Strange smell in nose after running....

Okay... this is a really weird question...

After a few of my latest runs, I have gotten this weird blood smell in my nose.

It first happened after a long run but this week it has come after shorter ones, too. (I don't notice the smell until after my runs and it slowly goes away over the period of an hour or two).

I drink plenty of water- before, during, and after my workouts and I eat fairly well.. I've never had nose bleeds... so I am thoroughly confused as to why this is happening?!

Has anyone else experienced this?! Do you know what it is or what causes it?!


  • Lisa_222
    Lisa_222 Posts: 301 Member
    Are you swallowing blood? How do you know it's blood smell? Next time you run, jog to a pharmacy with a blood pressure checker and get your blood pressure while your heart rate is still up. If it's high, see your doctor. High blood pressure causes nosebleeds. It might only be slight, but it would be good to know your blood pressure. If you can't do that, at least get it checked and make sure it's normal at your resting rate.
  • faithog
    faithog Posts: 76
    Are you swallowing blood? How do you know it's blood smell? Next time you run, jog to a pharmacy with a blood pressure checker and get your blood pressure while your heart rate is still up. If it's high, see your doctor. High blood pressure causes nosebleeds. It might only be slight, but it would be good to know your blood pressure. If you can't do that, at least get it checked and make sure it's normal at your resting rate.

    I am not swallowing blood... and no blood comes out of my nose. I just get this iron-y blood smell. It is totally odd.

    I actually had my BP checked today and it was 116/83 (resting). That is not a bad idea to get it checked while my HR is up though, thanks!
  • lc504
    lc504 Posts: 130 Member
    I have had this happen to me once or twice, actually... but sadly no explanation. My blood pressure has always been normal, personally.

    Bump to see if anyone else has some insight on this.
  • CronoCX
    CronoCX Posts: 59 Member
    Has had this happen a few times to me as well i have no idea what it is...... hope someone post an answer ill keep this post on watch! good luck
  • glittersoul
    I have no idea really, but it may have to do with the increase in oxygen through your nose sort of causing some sort of irritation/inflammation... hence the smell. But hopefully someone comes by and gives you an actual answer
  • cutiepie2628
    cutiepie2628 Posts: 415 Member
    Okay... this is a really weird question...

    After a few of my latest runs, I have gotten this weird blood smell in my nose.

    It first happened after a long run but this week it has come after shorter ones, too. (I don't notice the smell until after my runs and it slowly goes away over the period of an hour or two).

    I drink plenty of water- before, during, and after my workouts and I eat fairly well.. I've never had nose bleeds... so I am thoroughly confused as to why this is happening?!

    Has anyone else experienced this?! Do you know what it is or what causes it?!

    whats crazy is when i first began to jog a little in the gym a while ago on the treadmill the same thing happened to me but i actually tasted blood in my mouth... it was so weird... i saw no blood but i most def.. tasted it.. after this i stopped trying to jog because that scared the hell out of me....when u find out please let me know the cause of it... thanks
  • faithog
    faithog Posts: 76
    Thanks, everyone. I am glad to hear I am not the only one who's had that happen! Hopefully someone has a clue about what causes it...
  • jdonato27
    Thank you so much for posting this!! I have noticed this for ages, at least a decade. I didn't even know how to search for it - my gut instinct is that the smell is kind of like iron, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. I stumbled across some other posts regarding "ammonia smell" , but was just not quite convinced that that was the smell. I know ammonia, and this is not quite an ammonia smell. I'm so glad I'm not crazy - it definitely is more of a metallic, iron smell than ammonia or chemical. Makes sense that you'd link it to blood since obviously iron content in blood is quite high (fun fact - that's how mosquitoes 'find' who/where to bite, they sense the iron through your skin...anyway...)

    Has anybody discovered a link? Do you eat certain foods prior to working out , do a certain exercise, work a certain muscle goup, to elicit that response? I haven't yet found anything. So bizarre!