Weight Loss Stuck - 1200 Cal Diet

It has been approx 4 months since i started on MFP ( 262 lb Height 6'3") . I started with a 3 day fruit diet followed by 1250 calorie diet (I was generally short of 500-700 cal on my weekly target so it basically averaged to 1350 cal). I am a vegan and taking full nutrition.Take eggs though. The weight loss has been very good. I started on June 24 at 262 pounds and was 231.5 pounds on Sep 24. Approx 33 pound loss.I used to have occasional cheat days especially some were because i had to attend parties.But still weight loss was consistent. But after after Sep 24 i attended a few parties and my weight jumped to 236 pounds.
That was on October 2. Since then my scale isnt't bulging. Its stuck at 236.

I have attended quite a few parties this month and was averaging at 1500 calories till 3 days back. My current weight is 236.
As per MFP i should be taking 1510 cal/day for a 1 kg weight loss/week (As per my BMR i need 2100 cal). So why didn't i loose any weight in the past month. I have noticed earlier as well that i don't lose weight if i am on a 1500 cal diet.
I exercise occasionally and eat back the calories. Would it be a better approach to exercise and eat more?
Energy levels wise i am good with 1200 calories.No issues at all.

One more thing to note is that i have been started on meds - Haloperidol(1.25mg/day) and Clonazepam (3mg/day) due to my other issues(Tics). Can these meds be stopping the weight to drop , they are known for weight gain.I'll ask my doc if can switch meds with the ones that don't cause weight gain in my next appointment. I am also facing constipation issues maybe due to the meds. Taking lactofiber for it.

Or is that i have hit a plateau or starvation mode.I am still a lot overweight so i don't think this should be the case ?
Please help.This was all really working very well and for the first time i took weight loss seriously,consistently and now things have gone haywire.



  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    . I am a vegan and taking full nutrition.Take eggs though.
    if you eat eggs you are not a vegan so please don't call yourself such. A vegan does not consume it use any animal products you do so are not one.

    So from what I understand your weight is stuck for three weeks. That isn't long I'd give it some more time and just double check you are weighing and measuring your food accurately
  • PeterCohenUK
    Try to build some muscle as it improves your metabolism rate. Don't over concern about temporary plateau, continue your effort and it will go away. Be patient, it took a long time to build up body fat and it will take sometime to melt it down too.
  • 10manda86
    10manda86 Posts: 229 Member
    Agree with above poster, you are not a vegan. Also, you need to exercise more than occasionally, you need to make it part of your lifestyle and enjoy it to make it not a chore!
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    When you say your BMR is 2100, where are you getting that from?
  • croftsylvia
    croftsylvia Posts: 3 Member
    I have been having 1200 cals per day with the very occasional blip when I use 1500 .Minimal weight loss.i saw my GP who said that to lose weight I need to reduce to 1000 cals per day.Totally confused now.
  • jackielou867
    jackielou867 Posts: 422 Member
    I have been having 1200 cals per day with the very occasional blip when I use 1500 .Minimal weight loss.i saw my GP who said that to lose weight I need to reduce to 1000 cals per day.Totally confused now.

    Your GP should be struck off. I plateaued for a while on a low cal diet. If you are sure you are working out calories and portion sizes correctly, then I would up your calories a little. Too many people on low daily target, ie 1200, eat under and think that is a good thing, it is not, and certainly not long term. I started throwing an extra couple of hundred calories here and there, and started losing again. The next time I had a plateau it was by choice, to give my body a break. There is no race, losing slowly is not a bad thing. It may take a while longer but you will be healthier when you get there.
  • croftsylvia
    croftsylvia Posts: 3 Member
    decided to try slimming world and still use my fitness pal to monitor calorie intake. I was really upset when I left my GP.It was like " you must be Stuffing your face".God knows its hard enough trying to lose weight I needed his help and assurance.
  • Yooperm35
    Yooperm35 Posts: 787 Member
    Your BMR is over 2200. You are way under eating
  • k2max67
    k2max67 Posts: 11 Member
    . I am a vegan and taking full nutrition.Take eggs though.
    if you eat eggs you are not a vegan so please don't call yourself such. A vegan does not consume it use any animal products you do so are not one.

    So from what I understand your weight is stuck for three weeks. That isn't long I'd give it some more time and just double check you are weighing and measuring your food accurately

    Ok. Check. Approx how much more time should i wait if i am unable to get any results ? Should i up my calorie intake ?
    Agree with above poster, you are not a vegan. Also, you need to exercise more than occasionally, you need to make it part of your lifestyle and enjoy it to make it not a chore!

    I consume eggs max twice or thrice a month.Nothing regular. I can be called an eggeterian i guess!
    Cardio exercise is sufficient initially or i should start strength training as well ? Basically i should exercise and eat back the calories,right? ofcourse as long as i stay under my calorie target.
    When you say your BMR is 2100, where are you getting that from?

    It comes to 2,096.
    Your BMR is over 2200. You are way under eating
    BMR comes to 2096 asper fitnesspal. Since i was mostly out of my weekly calorie goals so you can say i was averaging at around 1400 cals.

    I am thinking of staying around 1250 for a week and see the results.Otherwise i'll up my calorie intake to 1500 or so as MFP suggests? What say ?
  • 89nunu
    89nunu Posts: 1,082 Member
    Most important question: are you using a food scale?
    guessing weight of things and actually weighing things is often a big difference, you could be eating far more than you think.

    You can start weight training now (I would recommend that actually)

    Your bmr is 2100??? try scoobysworkshop.com
  • janetteluparia
    janetteluparia Posts: 318 Member
    Alternate a VLC day with a normal target day. Look at the 5:2 diet for some insight. It works and it does NOT cause starvation mode.
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    I'm not sure if anyone actually read what you were saying. If your BMR is 2100 you shouldn't be eating less than this, men shouldn't really go below 1800. Even with the meds you are taking there is a HUGE deficit and it's not healthy or sustainable.
  • 89nunu
    89nunu Posts: 1,082 Member
    I put your stats into the calorie calculator. And that's when I noticed, of course you are really tall!!
    You can easily eat 2000 calories and should still lose!

    Now saying that, don't go out and eat 2000 straight away, you would have to gradually up your calories... try adding about 100/200 every week
  • TX_Rhon
    TX_Rhon Posts: 1,549 Member

    And search for other "I'm eating 1200 calories and not losing weight" threads. They are posted daily! Good luck. :flowerforyou:
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    Check out the group Fit Train Progress. Some of the best information out there. Also, as per your medications, you can look up information about them on webmd or other reputable internet sources and get actual study results about weight gain.

    I personally believe several things could be happening:

    1. You are eating more that you think you are - you need to weigh everything. Measuring cups and spoons are not accurate.

    2. You are not getting enough exercise and burning lean body mass, which in turn will slow your metabolism - you are not in starvation mode (a term very commonly misused and misunderstood)

    3. A combination of 1 and 2

    Also, you need to understand what your BMR and TDEE are in order to get a feel for what amount you should be eating.
  • mjharman
    mjharman Posts: 251 Member
    I read an article once that was written by a doctor. She said that her patients would typically hit a plateau after about 4 months on a diet, so when I hit that 4 month mark, I wasn't surprised that I also hit a plateau.

    Someone on MFP once told me that it isn't a plateau, it is a period of adjustment. You have lost a lot of weight in a short amount of time. I like that - your body is simply adjusting to the weight you have already lost. Give it time.

    Patience is key. This is not a race, its a journey and a lifestyle change. We all want to get to the goal, but there is much to enjoy along the way. Don't give up...just keep doing what you have been doing. It's been working for you, and it will work for you again.

  • ariamythe
    ariamythe Posts: 130 Member
    Just to echo the chorus ... you are waaaaayyyy undereating. Yes, you've lost weight, but at that calorie load you've probably lost muscle mass as well. When the body is starved for calories it eats available protein, i.e. our own muscles.

    Up your calories to at least about 1500, and probably 1800 given your height(I am 6' 4" and I eat 2000). And start some light muscle building routines.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    I exercise occasionally and eat back the calories. Would it be a better approach to exercise and eat more?
    Energy levels wise i am good with 1200 calories.No issues at all..
    Try exercising regularly. Apart from anything else it helps regulate your appetite ('cos for me at least eating as little as 1,200 and not feeling hungry or having a lapse in energy would be pretty abnormal!).

    You can't go wrong walking fast enough to get out of breath and aiming for an hour in total every day, with at least half an hour of that in one go.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    I'm not sure if anyone actually read what you were saying. If your BMR is 2100 you shouldn't be eating less than this, men shouldn't really go below 1800. Even with the meds you are taking there is a HUGE deficit and it's not healthy or sustainable.

    Bingo. OP, I plugged in your numbers on fat2fitradio.com and your basal metabolic rate is 2305 calories. Those are the calories you would burn lying in bed in a hospital in a coma. Do NOT eat less than your BMR.