Plateau Busting for the Clean Eater.



  • platoon
    platoon Posts: 340
    I've only done the fast once: today. I went from 7 pm last night to 11 am this morning. Wasn't too bad, considering I had my workout during it. 18 hours. I drank water and sugar-less, cream-less coffee...

    I can't speak to its success yet; Won't know until 10/31 - my next weigh-in.

    BUT I've heard that varying your calorie intake can shake a plateau. I'm still fairly new, and am only relating what I've heard and read, so please take my thoughts with a grain of salt - preferably, sea salt, for those Primals. Be well! :-)
  • platoon
    platoon Posts: 340
    Alrighty then... I've never heard of the Primal Diet (or whatever it is, sounds kind of fad-like to me).

    Everything "different" or "extreme" is not a fad, Sweetie. :-)
  • CroakerNorge
    CroakerNorge Posts: 165 Member
    Alrighty then... I've never heard of the Primal Diet (or whatever it is, sounds kind of fad-like to me).

    Everything "different" or "extreme" is not a fad, Sweetie. :-)

    (Sweetie, for real? Ick!)

    I guess you didn't read what else I wrote Platoon?
    Just so we're clear, the primal diet is neither "different" OR "extreme to me"

    I also said it sounds like the Maker's Diet to me, it's not THAT unique of an eating approach as there are other similar diets
    out there.

    I also said I eat "clean" (even though I've never called it that) and have been for a while and when I posted quotes about my style of eating, someone else said that is pretty much what the Primal diet is about.

    But, thanks for your input?
  • platoon
    platoon Posts: 340
    Alrighty then... I've never heard of the Primal Diet (or whatever it is, sounds kind of fad-like to me).

    Everything "different" or "extreme" is not a fad, Sweetie. :-)

    (Sweetie, for real? Ick!)

    I guess you didn't read what else I wrote Platoon?
    Just so we're clear, the primal diet is neither "different" OR "extreme to me"

    I also said it sounds like the Maker's Diet to me, it's not THAT unique of an eating approach as there are other similar diets
    out there.

    I also said I eat "clean" (even though I've never called it that) and have been for a while and when I posted quotes about my style of eating, someone else said that is pretty much what the Primal diet is about.

    But, thanks for your input?

    I was not trying to be nasty. I was just stating a fact about a lifestyle that I've embraced. Apparently, written text breeds miscommunication.

    It seems that you were quick to state your opinion; I'm entitled to the same liberty.

    I read your subsequent comments... just stating my 2 cents.

    Good luck with you and yours.
  • CroakerNorge
    CroakerNorge Posts: 165 Member
    I didn't see you state any lifestyle preferences, all I saw you state was that some website recommended a fast and that you've tried one fast to day. I didn't know fasting was a lifestyle, muchless that I was knocking it? The only thing I DID say was that I wouldn't recommend fasting. Never said you couldn't, never said the Luv couldn't.

    You, however, took what I said out of context and tried to make it about me saying clean eating, specifically the primal diet, was extreme or different. When in fact, if you had quoted the ENTIRE post, you would see that that wasn't the case.

  • platoon
    platoon Posts: 340
    Both Luv and I follow the primal lifestyle, which you dismissed almost immediately... ugh. Nevermind.

    Like I said - good luck to you and yours.
  • CroakerNorge
    CroakerNorge Posts: 165 Member
    At no point did you say you were a follower of the primal diet, just sayin'.
    You said you tried a fast for the first time today and Luv should try it too. From that, I'm supposed to read between
    the lines and take that to mean you're following the primal diet? Whatever.
    Clearly, you're taking it personally, though, that's not my problem.

    And, to be clear, the FIRST thing I told Luv to do was to try switching up her menu.

    If you want to misquote me and not read my comments in their entirety (you know, the part where I thanked TWO PEOPLE for information about the primal diet), go for it, I can't control what you do.
    But don't pretend like I'm making this about something it's not, when you're the one doing that.
  • platoon
    platoon Posts: 340
    Listen - I'm really not trying to argue with you. Really, I'm not.

    My response (about fasting) was to the original poster, Luv, who is my friend, and knows that I follow the primal lifestyle - which includes fasting at one's discretion...

    I didn't feel it necessary to provide context or explanation to another reader who already expressed disinterest with the primal lifestyle.

    My response to you was a general statement about any "diet" or lifestyle change; it was triggered by your initial response to the primal way. I understand that your statement was made prior to your preliminary research and receipt of information from other posters, BUT I took the liberty of essentially saying that just because something doesn't make sense or appeal to you, doesn't mean that it's temporal in nature, thereby, being ineffective.

    We are all on this journey. And I'll be the first to admit that I don't have everything figured out. But it is and will always be offensive to be judged or criticized because of a certain lifestyle. MFP is not the forum for that.

    Good day.
  • CroakerNorge
    CroakerNorge Posts: 165 Member
    Well, I think if you're going to misquote me, you better be prepared to be judged.
    And, since you conveniently pick and chose those parts of what I said to respond to,
    you should expect it. I back what I said up, you backpedal.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Luv - you might want to dial back on the protein. Maybe up the servings for you low glycemic fruits and more veggies.

    Also, cycle your calories each day. 1200, 1600, 1400, 2200, 1200, 1600 then 1400.

    Maybe increase your cardio, do some jogging or your favorite cardio.

    Take care.
  • TheNewJessieMae
    Didnt mean to start a riot!! Geeesh

    Thank u edorice!
  • hill242
    hill242 Posts: 412 Member
    For more information about the Primal Diet (no, I don't follow it), copy and paste the attached link in your browser. You can also go to for more information. Basically, and for what I read, this diet encourage eating raw foods.

    That is NOT the Primal Blueprint, the topic of which we've been discussing. That is something totally different. I don't think I could eat raw meat like that for 1 day, much less the rest of my life.
  • TheNewJessieMae
    For more information about the Primal Diet (no, I don't follow it), copy and paste the attached link in your browser. You can also go to for more information. Basically, and for what I read, this diet encourage eating raw foods.

    That is NOT the Primal Blueprint, the topic of which we've been discussing. That is something totally different. I don't think I could eat raw meat like that for 1 day, much less the rest of my life.

    Glad you caught this because I didn't even click the link,,,,,,,,,,, glad I didn't!!! YUCKY