Implanon implant & weight gain



  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    Using Implanon for 1.5 years now and losing weight no problem. People will find anything else to blame.
  • I'm not sure I believe any contraception makes us put weight on. Sure, the effects on our hormones make make us feel a little more hungry but could that account for a massive gain? I don't think so. I think people use it as an excuse.

    I put 40 lbs on at the same time I had the Implanon fitted, I also started losing that weight when I had it taken out. I started Uni when I had the Implanon fitted, I drank heavily and ate lots of junk food whilst drunk/hungover. I graduated around the same time as having the Implanon removed, cut out the massive party lifestyle and lost weight. Pretty sure the Implanon did not contribute to this and that in actual fact, it was my student lifestyle. :tongue:

    I've also noticed that it's a lot of young people that complain about weight gain with contraceptives. Girls in their teens/early 20's. I think this is more to do with a person not needing that many calories anymore as they're fully grown and no longer developing but still eating like they did when they were growing.
  • Using Implanon for 1.5 years now and losing weight no problem. People will find anything else to blame.
    I am 26, I am not a student and currently live a healthy lifestyle, I track my diet and exercise religiously and since having the implant weight simply isnt coming off as would be expected. My weight has fluctuated over the years, at times I have gained up to 4 stone through an unhealthy lifestyle, and at times I have lost this through dieting and exercising. I know exactly what it takes for me to lose and gain weight. BUT since the implant this has changed, hence why I am having it removed next week. I also have severe acne after having clear skin my whole life and I also have suffered with irregular periods after being regular my whole life. This is a website for people who are being proactive in their weight loss and lifestyle and for whatever reason that weight gain is we should be supporting each other and sharing experiences and not accusing each other of finding excuses and other things to blame, when actually chances are the implant does lead to weight gain and having it removed for some people would be the best thing they can do to help lose weight.
    I won't be changing anything when I have had my implant removed as there is simply nothing else I can to lose weight without practically having an eating disorder. I consistently have a kcal deficit each day which should lead to a healthy weight loss but simply isn't. I will update you all on my progress after my implant is removed.
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    You are either over eating or over estimating your calorie burn.
  • I have now had my implant out for two and a half weeks, in that time I have continued weighing myself daily and not one day have I gained any weight, I have lost 8lbs, I have lost 2 inches from my waist and 1 inch from my belly, also my upper arms have lost puffy water. (my acne also improved within days). I haven't changed my eating habits at all and have not had the usual weight battle. I also have twice as much energy. Ladies if you are on the implant and struggling I would strongly say get the damn thing out!!!!!
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    Im getting it out in a couple weeks because of the non stop heavy period and it making me lethargic.
  • you will feel better, I had so much more energy in just a couple if days of it being taken out, I wish I had of done it sooner, the doctors kept telling me to wait for my periods to settle down but they never did!! another thing I've noticed is that I was getting really obsessive about cleaning, even a few little crumbs would make me angry, since having it out I'm 'normal' and relaxed about it again! I think it was giving me some kind of hormonal nesting instinct or something!! i had it for just over two years, I think the first year the changes were subtle other then the constant bleeding, the second year I noticed the weight issues but blamed myself. took till my acne got bad n I just couldn't loose weight to realise just how much it had affected me in different ways! I wish I had it out sooner! :)
  • Kitpurr
    Kitpurr Posts: 26 Member
    I'm a long term implanon user 9 years +

    First 5 years my weight was rock solid never fluctuated at all. I only put weight on by bad eating and laziness caused in part by depression(which was more linked to my bad eating than implanon hormones).

    I know you can lose weight on implanon because I shifted 8 kilos in a bit over a month. I put it all back on again in a year and a half, but again that was related to bad eating and laziness.

    All my experiences with implanon have been positive, I rarely get a period and they're rarely painful. I don't have to think about birth control and I never have to worry if say I'm sick that I may have vomited up my pill and am therefore not protected.

    BUT everyone is different. It worked great for me, I 100% fully recommend it. It may or may not work for you. All you can do is try it and if it doesn't work for you whip it back out again.
  • I have to say some of these comments have disgusted me. Saying 'you are either overeating or underestimating your calorie burn' or 'people will use anything as an excuse' are not helpful. The simple fact is all contraceptives affect women differently and an incredibly high proportion of women DO experience weight gain with hormone introduction. The way in which contraceptives work is they 'trick' the body into thinking it is already pregnant so it makes biological sense that it will retain any fat and make it harder to shift. Contraceptives can even cause conditions like gestational gingivitis for this reason.
    I am not fat in any way and actually started using My Fitness Pal to keep an eye on my muscle gain while training for a Body Combat marathon. I happen to have had Nexplanon inserted a couple of months after training began and although I changed nothing during this time (ie my calorie intake remained at 1500 per day snd in fact I started to drink less alcohol) my body fat began to increase inexplicably. I use the Tracker device at my Virgin Active gym (which I sometimes attend TWICE) a day and it clearly shows an exponential rise in my body fat (not muscle; fat). In general I also feel tireder and more 'swollen' I am now going to have it removed. I hope that helps :)
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    Just had mine out yesterday. I am peeing like crazy and already feel less tired.
  • raverhayley
    raverhayley Posts: 112 Member
    So glad i found this topic as i had implanon fitted 6 months ago and it's definatley made gain weight- nearly a stone in 6 months. The past 2 months i have been doing an exercise dvd 5 times a week and really have eaten healthy- mostly fresh ingredients and counted calories on here. It's been almost impossible to loose more than a couple of pounds. Before the implant this kind of exercise and eating would have deffo made me loose than stone by now as ive dieted successfully in the past and lost 3 stone.

    I'm having it taken out Wednesday as also along with the weight issue i have had acne outbreaks worse than when i was 14 years old and also i have been bleeding up to 3 days per week.

    Lets hope after wednesday i see more positive results ;)
  • Some of you need to read and stop advertising your ignorance. The contraceptive makers themselves list weight gain as a side effect. Hormones will affect the body's metabolism, causing it to retain water and fat by shutting down certain processes. So, if you were one of the unlucky few, it wouldn't matter how little you ate or how much you exercised, the weight would still pile on. I've always had sedentary jobs and not exercised but after I had my son, I made a committment to eat healthier and exercise. Then I made the mistake of having Implanon inserted and gained 5 stone in 4 months. Just how much would I have needed to eat to put on that amount of weight in that time? It has been 5 years and I have only managed to shift a stone, and not for lack of trying!!
  • I have had my implanon for 2 1/2 years now and it did not cause weight gain for me.
  • I have has the implanon for almost a year now and I cannot wait to take it off. I have gained about 30 to 40 lbs. and cannot manage to lose the weight with eating clean and exercise. Any of you have the same problem? Does the weight come off quickly after taking it off? what other contraceptive can I use and not gain too much weight?
  • I enjoy the gym and naturally eat pretty clean. I was 120lbs the day my Implanon was inserted (noted by the Dr) which was my normal weight I never really fluctuated from that weight. Here I am 2.5 years later and I weigh 145lbs!!! My daily routine nor diet and changed much. Before a beach vacation is when I really started hitting the gym extra hard to try and lose at least 10 of those extra pounds I put on. I worked out 4-5 times a week doing cardio and weight training, started using myfitnesspal to track calories (1200cal a day), I even went Paleo aka Caveman diet (no breads, pastas, grains of any kind, no dairy or legumes and I only drank water and natural green tea No sugar). I did this for about 4.5 months even changing up my work out regimens trying different intensity levels and everything and I didnt lose any more than 2lbs the whole time!!! my clothes didnt fit better and my body fat% didnt really change at all!!!! So if people are gonna tell me that "I will do anything for an excuse" or "I'm over eating", its absolutely ridiculous!!!! I would love for someone to tell me why such a clean diet and quality exercise didnt help me lose!! On top of all that my sex drive went down the drain and was pretty much nonexistent!
    This morning I had my Implanon removed finally, Im so happy! I have gone back to Ortho Tri cyclen lo, which I was on before the implanon without any issues. Im pretty sure my body does better on the hormonal contraceptives that include Estrogen, just a guess since the Implanon uses Progesterone only. Every woman is different!
    Well the Dr. weighed me in at 145.5 lbs this morning, before the removal. I will continue to watch my weight and look for any changes and keep you updated!!! Good luck to everyone looking for answers, and looking to lose weight!!! :)
  • Aotus
    Aotus Posts: 2
    I had the Implanon implant put in 3 years ago and lost around three stone in the first six months (no diet change but an extra two hours of walking per week), which was pretty drastic. It then took me over two years to put that weight back on, but now I know my goal weight is between the two. So I don't think that the implant will automatically make you put weight on. There's probably a lot of other things it depends on
  • jamemia
    jamemia Posts: 11 Member
    Hi I was wondering if you lsot weight after having your implant removed? A lot of people say on this that you cannot blame the implant for weight gain, however, you totally can as it is a hormonal drug and therefore changes your body cycle. I go to the gym 5 times a week and I eat very healthy. I have cut my daily calories down and even exercised more but cannot shift more than about 4/5 lbs. I am now considering getting the implant removed and was wondering how you have found it since getting yours removed?x
  • UPDATE!!!!! So a few months back I wrote about having the implanon and gaining weight, I also had mentioned I had it removed that day. Ive been getting alot of messages asking for an update so here it is!

    After getting it removed about a week later I went back home to visit my family for a month before moving to our next overseas base. In that time I ate everything!!!! My clean diet went right out the window and i was drinking more than normal since i was seeing old friends, family etc. the day after Thanksgiving we made the trip to Seattle to catch our flight to Japan. Anyone who has moved knows its stressful and being forced to move countries by the military is even more stressful and they have all my household items and everything which means we were eating out alot! I havent been in the gym once since i got it removed (sadly). Not too long ago my husband mentioned I looked slimmer (i thought he was being nice lol) and my mother told me over skype my face looked thin, so I decided to weigh myself for the first time 3 months after removing the implanon. And regardless of all that binge eating and lack of exercise I somehow managed to lose 10lbs!!!!! :happy: I was so excited!! i do eat my normal cleaner diet again but I cant wait to get my butt back in the gym this Monday and get rid of the rest of the weight and gain my muscle definition back I once had!

    I was never one to blame something else for my problem, in this case extra weight. But when i wasnt losing anything after trying so hard and doing everything the fitness experts say to do I knew there was something more to it!

    Taking out the implanon was the best decision I could have made for myself! (bonus: my sex drive is back!!)

    I hope this helps people and you all find what works for you! Good luck on your journey to a healthier you!!!!!!
  • Lanie829
    Lanie829 Posts: 2
    Implanon is in fact the worst thing that has ever happened to me! I weighed 124 pounds when I had it inserted. I am now at 170. It is a trap. I've been exercising 5 days a week for a month and a half. And I have lost 3 pounds. Before having this Implanon put in my body I was very active. I could run, walk, jump, ride bikes, and play basketball all day. I have had implanon for 2 1/2 years. I'm having it removed as soon as possible. And Ladies do not believe this Doctors. She told me I wouldn't gain much and I have gained so much weight I don't even feel like myself anymore. I used to be able to put my cute tops on with my cute pants and some heels. But all of that came crashing down due to implanon. And some of you may be different. But for us Ladies that gained weight, don't feel alone. I'll try to update when I have it taken out. I'll let you ladies know. :) have a nice night/day
  • Lanie829
    Lanie829 Posts: 2
    Congratulations :)