Ideal Protein...Someone know's something about that

Hey, partners i want to know if you know this diet, "Ideal Protein' is susscefull?/? is expensive?/ where i can buy the food? how work's? is effective?.............and by the way, sorry englisg is not my first language so if somebody wants to corrected my english is ok. Thank you...ill be waiting for answers :)


  • Cathleenr
    Cathleenr Posts: 332
    Hey, partners i want to know if you know this diet, "Ideal Protein' is susscefull?/? is expensive?/ where i can buy the food? how work's? is effective?.............and by the way, sorry englisg is not my first language so if somebody wants to corrected my english is ok. Thank you...ill be waiting for answers :)

    my chiropracter sells it. its a meal replacement system, like jenny craig. with all things considered, 'normal' food is far less expensive, less processed and you will be more sucessful, imo, when you learn how to prepare and eat meals that fall within your daily menus. peole lose weight on it cause.....they consume fewer calories and you can do that on your own.
  • sunflower0022
    sunflower0022 Posts: 129 Member
    I have been on it for about 4 weeks. I have lost about 20 lbs, and lots of inches.
    I will say that this is easy to follow.. and yummy!!!
    I HATE diets, so when I tried this one out I actually liked the food. Although the puddings you made are not as good in my eyes. The soups, the chili, and everything else is very good.
    For breakfast I have 1 product
    lunch I have 1 product plus 2 cups veggies (they have a list)
    for supper I have meat and veggies
    for a snack is again 1 product.

    I am NOT hungry... I have gotten lots of compliments on my skin and they see a difference in how I look.
    Plus,, I have energy!

    I have 3 kids, and I am hugely over weight. If I can do this, anyone can.

    My Dr approved it, it is basically what I would be eating if I had a gastric bypass. Which was an option for me.

    You drink lots of water, and my menu can vary so much with all of the choices that I have. I still cook for the family what they want, but I eat what I need to.

    I have about 700 calories a day... about 3 grams of sugar, about 12 grams of carbs,
    Even if the scale says I didn't lose as much as I think I should have... the measuring tape says I lost in inches!

    Any questions just ask me!
  • sunflower0022
    sunflower0022 Posts: 129 Member
    Hey, partners i want to know if you know this diet, "Ideal Protein' is susscefull?/? is expensive?/ where i can buy the food? how work's? is effective?.............and by the way, sorry englisg is not my first language so if somebody wants to corrected my english is ok. Thank you...ill be waiting for answers :)

    my chiropracter sells it. its a meal replacement system, like jenny craig. with all things considered, 'normal' food is far less expensive, less processed and you will be more sucessful, imo, when you learn how to prepare and eat meals that fall within your daily menus. peole lose weight on it cause.....they consume fewer calories and you can do that on your own.

    I had a hard time with doing it on my own, that is why I chose to try Ideal Protein. That is also why I am on MFP as well. I needed all the help I can get. Plus.. not being hungry helps! Some days I crave sweets.. or chips.. and they have that snack food as well. Chips.. and bars.. and puffs! All yummy! :)
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I would really suggest you stick to a calorie controlled diet with 'real food' - most of which should be processed as little as possible. If you have problems getting enough protein, use protein powder to supplement. Just take a good multi-vitamin a day if you are concerned about getting enough vitamins.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 718 Member
    Good luck with your weight loss, but eating less that 1,000 calories a day on the Ideal Protein plan would really be putting your body into the danger zone -- ESPECIALLY when you are doing heavy exercise. Even if you feel good, you can get sick FAST when you cut your calories too low.

    Many doctors would not approve of a plan that relies so much on protein. Eating too high of a percentage of protein can put a lot of stress on your body. (See )

    Just because a "doctor" created or recommended this diet, that does not necessarily mean it's safe. There are doctors that would do anything to make big money selling books, diet kits, etc that promise quick weight loss
  • Seahawk27
    Seahawk27 Posts: 72
    I did it for a couple of months and I was successful, but I couldn't work out AT ALL. I had very little energy, so no extra to do any sort of working out. Also, as soon as I started eating "real" food again I gained about 10 lbs back (I lost 25) and immediately went to Weight Watchers to get it under control. I lost the 10 lbs back, but then got stuck so now I'm currently doing Body By Vi. The same idea as Ideal Protein, except you can eat carbs and the shakes are cheaper. That was the problem with IP too, it was EXPENSIVE. It does work though, but don't expect to be able to workout with it.
  • zombilishious
    zombilishious Posts: 1,250 Member
    You can't go wrong with what Mother Nature gives us .... anything else, question.
  • Seahawk27
    Seahawk27 Posts: 72
    Oh, and the constipation that came with so much protein and no fiber or probiotics was a real b*tch.
  • JoniBologna
    JoniBologna Posts: 653 Member
    Eat REAL food. All of those meal replacement plans are setting you up to fail long term. You need to make changes that are sustainable for life. I can't believe this lady is actually advocating eating 700cal a day. I eat nearly 2000 cal a day, and I am still losing. Take care of your body the right way and keep the weight off.
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    Dear Posters,

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    In the meantime, please make sure to refrain from attacking or insulting other users.

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    MyFitnessPal Forum Moderator
  • Malalu
    Malalu Posts: 39
    Thank you everybody, now i have to decided if im going to try it or not. Thanks a lot!
  • Malalu
    Malalu Posts: 39
    Hi, everyone im just started today my IP diet, until now is good, i had my breakfast ( crepes, taste like pancakes without sugar), my lunch was ( 1/2 cup of pepper, 1/2 cup of cucumber. 1 cup of cabbage and 1 chicken noodle soup from IP diet, my snack was a (vanilla pudding, tasted good) and for dinner i have 8oz bistec with 1/2 cup of onios, 1/2 mushrooms, 1 cup of lettuce) just delicious. So since today i will report my progress. Today i have 138 lbs, 5'3 and my BMI is 25. See you later partners! take care
  • Malalu
    Malalu Posts: 39
    Hi i lost 5 pounds and 2% of fat in my 2st week with ideal protein diet, im so happy
  • kbecerra7
    kbecerra7 Posts: 1
    Yes it works! I lost 6 pounds my first week and the weight loss is continuing. 20 pound loss total now in about 3 weeks. You have to buy the food at a clinic and have guidance through the diet. Look at to find the closest clinic to you. Good luck!!
  • muffn43
    muffn43 Posts: 10
    Time: 2 to 6 weeks (till 80-90% of your weight loss goal is achieved)
    Diet: 3 prepackaged protein drinks + a meal including lean protein and leafy vegetables + low calorie, low fat and low carb supplements.
    Cost: $85.00 per week; or $500 for Phase 1

    Phase 2

    Time: 1 to 2 weeks
    Diet: 2 meals with lean meat or poultry and raw or cooked vegetables + 2 meals of protein packs + lean dairy products like milk or cheese.
    Cost: $60.00 per week; or $120 for Phase 2

    Phase 3

    Time: 2 weeks
    Diet: Healthy carbohydrate foods like whole wheat toast and fruits + meal consisting of lean meat or poultry + vegetables + lean dairy products + protein rich snacks.
    Cost: $30.00 per week; or $60 for Phase 3

    Phase 4

    Time: Thereafter
    Diet: Healthy carbohydrate foods like whole wheat toast and fruits along with protein snacks + meal consisting of lean meat or poultry + vegetables + lean dairy products + protein snacks + vegetable soup + complex carbohydrates, like pastas.

    *Total Cost: Around $700 for 10 weeks; or average $70 per week

    Fast Results
    Another common review given by followers of this diet are the fast results. On an average, women have claimed to lose 3 to 4 pounds a week; while men lose 4 to 7 pounds a week. As compared to many other diets available right now, this is quite a good figure. All this, without compromising on your muscle mass.

    Customer Satisfaction
    If you take a look at the official website, you will see testimonials from many satisfied customers. The results may vary; in that some people lose weight at a faster pace than others. But the diet does show results, and pretty soon!

    Not Just Proteins, Carbs Too
    If you study the diet carefully, you will notice that Ideal Protein diet is not an exclusive protein diet, or a protein-only diet. The diet also incorporates carbs. This is a big difference compared to many other crash or fad diets, since carbs cannot and should not be completely eliminated from your daily diet. The keyword here is 'balance', which the diet attains successfully.

    A Fit and Healthy You
    The Ideal Protein diet also claims to have many other benefits, such as improved skin tone, elevated energy levels, good appetite, and a reduced urge to binge! The diet also takes care of factors, such as blood sugar levels, blood pressure, cholesterol levels, etc. All these factors will eventually help you improve your overall health and constitution.

    Possible Red Flags
    Though the reviews are mainly positive, a few red flags have been unfurled by customers. The most common is in the initial that is in phase 1 of the diet. Since the carb intake is almost nil in phase 1, it can lead to a general feeling of fatigue. However, this problem is taken care of in due course of the diet itself. Few customers also report minor problems or complaints like constipation. However, such reports are rare. Also in case of such problems, the official website has contact details of professionals and doctors that offer one-on-one assistance that will help you sort out the problem you are facing.

    All in all, Ideal Protein diet reviews are largely positive. The key highlights of the diet are its cost-effectiveness, fast results, and other health benefits along with weight and fat loss. It would be a good idea to consult your family doctor (or a doctor who knows your medical history), before you go in for the diet. Also remember, everybody has a unique body type, tendency and metabolism. So, do not be discouraged. Keep faith, and success shall be yours.
    By Mrunmayi Deo
    Read more at Buzzle:
  • TheLadySovereign
    Four people that I know - my dad, my close friend, my close friend's husband, and my dad's friend - all did the IP diet. They all lost weight and then they all gained it back, plus more.

    In my opinion, if it's not real food, then chances for success can be small since, eventually, you have to return to real food at some point.
  • Tunero
    Tunero Posts: 1
    3 family members, one of which is a doctor in a NYC hospital, lost weight quickly. My wife and I lost over 25Ibs in two months. Ideal Protein is a protocol that puts your body into a ketosis state, which means that your body is emptied of carbs and your body consumes stored fat for energy. When the body is in ketosis state it consumes stored fat and protein (muscle, organs). So, in order to prevent your body from consuming muscle or organ protein Ideal Protein provides efficient protein powder. You consume enough protein to complement the ketosis process. So, you are not over indulging in protein. But, because your body is a ketosis state, you have a shallow level of energy. Certainly, body building can not be supported. The Ideal Protein specialist can tailor the protocol to meet your activity level. I stopped kayaking for 2 months while I lost weight. This is a protocol to lose weight and it is very good at doing that. As far as maintaining your targeted weight, my wife has lost an additional3 pounds and i've stayed the same. We have only been off the protocol for the past 2 months. So, we'll see. We had an excellent dietician that helped us think through our ethnic cuisines with more wholesome approaches, sometimes substituting ingredients and other times dividing up and grouping entrees for separate meals. In essence, Ideal Protein is a weight reduction protocol. Along the way you discover a great deal of how fat built up. After all, we just didn't wake up one day 50 pounds heavier. If you go back to old habits, guess what? Ideal Protein is not for everyone, but it is for those that have a lot of weight to lose and want to get there fast and under the supervision of a trained specialist. As you can see from the other posts, Ideal Protein can be pricey. I would shop around for the basic service. The cost of the food stuff has little variation. You want to be well monitored. Good luck!
  • Calibrate
    Calibrate Posts: 52 Member
    I've been on Ideal Protein for 7 months and am 70 pounds down. Looking to loose another 15-20 before I phase off. Being a post menopausal women in her 50's, losing weight the last couple of years has been very difficult. Not only have I lost weight with Ideal Protein, but I also have learned to eat a totally different way. I have never liked vegetables but because of pure boredom with this diet, I've learned to like some. Haven't had a piece of bread, rice, potato in over 7 months and really don't miss them. I am learning there are so many other foods out there that I just refused to see. I can't even tell you when I did any food shopping that drew me to the inside isles of the grocery store. I shop perimeter only now and forever. Jicama rules!
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Dammit, got suckered in by a necro.