New to the Boards Question/Confusion

BSchoolio Posts: 3 Member
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
I have been using My Fitness pal for about a month now. I started it near the end of Doing my P-90 workout.
Now I am into my P-90M series.

My question is this:
During P-90 I would put in my workouts during my day which would add to my total calorie intake suggested. However I was staying at about the same weight.

Now during my P-90M workouts I just put in my food not my workouts, because I got to thinking that when I built my Fitness Pal profile I said I would be working out 5 times a week. So I thought I was doing it wrong.

Taking into account My Fitness Pal thinks I am working out 5- times a week does it add and average calories burned during a workout and put that into my suggested 1910 cal intake automatically?

Or do I need to keep adding my workouts?


  • It will only add back the calories from your workouts if you put them in. It does not do it automaticly
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,271 Member
    I understand what your saying. It asks you how active you are during the day. Active or sedentary. I have a very sedentary job. I work at a desk almost all day long. So I listed myself as sedentary I did not include the workouts I do 5-6 days a week. That is not part of your daily activity. A nurse for instance or a Factory worker would be able to put in an active lifestyle because they are on their feet moving around all day.

    I wouldn't include your daily workouts in your Activity level.

    Just my 2 cents
  • happily
    happily Posts: 72 Member
    Try removing the workouts from your profile and see if it changes your daily calories.
  • BSchoolio
    BSchoolio Posts: 3 Member
    Good Ideas Thanks All.

    I am Sed. at work to, Desk all day long.
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