, so I don't feel deprived. I also try to make sure that it's in my calorie range. I'm not perfect everyday, but I make sure that I get myself back on track ASAP.

    Hope this helps!
  • cozgrl05
    cozgrl05 Posts: 38 Member
    Lasted for three days
  • ViktoryaC
    ViktoryaC Posts: 124 Member
    Binging is the's like we lose all control. Be glad yours was only 3 days. I've been binging more often then not for like 18 months, and I;ve gained over 60 pounds....I feel like I'm just now getting a hold of myself!
  • chani8
    chani8 Posts: 946 Member
    doddzington wrote:
    . . . After eating that crap I am the grumpiest girl alive right now lol. That food made me so irritable :( (cropped)

    This! When I binge, I feel ugly and act ugly and think ugly thoughts. Then I log it and find I didn't do as bad as I thought, or I see I need to get off my *kitten* and go walk some of it off.
  • sarahg148
    sarahg148 Posts: 701 Member
    I tend to binge mostly before/during/after my period. I know it's coming, so I try to make up for extra calories by working out more. It's like I'm not satisfied unless I'm stuffed! Just get back on track ASAP and try to fill up with more protein based foods and stay away from simple carbs. For me, the carbs don't keep me full but fuel my need to eat more! It sucks, period.
  • starrycarina
    I guess the bottom line is that we're human and we're not going to eat perfect 100% of the time. Don't beat yourself up about it. Think about what may be causing the binges. Like a few who have already mentioned it, just before my period is the worst for me and I try not to go too crazy.

    I figure I know I'm going to slip up (and have countless times before) and the best I can do is to just pick myself back up and keep on going, you know? Don't give up.
  • joleciamichelle
    joleciamichelle Posts: 139 Member
    I've actually been in counseling for the past few months for this specific reason. It doesn't make me an expert by any means but maybe what I've been doing to curb my binges could be helpful to you. We've focused a lot on what is causing the binges, so how I am feeling and what I am thinking leading up to it and to a lesser extent, how I feel after. My biggest problem is stress and emotional eating so we have come up with alternatives to dealing with those emotions other than bingeing. I don't know your situation or the story behind your binge but this has helped me tremendously, what was a problem for me for like half the week, every week, is now an issue maybe once a week or even every two weeks. So I'd say just think about what you are feeling leading up to these episodes. We like to think that we just like food but when we look closer we realize that a lot of our behaviors involving food (Iie binges) have little to do with the food and a lot to do with how we are feeling.

    And make sure you are not restricting too much in your eating plan. That can definitely set you up for a binge. Be sure you're getting balanced meals and snacks and that you have a cheat day or meal every week (as long as you can handle it).
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    It's like the saying goes "Getting fit and healthy isn't a physical battle, it is a mental one"

    What is it that makes you turn to the food when a binge is beginning? Emotions, stress, boredom, etc. You need to pinpoint the triggers so you can start working on them.

    If it's stress, try to find a better way to wind down. Perhaps just 15 minutes of Yoga(right in your living room if you want!) or going for a brisk walk around the block.

    If it's emotions, what is it that is making you emotional?

    If it's boredom, well, it's quite simple; Find something to fill the time. Read a book, play a game, clean, spend some time in the kitchen preparing some healthy snacks to have available for you to grab and go throughout the week. Preparing these snacks might help you get in the right mind set. And, you'll have healthy snacks on the ready when you need them.

    You can totally do this! This journey is far from easy. And it is all done with trial and error!

    You got this!:flowerforyou:
  • jackielou867
    jackielou867 Posts: 422 Member
    I am reading your food diaries and you need to eat a little better. Also don't try to stick to 1200 cals week in week out. After a couple of weeks have a week on maintenance. Honestly those extra 400 calories a day will feel like heaven, and your body will stop fighting you so hard. You may think it will slow down your progress but I honestly don't think it will in the long run. you will be healthier, and happier. and please never ever go under your 1200, on maintenance fine, but on 1200 no, no, no!
    Try internet search "diet plateau" there are so many articles which explain why you stop losing weight of you eat to little. I did this a few months back, I ate a little more, and started losing again.
    you are doing what I did for 15 years, but you can break the cycle, if you want it enough, its not as hard as you think, and the good part is, after a few weeks, good choices become good habits. Just look at what you are thinking of eating, read the packet, read the calories, read the sugar, do you really want it, is it really worth it?
    I hope I don't sound harsh. I beat this, I really want you to beat it too :-)