100 lbs to lose before I'm 23

That's my goal: go from 250 to 150 between now (half way to my 21st birthday) and 23. I'm in it for the long haul and I really want to make this happen. I've been big my whole life, except when I was dangerously under eating, and I'm really sick of it. Disclaimer, I do still struggle with some eating disorder stuff so if that is a problem for you let's not add each other.

I'm gonna need a boatload of support, so send a friend request my way if we've got similar goals. Ages don't matter to me.


  • Commander_Keen
    Commander_Keen Posts: 1,179 Member
    Step 1 is to have a GOAL,
    Step 2, do you have a plan to accomplish this goal?

    BTW I believe that you can do it.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    That's my goal: go from 250 to 150 between now (half way to my 21st birthday) and 23. I'm in it for the long haul and I really want to make this happen. I've been big my whole life, except when I was dangerously under eating, and I'm really sick of it. Disclaimer, I do still struggle with some eating disorder stuff so if that is a problem for you let's not add each other.

    I'm gonna need a boatload of support, so send a friend request my way if we've got similar goals. Ages don't matter to me.

    You have 6 months to your birthday and you want to lose 100 pounds? That is about 6 months or 24 weeks away? Assuming there are a few extra weeks in there, that means about 3.846 pounds a week.

    That's unsafe.

    I suggest you rethink this and set a more reasonable goal of a year or more.

    Perhaps you need to talk with your doctor about the eating disorder.

    Good luck whatever you choose to do.
  • a_stronger_me13
    a_stronger_me13 Posts: 812 Member
    That's my goal: go from 250 to 150 between now (half way to my 21st birthday) and 23. I'm in it for the long haul and I really want to make this happen. I've been big my whole life, except when I was dangerously under eating, and I'm really sick of it. Disclaimer, I do still struggle with some eating disorder stuff so if that is a problem for you let's not add each other.

    I'm gonna need a boatload of support, so send a friend request my way if we've got similar goals. Ages don't matter to me.

    You have 6 months to your birthday and you want to lose 100 pounds? That is about 6 months or 26 weeks away? Assuming there are a few extra weeks in there, that means about 3.846 pounds a week.

    That's unsafe.

    I suggest you rethink this and set a more reasonable goal of a year or more.

    Good luck whatever you choose to do.

    I suggest you re-read. Her original post says she is 20 1/2 years old.

    OP, that is a very reasonable time frame you've set out for yourself. You can lose weight while still being able to eat and not feel underfed and tired. It's a long and sometimes hard road but you seem to be very level headed and willing to make reasonable changes and expectations for yourself.

    Best of luck to you and I hope you find a great group of supportive, healthy and logical folks on here!
  • LeanButNotMean44
    LeanButNotMean44 Posts: 852 Member
    That's my goal: go from 250 to 150 between now (half way to my 21st birthday) and 23. I'm in it for the long haul and I really want to make this happen. I've been big my whole life, except when I was dangerously under eating, and I'm really sick of it. Disclaimer, I do still struggle with some eating disorder stuff so if that is a problem for you let's not add each other.

    I'm gonna need a boatload of support, so send a friend request my way if we've got similar goals. Ages don't matter to me.

    You have 6 months to your birthday and you want to lose 100 pounds? That is about 6 months or 24 weeks away? Assuming there are a few extra weeks in there, that means about 3.846 pounds a week.

    That's unsafe.

    I suggest you rethink this and set a more reasonable goal of a year or more.

    Good luck whatever you choose to do.

    That's not what she said. She said she wants to lose 100 lbs before she reaches 23 years old, and she is 20 1/2 years old currently ("halfway to turning 21 years old").
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    That's my goal: go from 250 to 150 between now (half way to my 21st birthday) and 23. I'm in it for the long haul and I really want to make this happen. I've been big my whole life, except when I was dangerously under eating, and I'm really sick of it. Disclaimer, I do still struggle with some eating disorder stuff so if that is a problem for you let's not add each other.

    I'm gonna need a boatload of support, so send a friend request my way if we've got similar goals. Ages don't matter to me.

    You have 6 months to your birthday and you want to lose 100 pounds? That is about 6 months or 26 weeks away? Assuming there are a few extra weeks in there, that means about 3.846 pounds a week.

    That's unsafe.

    I suggest you rethink this and set a more reasonable goal of a year or more.

    Good luck whatever you choose to do.

    I suggest you re-read. Her original post says she is 20 1/2 years old.

    OP, that is a very reasonable time frame you've set out for yourself. You can lose weight while still being able to eat and not feel underfed and tired. It's a long and sometimes hard road but you seem to be very level headed and willing to make reasonable changes and expectations for yourself.

    Best of luck to you and I hope you find a great group of supportive, healthy and logical folks on here!

    OH! Thank you, I did misread her post.

    Thank you so much.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member

    I do apologize. I was reading and responding on my Kindle during lunch break and misread your post and missed the part about you being 21 now. :embarassed: Please disregard.

    Your goal is more than reasonable. Good luck! :smile:
  • Oh it's ok! Thanks for the advice though, that would have been a totally unrealistic goal and it was sweet of you to try to warn me!
  • kangaroo33
    kangaroo33 Posts: 76 Member
    Totally doable! You're young and realistic about the time. You might even surprise yourself and do it before then. As for the eating disorder....I think we all have some kind of food issue or issue with food...that's why we're here...NO WORRIES!