Help! I'm discouraged...

I know that I didn't get this way overnight and logically, I know that the weight will not come off overnight.. I am soooo discouraged. I quit smoking and thankfully have not gained any weight since, but I have not lost any weight either. Well... ok .. I lost 7 lbs, then had a horrible cheat weekend and I gained back 3. I bust my but every single day on the treadmill. I do anywhere from 5-10 miles every day. I watch what I eat. There hasn't been a single day that I have been over my calorie goal. . Why won't the scale budge?? =(


  • slim4health56
    slim4health56 Posts: 439 Member
    Do you have any idea how HUGE an accomplishment you've achieved from giving up cigs? Huge, girl. HUGE! Add to that you really haven't gained from the habitual snacking that often occurs when folks give up the nicotine . Another HUGE accomplishment. I'm sending you a virtual hug and a request that you stop beating yourself up. Continue on with your awesomeness!

    P.S. The chemical reaction from nicotine impacting your insulin levels will calm down and your body will heal. In the meantime, just continue to eat well, exercise and enjoy your new and improved lifestyle.
  • meha13
    meha13 Posts: 5
    Thanks. I'm sending a hug back
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Opening your diary or telling us more about your routine would probably help to get you specific feedback. In the meantime, you've lost 5 pounds! That's not nothing. That's something to be proud of and celebrate!
  • Mjconnelly586
    Mjconnelly586 Posts: 41 Member
    I agree with above post, quitting smoking is a HUGE accomplishment. Quitting smoking and not gaining weight is a miracle. You should be stoked!!

    Keep up the good work, and it will come off. It is frustrating how long it takes, that's why so many people fail. YOU can do it! You've got this in the bag. If you can quit smoking losing some lbs will be easy.
  • HershFam5
    HershFam5 Posts: 19 Member
    When I first started, I didn't see any difference. I didn't even get the benefit of losing water weight because that's all I ever drink anyways. But, after about 6 weeks, family started seeing a difference & reminded me that my fat was turning into muscles, so take measurements. When discouraged, check where you are in inches. That should help. It's how I get through those times the scale isn't moving. I'm usually under my calories and work out about 3x's a week for 30 minutes. Slow & steady will keep it off.
  • You should look into Crossfit. I guarantee you will see results!
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    I quit smoking too, YOU CAN DO THIS!
    Pull yourself together and get out there and kick butt!
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    That would've had to have been a heck of a lot of calories to gain 3 lbs of fat over a weekend. Most likely it's water weight. Just get back to what you were doing. Weight loss isn't linear. There are going to be ups and down, it's just keeping the ups to a minimum.
  • ChampCrucial
    ChampCrucial Posts: 120 Member
    Your body responds to the composition of the food also. So, you my be hindering the weight loss by eating junk yet still making your calorie goal. Have you tried intervals on the treadmill? Also, you should add weight training on top of your treadmill routine. Building muscle will burn extra calories.:drinker: cheers to the 7.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Quitting smoking is huge. Congrats.

    Don't give up though. You don't have to kill yourself on the treadmill. All you need is a reasonable calorie deficit (500 is plenty for most people, too much of a deficit and your body will hang on to fat). Weigh your food, eat your exercise calories back (but don't overestimate), and you will lose weight.
  • deereb123
    deereb123 Posts: 18 Member
    I quit smoking and gained FIFTY pounds. You are doing awesome. I replaced cigs with food as my stress management tool.

    Weight loss is a journey. If you are consistent about exercising (cardio 3-5 days a week) and are keeping your calories in line with recommendations, I would also suggest using a tape measure. At times you will be losing inches but may not see the pounds drop off the scale.

    Keep pushing forward. You can do this!
  • BossLadyDSimp
    BossLadyDSimp Posts: 257 Member
    Just keep at it ... fat is stubborn.

    I figure if I just TRY ... I mean, not even do it perfectly but just TRY for an ENTIRE YEAR, I have to see results.

    Give it time and trust the program

  • I know that I didn't get this way overnight and logically, I know that the weight will not come off overnight.. I am soooo discouraged. I quit smoking and thankfully have not gained any weight since, but I have not lost any weight either. Well... ok .. I lost 7 lbs, then had a horrible cheat weekend and I gained back 3. I bust my but every single day on the treadmill. I do anywhere from 5-10 miles every day. I watch what I eat. There hasn't been a single day that I have been over my calorie goal. . Why won't the scale budge?? =(

    When did you quite? Congrats by the way ..I didn't start gaining my 30 lbs till after the first month and a half after quitting . It has been very hard to lose since, hence that is why i am here but i am finally losing with the help of logging my cals and the taboo of eating the 1200 calories that not only my fitness pal assigned me but my doctor as well, I'm lightly active, 41 and hormones for middle life trying to creep in...we can do it but yes after the cigs metabolism no longer has that nicotine for stimulation so it takes awhile for it to readjust so you indeed might see a big stall in weight lose for awhile..patience it will happen.