Anyone doing Jenny Craig?

atibrat Posts: 70 Member
I am doing Jenny Craig again for a short period due to an injury and need easy access food.
Wondered if anyone else out there was doing Jenny? I am a life time member and have done
well on it over the years but got way off healthy eating for a few years now and I am paying for it!

Would like to find someone else on the program.


  • HeinekenMan
    HeinekenMan Posts: 80 Member
    What is Jenny Craig? When I want easy access to food, I buy a jar of peanut butter and a loaf of bread and a bunch of bananas or a bag of apples. There are lots of microwavable meals in the frozen foods section. They may have a lot of preservatives, but they're fast and fit into a healthy diet. Also, I make big batches of things like pasta, pork el pastore, chili and curry chicken and store the leftovers in plastic containers in the fridge for quick meals.
  • atibrat
    atibrat Posts: 70 Member
    In January I herniated a disc in my neck and the pain is very severe I am probably going to have spine surgery. At this time it is hard for me to sit for very long, driving or any use of my left arm is almost impossible. I have been living on frozen meals and cereal for the last 7 months. The problem with the frozen meals are that they are not that healthy and have a high amount of sodium. Jenny Craig gives me an option to get packaged food that is healthier - I have been logging it and the sugar, sodium and everything else come out almost perfect for my daily goals of protein, fat, fiber, sodium, etc. It s not only easy and delicious food in my opinion but it is nutritionally balanced so it takes all the guess work out of it for me.

    I lost weight on it years ago when I was working 10 to 12 hours 6 days a week and had very little time to plan, shop or cook and now again in my life I find myself in need of easier than cooking a big batch of food and saving left overs. Hopefully in the near future I will be back to driving, shopping and cooking which I do enjoy but for now Jenny is the best option for me and all I need is someone to drive me to the center once a week and to the store to pick up veggies and fruit to add to it.

    Jenny Craig is not for everyone but a good program that has helped many people lose weight and keep it off.
  • chunkygalbegone
    chunkygalbegone Posts: 7 Member
    I Started Jenny today !
  • lola_lake
    I started Jenny a little while ago, too! I'm trying the "At Home" option where you talk to your counselor over the phone.
  • delicious_cocktail
    delicious_cocktail Posts: 5,797 Member
    We had a thing for awhile but it's over now.
  • janiehester
    I too went to Jenny Craig about 3 years ago. I lost the weight and got to my goal weight in less than 6 months. I continued going the whole year. The problem was after I stoped going and started eating real food (NOT FROZEN) I started gaining the weight back. Althrough I did keep most of it off for about a year and 6 months, but I ended up gaining it all back plus some. Dont get me roungh Jenny Craig had some good food, but you have to realize it is all weight out (caloires, protine, fats, ect) for us we dont have to do anything but eat it. Today I have to do it all on my own, but I believe this will be better for me in the long run, that is lossing it and keeping it off..
    _SABOTEUR_ Posts: 6,833 Member
    I never bang and tell.