Need Extra Motivation and Cheering Up :(



  • MANDallasTX
    I don't like spiders! There I said it. I'm talking about arachnoids. You are talking about the Spider Plant (Chlorophytum Comosum). Look here for how to maintain them

    My Spidey senses tell me the damaged plant was just the Triggering event. Other smaller issues built up over time and just like that last straw, it broke the relationship's back.

    I follow the normal stages of grief. Denial and Isolation or what I call cry me a river. Anger or break objects into bits. Bargaining the If Only I had done... Depression, the I'll never find my one and only! And finally Acceptance. The I'm over them because I've found someone new. After you have been through this enough times it gets less hard. It will never get easy, just less hard. Just take the time to go through the stages. Keep your good friends and family near.

    You are young and strong, YOU WILL OVERCOME.

    Now go buy another Spider plant and tear it to shreds with your cat!!! :devil: <<Evil Laugh>>
  • outlandish30
    outlandish30 Posts: 21 Member
    That is an ugly plant.
  • hollyberry2012
    A guy that even CARES what a plant looks like (as in pretty or ugly) is such a sexual turn off for me. Real men think, is this good for food? Is this good for shade? Is this good for making her smile and give me sex? Can i build something with it?

    Give it a few years gf, you will get the diff between high and low maintenance men ;)
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    So, you're free this weekend?

    I'll buy you a new plant:
  • jennalennafur
    jennalennafur Posts: 80 Member
    Yeah, if he's going to break up with you over a plant....Maybe you belong with someone who is less...Um, passionate about plants. :p

    I'm sure it's hard, just hang in there! :)
  • toutle1221
    toutle1221 Posts: 79 Member
    If it helps any, I was once with a guy for 10 months, and found out he was cheating on me the whole time when his fiancee posted their engagement photos/announcement online.
    So I'm proof that us women can survive what ever crap in life men cause us. lol (no offense gentlemen!)

    I slept a lot for the first month or so because I was depressed. Then I literally just forced myself to go threw the motions of my normal everyday life. After awhile I didn't have to try so hard. And a few more weeks after that I realized I wasn't even thinking about it much any more.
    Keep your chin up! I have faith that you're going to be just fine.
  • theopenforum
    theopenforum Posts: 280 Member
    MMM back in the day I would play some Dru Hill or anything sad, cry, and move on. Now I just go workout instead. I think this way is is less destructive but I do miss crying and Dru Hill. That thong song was pretty good lol

    But yeh real talk. You are better off without him and he will one day realize the mistake he made. You seem like a nice person and you definitely aren't hurting in the looks department so I wouldn't stress over it too much :)


  • capriqueen
    capriqueen Posts: 974 Member
    I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with a plant and he just has issues of his own. As cliche as it sounds, his loss. He doesn't deserve you.
    Like someone here said, a setback would mean to me stuffing my face till my stomach yowls in protest. Erm, not today though.
    Maybe get out the hurt for awhile, but believe there's someone better waiting out for you out there?
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    well... from a little creeping, you have a snake, a baby crocodile and a hand gun at your disposal.

    so. you have a few choices. personally, I'd go for something like this.

    first, go and buy a bane mask and some face paint. second get the snake nice and hot. third, put the baby cayman in your pocket and load your gun with rubber bullets.

    first disguise yourself, then under the cover of darkness, go to his house and throw the snake on him when he's sleeping. at this point he will probably jump out of bed and turn the light on. Take aim on his testicles and pop a rubber cap in his nuts. Whilst hes in the fetal position grab the snake, make your way home whilst stroking the cayman. yes.... who's a cute cayman.

    you should also have an airtight alibi, have a friend come over and "watch a movie" and make sure you have seen it so you can talk about what happened in the movie. that should be enough. you might want to stash the gun somewhere also. just for a while.

    truth is, your 23, you have a snake, a cayman and a hand gun, these are all excellent qualities that a good man will appreciate. you're young, have fun, and forget that dumb-*kitten*.
  • djeffreys10
    djeffreys10 Posts: 2,312 Member
    Not really sure what is this "break up" thing of which you speak. Is that one of those things that happens to people who aren't in a perpetual and eternal state of singleness?
  • jujaws
    jujaws Posts: 190 Member
    Real men think, is this good for food? Is this good for shade? Is this good for making her smile and give me sex? Can i build something with it?

    LOL I'll just say this, he is certainly the most unique man I have ever met.

    As for the Cayman ;) it's actually an American Alligator. I hang out with them every so often volunteering. Your story made me chuckle quiiiite a bit, probably more than it should. Of course, now you ruined the execution of the plan as the FBI will conduct a search into my computer and find the plan STEP BY STEP. I shall have to devise another plan.

    I can't believe some guys are so thick with that sort of thing, glad you found out he was cheating before anything got complex. I say it's always nice to walk away without anything that ties you down.

    The walk? The walk went alright but of course now things are more complicated than before. What a dramatic mess..I hate stuff like this and my head is just spinning. Time for some ICE CREAM!!!!!!!!

    Everybody here is great at being supportive, thank you so much! I might ACTUALLY have to SHARE my ice cream!! Haha!
  • in my experience, break ups can only be deal with massive amounts of time in the gym. In my case, i take all my anger, rage, depression, insecurities, and I put it into the weights. feel better!