24 day challenge. Can I do this??


The challenge is focusing mainly on core/ab work. I am 5'2 and 180 lbs, most of the weight is in my stomach. Would it be better for me to lose the weight first before exercising or exercise while losing weight?


  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
  • Morninglory81
    Morninglory81 Posts: 1,190 Member
    To get the body of the woman in the pic you need to lift heavy starting now!
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    oh boy. there's so much wrong here.

    quick version:
    1. start exercising now, don't wait for the weight.
    2. exercise your entire body and don't spend a ton of time doing stomach/core stuff. sure, a stronger core will help us all but doing a ton of crunches and leg lifts isn't going to burn any fat at all. It's okay to do some ab stuff but that plan listed above is just plain silly. i can already feel my lower back getting tight.
    3. limited day challenge is limited. 24 days is enough time to lose maybe 4-5 pounds if you're lucky.

    your ticker says you need to lose 50 pounds. leave the 30 day and 60 day and whatever day challenges alone and use this handy MFP app to make sure you're eating in a deficit. Somewhere in the range of 400-1000 calories a day under your maintenance would probably be a good place to start. start working out on a whole body strength training program. that way you're more likely to like the end result when you get to your goal weight.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Hmm. I think that lady in the right bottom corner is white.

    Just saying. Seems out of place.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Hmm. I think that lady in the right bottom corner is white.

    Just saying. Seems out of place.

    we're an inclusive people
  • Truegoddess22
    Truegoddess22 Posts: 94 Member
    I could have also taken the slow version :) If you stuck to this program beyond the 24 days. what would happen? How do I figure out what my maintence calories are? Right now I have it set at 1500 cals a day. Do you have any recommendations for whole body workout programs that can be done at home with little to no equipment?
    oh boy. there's so much wrong here.

    quick version:
    1. start exercising now, don't wait for the weight.
    2. exercise your entire body and don't spend a ton of time doing stomach/core stuff. sure, a stronger core will help us all but doing a ton of crunches and leg lifts isn't going to burn any fat at all. It's okay to do some ab stuff but that plan listed above is just plain silly. i can already feel my lower back getting tight.
    3. limited day challenge is limited. 24 days is enough time to lose maybe 4-5 pounds if you're lucky.

    your ticker says you need to lose 50 pounds. leave the 30 day and 60 day and whatever day challenges alone and use this handy MFP app to make sure you're eating in a deficit. Somewhere in the range of 400-1000 calories a day under your maintenance would probably be a good place to start. start working out on a whole body strength training program. that way you're more likely to like the end result when you get to your goal weight.
  • Truegoddess22
    Truegoddess22 Posts: 94 Member
    What difference does it make? Yes it's from the group on FB called Black Women Do Workout but I'm sure women of all races work out as well.
    Hmm. I think that lady in the right bottom corner is white.

    Just saying. Seems out of place.
  • Truegoddess22
    Truegoddess22 Posts: 94 Member
    lol I'll never have her body but I want something close to it. :D
    To get the body of the woman in the pic you need to lift heavy starting now!
  • SkinnyNSweet822
    SkinnyNSweet822 Posts: 41 Member
    THANKS FOR POSTING!!! I needed this!
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I could have also taken the slow version :) If you stuck to this program beyond the 24 days. what would happen? How do I figure out what my maintence calories are? Right now I have it set at 1500 cals a day. Do you have any recommendations for whole body workout programs that can be done at home with little to no equipment?

    you really can't stick to the program for longer than 24 days because its not really a program. it's just a bunch of leg lifts and crunches. i mean, you can do it as long as you like but there's really no there there.

    1500 calories is probably a pretty decent place to start. i'm assuming you input your weight and goals into MFP and that's the number it kicked back to you. it should be fine, but i don't know your personal details (current weight, activity level, age, etc) to be able to say that with much authority. but most likely it's fine and you can make 100-300 calorie adjustments in a month or so after you see how it's working

    this is soooo much easier with gym access. you can do a simple full body resistance training routine that takes 30-40 mins and hits virtually everything. at home can be done too, it's just more......something. Go on youtube and look for Zuska Light or Fitness Blender bodyweight workouts. There's a million of them and some of them are actually damned good; you'll just have to try a few and see how you like them.

    look for full body workouts and not a bunch of ab stuff. like i said before, there's a place for ab workouts and i enjoy them. but they don't burn any calories and they don't shape your body (while it's still covered in bodyfat). doing legs will change your body. Doing chest and back work will change your body. doing crunches and leg lifts will not.
  • Truegoddess22
    Truegoddess22 Posts: 94 Member
    You're welcome!
    THANKS FOR POSTING!!! I needed this!
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    What difference does it make? Yes it's from the group on FB called Black Women Do Workout but I'm sure women of all races work out as well.
    Hmm. I think that lady in the right bottom corner is white.

    Just saying. Seems out of place.

    Who said it made a difference? I just noted it was out of place.

    Also replying on top of the boxes makes people cranky and makes things confusing. Not saying it makes a difference, just noting.
  • Truegoddess22
    Truegoddess22 Posts: 94 Member
    I hate quoting at the bottom. I always quote on top. If it didn't make a difference you wouldn't have pointed it out. Any one with 2 eyes and common sense notes the title of the challenge, the fact that one of the women pictured is white doesn't change the challenge in any way. Maybe it was the group's way of saying everyone was welcome.
    What difference does it make? Yes it's from the group on FB called Black Women Do Workout but I'm sure women of all races work out as well.
    Hmm. I think that lady in the right bottom corner is white.

    Just saying. Seems out of place.

    Who said it made a difference? I just noted it was out of place.

    Also replying on top of the boxes makes people cranky and makes things confusing. Not saying it makes a difference, just noting.
  • Bebubble
    Bebubble Posts: 938 Member
    You're welcome!
    THANKS FOR POSTING!!! I needed this!

    Yes thanks for posting this! I needed it too. Even though I am a old fat white lady!
  • Truegoddess22
    Truegoddess22 Posts: 94 Member
    You're welcome! Who cares if you are yellow with purple spots, you wanna do the challenge go ahead! Good luck and I wish you the best :D
    You're welcome!
    THANKS FOR POSTING!!! I needed this!

    Yes thanks for posting this! I needed it too. Even though I am a old fat white lady!
  • progressnotperfection84
    Pinterest is a great resource for workouts, healthy recipes, etc. You just have to put in the work.