Middle aged "grandma" looking for buddies

I am a 46 year old mother of 4 grown children and 6 grand babies! Over the last year or so I have actually lost about 25 pounds through diet and exercise. I am just at a point where I have about 15 pounds to go to get to my goal weight and I am stuck!! I exercise almost every day for approx 45-60 minutes a day. I know my biggest "evil" is my diet. I just love food (and not healthy food) and I am an emotional eater. I really enjoy my exercise and look forward to it and feel crappy if I don't do it so that's really not a problem. Like I said, I know it's my diet. I'm not very good at fruits and veggies because I am a picky eater when it comes to, like I said, healthy foods. Any motivation I can get would be fantastic!! :smile:


  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    I would l8ve to be friends and encourage each other on this journey.add me if u want I am 50 a grandma to 5,1 on the way, mom to 7,3 still at home. I started mfp in july 2010 and have lost 115 lbs I am pretty much at maintaince
  • themommie...that is awesome!! Wow...115 pounds! Ok, so I am new to MFP so how do I add you??
  • TAMayorga
    TAMayorga Posts: 341 Member
    Click on her blue name under her photo and follow the instructions for adding her as a friend. I have already sent you a friend request.
  • Barbonica
    Barbonica Posts: 337 Member
    No kids or grandkids, but I am a 50 YO woman who has lost 50+ pounds with another 20 to go. You can add me if you are looking for buddies, I am on most days, and always happy to find other "ladies of a certain age".
  • TAMayorga, Thank you! I figured out how to add a person, so now where do I accept your friend request?
  • First, congratulations on losing the weight you already taken off, that's great! Also, don't beat yourself up because you are in a neutral weight stand still. I recall coming to that "WEIGHT WALL". I think everybody ends up in the same position. It's those last 10 or 15 lbs that just don't seem to drop off.

    I'm very disciplined with my diet and exercise. However, I still ended up in the same situation as you are now. I had to take a real good look at every little thing I was doing. I only do cardio, running each morning 3.25 miles. This was all I did as far as exercise for the first 4 weeks of my diet. The big problem really is that I am a chocoholic, I LOVE CHOCOLATE! lol. But over time, I gave that up, and all soft drinks and juices. Basically, anything with sugar added. I could go into greater detail about my diet, just don't want to bore you with it. But quite frankly, I do cheat once a week. I must at least reward myself with something decadent Pizza is usually my comfort food, and even when I do cheat with a delicious pizza, I try and make it somewhat healthy. Not a veggie pizza mind you. But no meat sometimes, just a nice thin crust, an awesome tomato sauce, basil leaves, and different combinations of cheeses:) Maybe if I am really daring, I will add chicken or Canadian bacon on it.

    Now, the trick was. I had to change up my routine. Because I hit that weight wall at around 204 lbs. I still had to lose 24 lbs to get to my goal. But I was stagnant. I was losing 2 .5 lbs a week consistently, and then noticed by the middle of the week my weight was not going anywhere at 204 lbs, ( I weigh myself every morning, it keeps me on track). As I had stated earlier, I went through my diet and cardio routine. I figured out that I needed to cut more sugar out from my diet. I had been consuming those Slim Fast protein bars, and also drinking those Slim Fast Chocolate Royale shakes in the morning. Although these are "diet alternatives" that claim to curb your hunger. Both the shake and the protein bars are loaded with unnecessary sugar! I immediately eliminated both. Now I only get my sugar fix from fruits and veggies. Instead of those Slim Fast shakes in the morning I now have a bowl of Fiber One Original cereal, with 1/2 a cup of fat free milk, and topped with lots of strawberries. By the way, the fat free milk has lots of sugar in it as well, who knew! That's where 90% of the sugar comes from, not the cereal, nor the strawberries. But hey! it's fat free milk.

    Anyway, my point is. If something is not working for you, it's a good idea to make a change to your diet or exercise. Usually that means you must modify one or both. That also may mean mixing in a new exercise routine with what you currently do. Or alternating days with a new added workout, as long as it is cardio, As for dieting, the sugar must be stopped, I know it's hard for you to stop eating the comfort foods. But really, sugar is the enemy. Now, I do not know how well you stick to MYFITNESSPAL nutrition goals. But it's very important to watch the 2 C's/2 S's/2 F's. Which means, Calories, Carbs, Salt, SUGAR, Fats and Trans-fats. Really, you'll definitely break the, "WEIGHT WALL", by doing this. I certainly did, and I put this into affect within a few days, IT WORKED! I then dropped another 12 lbs, I am almost at my goal weight of 180 lbs.

    So, there you have it. You've already taken off quite a bit of lbs. Just change it up a little, and watch the sugar intake. Try and really watch what you are eating on a daily basis. Change up your exercise routine a bit.



  • David, thank you so much for the advice. My exercise routine is I walk/run at least 5-6 days a week and do that for at least 45 minutes a day. I also do a weight lifting class for an hour twice a week. Do you think I really need to change that at all? I know my diet definitely needs changed. I will start using the tracker tomorrow, hopefully that can help me adjust. I know fruits and veggies are something I HAVE to incorporate more of because I am terrible about that. I do drink 2-24 oz diet pepsi's a day which I know is not good, but before I started my "journey" I was drinking 5 or 6 daily YIKES, so I have improved on that. I know I need to cut it our completely and am going to try! So what other things do you eat for like lunch and supper? Breakfast I do pretty well, I usually have Special K Protein cereal with skim milk and a glass of milk as well. It's snacking, lunch, and supper I really struggle with. I know my portion sizes are an issue as well.
  • How's everyone doing this morning??? So, today is the first day of using MFP to track my calories and so far it seems so easy! I love the barcode scanning option. I hope this just helps keep me accountable for what I'm putting in my mouth. I know that's the part of my life I need to change if I'm going to get to my weight loss goal!!
  • Webbk2a
    Webbk2a Posts: 9 Member
    I am 59 two grown daughters. Four wonderful grandchildren pretty much on maintenance but a great supporter! Feel free to add me:-)
  • I'm a middle aged "Mimi" and have just started MFP. I really want to lose 30 lbs and need to be motivated. Help!!!