gaining but cant seem to care

Is it bad that i know ive gained quite a few pounds but i really cant seem to care about it. Like i have no motivation to lose it and idk why! I should be upset but im not, i should want to be losing it but i cant seem to want to. Like my clothes arnt fitting really well anymore and my running is getting slower but i just cant seem to bring myself to care that im gaining and i dont know why! I keep trying to get back into my healthy habits but like i said before i just dont really care. Advice? any thoughts on how to get motivated again?


  • jillianash
    jillianash Posts: 97 Member
    I know how you feel. I have experienced similar feelings recently. Tracking my food and being active on MFP is helping a little bit. I am trying to do like baby steps, like more fruit and vegetables and not binge on so much food when i come home from work. Maybe try thinking of gaining more muscle instead of thinking you need to loose more weight. You look pretty slim already in your picture. Try adding different things to your work out plan and think/ or write down different reasons h=that motivated you to loose weight in the first place. Obviously you don't care about gaining back a few pounds but you don't really want to gain back all your 77 lbs you lost? Thats amazing progress! Don't throw it all away because you're in a slump. This is a mental problem, its in your head, don't let your mind put you back into the place you were +77 lbs ago. I know its difficult but even as I right this I feel more motivated to continue my healthy life and logging and excercise. Think positive thoughts! Try to think less and do more, more meal planning, more recipe searching, more exercising. Baby steps.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Take it from someone more than twice your age, care now or you will really really regret it later. I was at my healthiest as a Senior in high school and then stopped caring. After college and 3 children I yoyoed quite a bit and am finally losing steady. You need to care now to make the rest of your life better.
  • JoeysMommy106
    JoeysMommy106 Posts: 3 Member
    I agree with Jillian. Although just posting this means that you do care - at least enough to reach out. Also, you're still running, so that's something. One step at a time. You already know what works, just change it up a little bit. Find a new activity or something to get away from the eating. Good Luck. I'm looking up to your 77 pounds lost myself. Hang in there!
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Are you bored with what you're doing? Change up your fitness routine or make some new fitness goals and achieve them.
  • Determined82
    Determined82 Posts: 455 Member
    Maybe the below group will motivate you?
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    bumping this topic, as I am struggling with the same thing...
  • _EndGame_
    _EndGame_ Posts: 770 Member
    I get like that when I have had an overly productive week. I find myself not in the mood for it, so I assume I need a rest. After a day or 2 of chilling out, I usually rediscover my motivation.
  • DigitalDiana
    DigitalDiana Posts: 157 Member
    Your lack of motivation may be caused by stress. Do you feel stressed? Take a good multi B vitamin and see if your feelings change.It will take about a week for the multi B to make you feel different... but if this is the cause you will feel much more yourself within the week. It is very hard to stay motivated with anything when you are not feeling your best.... just a thought...
  • catholiclorimom
    catholiclorimom Posts: 15 Member
    Are you depressed? If so, this is not just a diet motivation problem, and you should take it seriously and deal with it. There are many approaches--talking with a friend, writing your feelings, seeing a doctor, etc. Aim for balance in your life--some fun, some work, some physicality, some thinking time. And pat yourself on the back for all the hard work you have done, and pick up those good healthy habits again. You have proved to us all that YOU CAN DO IT!! I'm proud of you too :love:
  • I'm just starting on MFP. This is my very first forum post. Girl, you are an inspiration for having lost 77lbs!! I'm 48 years old, have diabetes, can't afford my I'm trying to take better care of myself. Hopefully I will be able to go back to dr. soon and get prescriptions renewed and get back on my meds. I know it's dangerous being off, but what can you do? No money=no meds. Anyway, you don't want to undo all the progress you've made. That will only spiral you down further into apathy and denial. The 'can't seem to care' part IS denial. I know, because I've done it my whole life. I don't look in mirrors and just distract myself from the things I should be facing. You are beautiful and deserving of a great life. So am I...just took me too long to realize it. Find something to make you feel good. And it doesn't have to cost money right now. If you're into clothes go to google images and look up some amazing outfits in your style to make you want to look your best. If you're into home improvement or crafts, etc, pick a project that will get you interested and (hopefully) burn some calories. I finally figured out how important positive motivation can be. And it's changing my life. Thank you for inspiring me with your weight loss and desire to share. God bless!