Not losing at the rate the numbers say I should…..

I'm totally bummed- and confused. I've never battled with my weight until after I had my daughter. I was always around 140, I'm 5'3", never exercised, drank socially, and smoked. My daughter is now 3 and I made it up to 193 at my peak on Sept 16, 2013 (about 6 weeks ago). I went cold turkey on everything- quit smoking, no drinking (not even socially), eat mostly fruits/veggies, lean proteins, complex carbs, and work out about 5 times per week for 30 minutes (open diary so take a peek). I'm only down to 182-actually depending on what time of day I'm somewhere between 182 and 185. I'm sticking with a net calorie of around 1200 calories (sometimes less because I think it's silly to keep eating just because if I'm not hungry). So that's around 10lbs in 6 weeks and the scale hasn't moved for about 1.5 weeks. What am I doing wrong? Are my expectations too high? I'm starting to train for my 1st 5k and hopefully can just focus on that rather than the scale, but I'm feeling pretty beat down. Any suggestions on how to get this train moving? Very motivated, but I need some guidance.


  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    Get a food scale and start weighing and measuring all of your food (if you dont already). Also, avoid entries labeled "generic". I think you are eating more than you think you are and that Is why your weightloss is slower than expected. When you make a salad or cook something, log each ingredient separately and try to search for brand names. You can use the Meal and Recipe features to save these so you only have to input them once. Best of luck!
  • britfout
    britfout Posts: 86 Member

    check this out.

    Just recently for me, the scale didn't move for 18 days then it showed 3lbs down suddenly. Sometimes it takes a while to show on the scale.
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    That's an average loss of 1.66 lbs per week which is expected and suitable for someone with your stats. I don't think you're doing anything wrong at all. Just realize that: a) weight loss is not exactly constant in short period of time and b) weekly weight loss will become less and less to coincide with your reduced weight.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    10lbs in 6 weeks? That's over 1.5lbs a week. That is exceptionally good. You're not doing anything wrong. Realistically, I'd want to lose more like 1lb/week with the amount you have to lose. If anything I'd add some calories (250-300 a day) and add in a good strength training program too if you really want to nitpick.
  • Adw7677
    Adw7677 Posts: 201 Member
    It sounds like you aren't eating enough, but who's to say for sure.

    I've been eating at an 800-1000 calorie deficit (average, per day) since February. I should have lost 2 pounds a week, but instead i've lost about 15 in 9 months. About a week ago, I decided to quit using Splenda and just use sugar. I'm also restricting my carb intake after lunch (trying to, at least). I've lost 3 pounds this week. Still eating at the same deficit. My weight has also been consistent this week. I normally gain/gain/gain/lose/gain/lose, but this week has been all losses or staying about the same.
  • Kotuliak
    Kotuliak Posts: 259 Member
    I went cold turkey on everything- quit smoking, no drinking (not even socially), eat mostly fruits/veggies, lean proteins, complex carbs, and work out about 5 times per week for 30 minutes (open diary so take a peek).
    Make sure you build new habits that are sustainable. I'm not saying it to sound cool - that has always been my problem in the past. Try to do too much at the time, until I burned out and given up. Now I'm shooting for 1 pound per week and a lifestyle I enjoy, because that way I know I can do this long term and succeed.
  • ThriceBlessed
    ThriceBlessed Posts: 499 Member
    Your weight loss has been pretty good, if it has stalled out and plateaued, try eating MORE for a few days, I don't mean go completely wild, but increase a little to get your metabolism going again. During this increase, monitor your weight daily, when it creeps up a pound, return to your previous calorie deficit, chances are you will not only lose the pound you gained, but will also see the weight continue to come off regularly for several weeks after.

    In addition, make sure you include strength training in your routine, as well as cardio. Get plenty of sleep, and be sure you are measuring your food correctly, using scales, measuring cups, etc.

    Oh, also aim for 100 grams of protein per day, split up in increments of 20-30 grams spread throughout the day.
  • ThriceBlessed
    ThriceBlessed Posts: 499 Member
    I checked your diary for today. I must say, I have never seen a banana with only 50 calories, even a small banana has around 90 calories, that was only one instance, but if those things happen often it could add up.

    Generally speaking, if there are several listings of a food, and all of them are around the same calories, except for one that is lower, don't take the lower one, unfortunately anyone can add nutritional information to MFP, and not everyone does so accurately.

    Check out the USDA listing for nutrition info on a banana:
  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    No more late night posting for me. I read it as 6lbs in 10 weeks last night. 10lbs in 6 weeks is a good weightloss rate, so I wouldn't worry about it. If you're losing at that rate, your logging is fine, at least for now. However, if you do start having issues, my recommended first step would be what I posted above. For now, just be patient.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I haven't looked at your diary, but it's a really good loss so far. Stalls happen all the time, just stick to it and it will come down eventually.
  • jeffpettis
    jeffpettis Posts: 865 Member
    It doesn't sound like you are doing anything wrong. 1.6 pounds a week is right on. Weight loss is not linear, you will have ups and downs you just have to be persistent.
  • gwenr
    gwenr Posts: 139 Member
    I went cold turkey on everything- quit smoking, no drinking (not even socially), eat mostly fruits/veggies, lean proteins, complex carbs, and work out about 5 times per week for 30 minutes (open diary so take a peek).
    Make sure you build new habits that are sustainable. I'm not saying it to sound cool - that has always been my problem in the past. Try to do too much at the time, until I burned out and given up. Now I'm shooting for 1 pound per week and a lifestyle I enjoy, because that way I know I can do this long term and succeed.
    I'd just like to jump in and second this comment as it's a problem I have as well. The "all in - b@lls to the wall" approach is tempting, but very difficult to maintain.
  • lilred806
    lilred806 Posts: 195 Member
    Just wanted to say congratulations on your weight loss and changing some really hard habits to change. Take this week to be proud of all the hard work you have done in 6 weeks. I lost weight but then got discouraged and gave up. Had I just continued at slow and steady I would be at my goal by now instead I am 15 pounds above where I started in January. This time I am focusing on being realistic and not getting discouraged even if the scale doesn't move quickly. Your doing great weight can stall for all kinds of reasons give yourself some time.
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    I went cold turkey on everything- quit smoking, no drinking (not even socially), eat mostly fruits/veggies, lean proteins, complex carbs, and work out about 5 times per week for 30 minutes (open diary so take a peek).
    Make sure you build new habits that are sustainable. I'm not saying it to sound cool - that has always been my problem in the past. Try to do too much at the time, until I burned out and given up. Now I'm shooting for 1 pound per week and a lifestyle I enjoy, because that way I know I can do this long term and succeed.
    I'd just like to jump in and second this comment as it's a problem I have as well. The "all in - b@lls to the wall" approach is tempting, but very difficult to maintain.

    This is very good advice. Above all, any change needs to be SUSTAINABLE.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I went cold turkey on everything- quit smoking, no drinking (not even socially), eat mostly fruits/veggies, lean proteins, complex carbs, and work out about 5 times per week for 30 minutes (open diary so take a peek).
    Make sure you build new habits that are sustainable. I'm not saying it to sound cool - that has always been my problem in the past. Try to do too much at the time, until I burned out and given up. Now I'm shooting for 1 pound per week and a lifestyle I enjoy, because that way I know I can do this long term and succeed.
    I'd just like to jump in and second this comment as it's a problem I have as well. The "all in - b@lls to the wall" approach is tempting, but very difficult to maintain.

    This is very good advice. Above all, any change needs to be SUSTAINABLE.

  • stanggal05
    stanggal05 Posts: 5 Member
    After 6 weeks of this, it's become habit. I don't feel like I'm missing anything and can honestly say that this is sustainable for me. I've never felt better since I quit smoking and drinking was always social- so that's not something that was really big in my life anyway. I'm really enjoying eating clean and trying new recipes. I just need to find my niche in terms of exercise so that I'm not bored and can push myself.