New to the site

Hello Everyone,

I'm a Newbie to MFP. I am so glad to have found this site. I have been looking for a way to document what I am doing to keep me motivated. And theres and I phone app too? I am in heaven.

So here is a little about me and what I am attempting to do:

Diet - I am an avid Low Carb-er. My most troublesome spot is my midsection. I gain all of my weight there. I prefer to watch my carbs because it has worked for me before and it took over a year and a half before I gained the weight back. I can eat things I love like cheese and sauses (homemade of course) and I don't feel like I am depriving myself. I have tried may other diets like weight watchers and I could never stick to it, I was hungry all the time and seemed to make really bad choices. I follow (loosley of course) the Protien Power plan. For the first month or two I am trying to keep my carbohydrates to no more than 30-40 a day. I also made a large batch of the soup used in the Cabbage Soup Diet. It is low in carbs and filled with tons of healthy Veggies. I not a big fan of vegetables so this soup is a great way to get the nutrients that my body needs and it is supprisingly filling. Its my new convience food.

Excercise - I have had a gym membership that has been taunting me for months. So I have committed to working out 4 days a week. When I am at the gym I do 20 min on the treadmill, slowly building my speed each time I go. Then I stretch (I am lazy by nature so of course this is my favorite part) for about 10 minutes. the last 30 minutes is weight lifiting. I love weights. I am tryint to be careful because I don't want to bulk up too much. I am trying to keep the weight Iow and doing more repetitions. They say it will tone me up instead of bulking me up. We will see. When I am not at the gym, i am trying to play a little on my Nintendo Wii. I love the Wii Fit Plus. It feels more like fun than work. I do that at least twice a week.

I don't know if what I am doing is right or wrong. But its someplace to start. I have noticed that alot of people are not big fans of low carbing or weight lifting but it makes weight loss bareable for me. Does anyone have any suggestions for me? I struggle with drinking enough water, convience foods (not enought time to prepare something) and consistency. I am open for positive suggestions from anyone?


  • cnflet2
    cnflet2 Posts: 42 Member
    in regards to not having time to prepare things in advance:

    carry healthy food with you. i almost always have an apple in my purse. its more filling than a granola bar and wont get bruised easily like other fruit. yum.

    SEARCH THE WEB- i still eat fast food BUT i look up the nutritional facts online in advance. wendys chilli is actually pretty good, subway has healthy and tasty options, and a couple other places do to. i find the best couple options and then when im at the drive thru i pick from one of those

    also- they have these hard plastic containers that are washable and reusable that can prepare full meals from frozen. i love it.
    i shove a piece of frozen salmon, some seasoning, some baby potatoes and corn in it and in a few minutes its done. great for the girl on the go =)
  • IbettR
    IbettR Posts: 139 Member
    Hi Newbie :flowerforyou: Glad to have you on here :drinker: You'll find amazing support. Feel free to view your MFP friends' food diaries/entries. That could help you with your food options :wink:

    I'll send you a request, and look forward to keeping in touch with you, and supporting eachother. :smile:
  • bobball
    bobball Posts: 57
    That is why we are all here, to keep motivated, encourage and commiserate!

    You mentioned something that is a pet peave of mine so I have to comment. worrying about "bulking up" from weights is total misnomer, wives tale, misunderstanding, false idea, and any other thing I can think of to make you remember that this is not something you need to worry about.

    If getting bigger was that easy, there'd be a lot of bulked up guys (and girls) everywhere....and as you may have noticed, big muscles are almost always guys not women (because of testosterone and the male body ) and even then, they have to dedicate a rediculous amout of hours in the gym every day, and eat 5000 calories other words they only workout and eat, they have no life.

    So let me encourage you if you like to lift it. It burns calories and will make you leaner, not bigger. There is fat in your muscles...get it out of there! It takes months to gain even one pound of muscle, it is a long slow process, you are in no danger of "bulking up" Photos of women with big muscles usually mean they LIVE at the gym and take testosterone and/or no worries! :-)

    Now if you eat too many calories, you will get bigger...but that will happen regardless of whether you lift or not. Lifting is an awesome exercise, learn how to do it correctly so you don't hurt yourself and learn how to change up your routine so your body does not adapt to it (better results)!...and do cardio too...burn baby burn!

  • bobball
    bobball Posts: 57
    I forgot also to answer your question on low carbing. My personal feeling is that it is a perfectly fine way to lose weight but remember your body needs them so don't cut them out need balance. It is calories that count...not carbs. For instance a potato with margarine is low calorie, but not low carbs....potato chips are high calorie and high carbs...which one is good for you?...a sweet potato is even better becasue it is higher fiber...and lower calorie.

    I have to admit though, I am not a fan of diets period...I have been working out and maintaining my health for 20 years (I am in the military and I have to) and the ONLY effective method I know of over the long run is counting calories and trying to eat healthy food as apposed to junk. Exercise helps the heart and increases the amount you burn so you can eat more and still lose or maintain your weight. I hate having my calories so restricted I am hungry all the time, so I exercise.

  • musicalmoon
    Thank you Bob! Its so hard to know what to believe. There are so many opinions out there. My rule of thumb is to trust my gut and what you have said makes complete sense to me. From your picture you look healthy and handsome; so I am going to follow your advice and enjoy my weight lifting without worry.

    Also, very valid low carb advice. I am the true definition of a Carbohydrate Addict. I like them preferably in the form of a HoHo, Ding Dong, Little Debbie Swiss Roll, Baked Potato with cheese......You see where I am going with this! Oh did I forget good old bread smothered with butter. In lieu of my rediculous bad habbits, I usually start off conservative with carbs, just initally. You give me an inch and I will take a mile. But in a few weeks I will be adding back in those healthier carb options like you mentioned. Balance is exactly what I am working to attain. The weight loss is just a bonus.

    Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
  • j9mayer61
    Hi everyone! My name is Jeanine and I am feeling pretty motivated to loose my 20 pds by my 50th birthday-Jan 25t.h

    I have never taken the time to count all my calories and it is a real eye opener to realize how effective it is and how you MUST add exercise in EVERY day.

    Love i the dea of keeping in touch also.... have to run but will keep in touch. Good Luck everyone and a good low cal weekend!

    :0) Jeanine