Am i eating too much fat please help

Hi i am not eating dairy and i am trying to get more protien and calories into my diet. I would normally do this via protien shakes however im going to stop drinking for a month on advice from my naturopath. Also on her advice ive increased nuts and seeds... But i feel like im eating way too much fat-even though its the good stuff. Am i eating too much fat ? My weight is not shifting (yet) but it will... Any advice would be appreciated


  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Telling us how much fat you're eating would be a good start.
  • sallysally
    sallysally Posts: 25 Member
    Ok im not good at this technical stuff but can you see my diary?
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Edit: Nope, you're good. I was misreading the numbers initially. You should be shooting for approximately a third of your bodyweight (lbs) in fat.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Just going off the last few days in your diary, no, you aren't eating too much fat. You still have room to eat more. If you were told to eat a low fat diet most of your life, it's a hard rule to break in your mind.
  • sallysally
    sallysally Posts: 25 Member
    Thank you its hard trying to find right balance normally i would avoid seeds and nuts cause of fat content i have to get use to the idea fat can be good... Thanks again
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    Looks good to me too. You have fat and carbs left at the end of every day this week, which I presume is what you are after. However, I want to go on record as having said that fat isn't evil anymore than carbs or proteins are evil. I have found that moderation is the key for me. I do wish you luck on your weight loss and getting your macros sorted out to what works for your body, which is the important thing.
  • mmipanda
    mmipanda Posts: 351 Member
    you should probably start eating back your exercise calories though.

    also I'd have a look at adjusting your macros. It seems your carbs are really high and fats & protein are low. I'd make carbs like... 40% or something, tops.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    You can never technically eat too much fat. I would question why you only are eating 1200 calories most days when your goal is more around 1600 after exercise. Since you dont have much weight to lose, a large deficit will increase the chances of muscle loss. I would recommend eating at your goal.
  • TigerBite
    TigerBite Posts: 611 Member
    Nuts and seeds are calorically dense, they are more of a fat source than a protein source and to get sufficient protein from just eating nuts and seeds, you have to eat a lot, which means a lot of calories, and since you want to be in a deficit to lose weight, this doesn't seem to be the best approach ... The fat itself isn't bad ...

    Why aren't you eating dairy? Are you allergic/intolerant ... are you a vegan or vegetarian ...? What about eggs as a protein source, of fish or lean meat/poultry?

    EDIT: You opened your diary whilst I was composing this ... Please eat to meet your calorie goal ...
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    you should probably start eating back your exercise calories though.

    also I'd have a look at adjusting your macros. It seems your carbs are really high and fats & protein are low. I'd make carbs like... 40% or something, tops.

    are you looking at the right persons diary? Her carbs are less than 100gs a day which is about 35 to 40% of her goal.
  • mmipanda
    mmipanda Posts: 351 Member
    you should probably start eating back your exercise calories though.

    also I'd have a look at adjusting your macros. It seems your carbs are really high and fats & protein are low. I'd make carbs like... 40% or something, tops.

    are you looking at the right persons diary? Her carbs are less than 100gs a day which is about 35 to 40% of her goal.

    You're looking at what she's actually logged. But look at her daily macro goals. Thursday's is 245 carbs, 59 fat, 67 protein. That means her carbs are set to about 55%, I guess about 15% protein and 20% fat.
  • susanrechter
    susanrechter Posts: 386 Member
    I eat nuts and seeds (chia, sunflower, almonds) with coconut milk in the mornings and afternoons. Lots of fish during the day (salmon and sardines) . Sometimes a protein shake with blueberries and cranberries. Eggs....yum. I cut dairy, red meat and processed foods, no more simple carbs or candyies. The weight came off when I started to eat more protein and "seeds" . I feel better, however I say I will reintroduce red meat and dairy into my diet, however, I don't miss the red meat so much. Calories are calories regardless of their descriptions. I limit my calorie intake. Have to log to control. My fats come from the fish oils and seed and nuts. Very satisfying, but I do have to measure them because I tend to eat too many nuts and they are calorie dense and fattening ...for me.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    you should probably start eating back your exercise calories though.

    also I'd have a look at adjusting your macros. It seems your carbs are really high and fats & protein are low. I'd make carbs like... 40% or something, tops.

    are you looking at the right persons diary? Her carbs are less than 100gs a day which is about 35 to 40% of her goal.

    You're looking at what she's actually logged. But look at her daily macro goals. Thursday's is 245 carbs, 59 fat, 67 protein. That means her carbs are set to about 55%, I guess about 15% protein and 20% fat.

    Ok... but her goals dont affect her eating. She is doing fine in terms of macro ratios but calories are low. If she prefers to update the goals to compare her macros to goals its all good.
  • sallysally
    sallysally Posts: 25 Member
    Thank you everyone bit confused how i set my carbs and all that on MFP but i will look into it and double check what i am doing thank you all so much
  • sallysally
    sallysally Posts: 25 Member
    Nuts and seeds are calorically dense, they are more of a fat source than a protein source and to get sufficient protein from just eating nuts and seeds, you have to eat a lot, which means a lot of calories, and since you want to be in a deficit to lose weight, this doesn't seem to be the best approach ... The fat itself isn't bad ...

    Why aren't you eating dairy? Are you allergic/intolerant ... are you a vegan or vegetarian ...? What about eggs as a protein source, of fish or lean meat/poultry?

    EDIT: You opened your diary whilst I was composing this ... Please eat to meet your calorie goal ...

    I eat meat and just had eggs for lunch im not eating wheat and dairy for a month to see how i feel in general as i may have an intolerant... Process of elimination:)
  • sallysally
    sallysally Posts: 25 Member
    You can never technically eat too much fat. I would question why you only are eating 1200 calories most days when your goal is more around 1600 after exercise. Since you dont have much weight to lose, a large deficit will increase the chances of muscle loss. I would recommend eating at your goal.
    I am trying so hard to eat more calories im just not hungry thats why i replaced protein shake with nuts as they are higher in calories but the fat concerned me so hence my post... Its all a balancing trick i am sure i will get it right and everyone here has been most helpful thank you
  • mmipanda
    mmipanda Posts: 351 Member
    Thank you everyone bit confused how i set my carbs and all that on MFP but i will look into it and double check what i am doing thank you all so much

    Hi Sally,

    Click on My Home -> Goals -> Change Goals -> custom.

    You can then play with percentages and adjust them to suit your diet.
  • sallysally
    sallysally Posts: 25 Member
    Thank you everyone bit confused how i set my carbs and all that on MFP but i will look into it and double check what i am doing thank you all so much

    Hi Sally,

    Click on My Home -> Goals -> Change Goals -> custom.

    You can then play with percentages and adjust them to suit your diet.
    Thank you so much i changed them thats great :)
  • rawhidenadz
    rawhidenadz Posts: 254 Member
    Your fat is fine. Your protein seems unnecessarily high to me. If anything, I would go with slightly lower protein intake and slightly higher fat intake considering how low your carbs are
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    You can never technically eat too much fat. I would question why you only are eating 1200 calories most days when your goal is more around 1600 after exercise. Since you dont have much weight to lose, a large deficit will increase the chances of muscle loss. I would recommend eating at your goal.
    I am trying so hard to eat more calories im just not hungry thats why i replaced protein shake with nuts as they are higher in calories but the fat concerned me so hence my post... Its all a balancing trick i am sure i will get it right and everyone here has been most helpful thank you

    I would suggest adding back your protein shakes on top of your nuts. Calories are more important than the composition.