Calling all Brides!



  • MrsVin86
    MrsVin86 Posts: 33 Member
    I'm getting married August 23, 2014!!! I just starting seriously thinking about my workouts and nutrition on Monday. I am ready to turn into fitness bridezilla :P
  • swissbrit
    swissbrit Posts: 201
    The Dress looks stunning but beware of buying online from china as most of the comments are not real ones haave a look at this .-( But a friend got married last year and used this company and was extremely happy with the dress its details and how it fit ......... another friend of hers has since got a wedding dress from the same company and is also happy. I am gettng married on the 13th June 2014 and plan to order mine with them but ts up to you, just word of mouth is alway better than a hit and miss situation...
  • DivaJadelyn
    DivaJadelyn Posts: 280 Member
    Already married but having the big ceremony next year in October! I would love some Bride friends.
  • sjs3068
    sjs3068 Posts: 7 Member
    Hey All - I got engaged this July and we're getting married in September 2014. I thought this ring on my finger would light a fire under me but I just can't seem to stay motivated. I'm currently around 235lbs & I hope to be around 150 or less for the big day. I would love to have more bride friends. I've struggled with being over weight most of my life - I would be so disappointed to feel and look this way on the biggest day of my life. I will take all the support that I can get and would love to support all of you right back!!!

    Congrats & Good Luck, Ladies! :)
  • lauractemple85
    lauractemple85 Posts: 109 Member
    I'm not getting married but just have to say that (based on your pic) you carry 158 pounds REALLY well! I'm 5'3" around 140 and I look like a whale!
  • kayvanne
    kayvanne Posts: 35 Member
    I'll be graduating in May 2014 : )
    Congratulations on your wedding date woo!
    I'm hoping to lose 50lbs by then !
  • Hello, feel free to add me. I am 5''4 162lbs and my goal weight is 135 :) I will not be getting married till april 2015 but I'm still on this weight loss journey. feel free to add me
  • heriwen
    heriwen Posts: 13 Member
    I'm right there with everyone! Our ceremony will be 10/12/14 and I'm SO EXCITED! I'm a full time grad student, full time substitute teacher and working to lose weight. I'm down 10 lbs already, and would like to lose about 50 more before our wedding. Please add me, and let's keep each other on track!!
  • jdubz18
    jdubz18 Posts: 18 Member
    Getting married July 5, 2014...trying to lose a few more pounds and inches before the big day and definitely tone my arms for that strapless dress :) Congrats to all the other 2014 on, girls!!!
  • jenniferjeanne84
    jenniferjeanne84 Posts: 17 Member
    Getting married July 12, 2014.
    Currently at 166lbs 5'6, I am hoping to lose 15lbs at least by the wedding.
  • agborensztein
    agborensztein Posts: 28 Member
    Getting married September 2014, I'd been going strong right before the engagement (I knew it was coming). Then I got sidetracked with celebrations, trips. Bought the dress, no more fooling around, time to get back on track. I'm looking to lose 10-15 lbs for the big day.
  • I'm getting married next October and have to lose close to 80 lbs! HELP
  • we're getting married the same day!!
  • RachelRuns9
    RachelRuns9 Posts: 585 Member
    Congrats to everyone --- I actually want to lose like 45 lbs by April 1 because I am pretty sure I am going to be proposed to on that day!
    So this group is like totally cute and I love it :)
    Bride wannabe!

    Let's do this!
  • My wedding is January 22, 2014!! Been having such a hard time losing weight so it's been really disheartening. Gluten intolerant for about 4 months now, looks like I am one of those unlucky people whose body is absorbing everything instead of dropping weight. Been doing weight watchers the last 4 weeks with no loss. Going back to calorie counting as I know it's worked for me in the past. I am 5'8'' and 159 lbs. Would love to be around 140 buy my wedding day but I don't think it's going to happen :( Getting married in the Bahamas!!
  • maryeubanks39
    maryeubanks39 Posts: 3 Member
    Congrats to all the Brides! I'm a bride getting married April 26th, 2014. I just restarted MFP after a while away in hopes of losing a few pounds before the big day. I haven't even bought my dress yet (going shopping next week) because I have been terrified of the trying them on. Im about 5ft 9 and my goal is to be down about 25 pounds on the big day but we will see. Congrats everyone and good luck!
  • MrsGreenhill1005
    MrsGreenhill1005 Posts: 12 Member
    I get married on 10th May 2014 so i am working to lose another 20lb by then. :) Feel free to add me..
  • Hi All! I'm a bride to be to! Bit further ahead than most of you though my date is April 25th 2015'. I want to lose around 21lb , I have found and ordered my dream dress got the pics of me in it & it looks good but I want it to look amazing looking at loosing the weight by next May then the hard task if maintaining it starts! Congrats to you all on your forthcoming weddings ????????
  • amberlykay1014
    amberlykay1014 Posts: 608 Member
    Hello! Just wanted to say congratulations!!! I'm 5'4" and exactly in your goal range. I just got married last month (profile pic). You can do it!!
  • jmcnamar484
    jmcnamar484 Posts: 34 Member
    I'm not getting married but just have to say that (based on your pic) you carry 158 pounds REALLY well! I'm 5'3" around 140 and I look like a whale!

    Thanks girl, thats super sweet! And by the way, you don't look like a whale. You look SUPER strong :)