How to log tasting/snacks from work

Hello all,

First off I want to say that I don't take my logging religiously serious, I use it more as a general measure of overall calories so I don't extremely go over my daily allowance. This approach has worked for me better than logging every single little thing I eat and getting overly obsessed.

That being said, I work in a kitchen and end up taste testing, snacking, eating up leftovers, etc. all day and it definitely adds up to a lot of calories. I have no idea how to log it all, though, because I sure as hell don't have time at work to remember every single spoon of food I've had! And it is never more than just one or two spoonfuls of something.

So I wonder if there is any option to just log something like one giant 'worksnack' with an estimate of calories... how would you deal with this?


  • zozzyj
    zozzyj Posts: 2 Member
    I'd use the "Quick add calories" option when you add to your diary - lets you just add a number without having to input what it is. If you're happy to estimate the number of calories you're eating, it's probably the easiest way!