Attend Zumba class or Play Zumba Rush at home?



  • LesaDave
    LesaDave Posts: 1,480 Member
    Whatever you do... try different teachers! They are all COMPLETELY different... the first few times I went I didn't like the teachers at I have one I love so much I go to all 5 of her classes every week :)


    I have tried 17-19 instructors so far, and, yes, you find the ones you enjoy. Oh, if you see a Zumbathon coming up, go to it. You can try several instructors at the same time.

    If you can't tell, I prefer the classes. Sometimes it was hard learning from a video. Sometimes you have the instructors. Sometimes you face the crowd (which is the opposite of the instructor). And sometimes the instructors stop and watch the crowd. That would be OK if I knew the routine, but it made it harder for me to learn the first few times I tried to follow.
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    Since I just started to make "no more excuses" to myself again today, I'd prolly start zumba at home then search for a zumba class close to home. WIth a 2 y/o toddler (yes I'm making excuses again), hopefully it'll work for me. I can't wait to shed off all the stubborn fats I've been baby-ing for years now. Appreciate all your responses!

    If you join a good gym, they include daycare :) I know mine does and most of the women in my zumba drop them off there!
  • kardeebee
    kardeebee Posts: 16 Member
    Hi there. I love Zumba too and here's my experience with it. It looked like so much fun that I decided to join a class last summer. Well that was my one and only class. I can't tell you how clumsy I felt! And it seemed everyone in the class had been doing the routine for years. Discouraged I went home after class vowing never to feel like that again. But I have to admit it still seemed fun. So I turned to youtube and my computer. I found some wonderful instructors and saved their videos into play sets. For the next six months I did Zumba every night .... yes 7 days! My sessions were anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour (most being the hour). I lost 12 pounds during that time. Unfortunately things got hectic and I think I got a little bored and stopped the Zumba. And of course I now have that 12 pounds back again. Just recently I went to a Zumba class and what a difference. Even though I didn't know the routine, I new the beat, and the moves (which are very similar in every class). Would totally recommend doing it that way and would be happy to share the videos I started with. Enjoy.... it really is sooo much fun :smile: