Alternative exercise for mountain biker during winter


My husband loves mountain / downhill biking. During the light summer months he would be out most evenings cycling to the top of our local mountain and back. His weight and fitness really started to improve and he was managing to hit goals and targets like losing so much weight or cycling a bit further before having to stop.

Now in the UK it is dark early in the evenings and miserable. He hasn't been able to get out for a long while, with working full time, and he seems to be getting a little downbeat about it and that is causing his diet to slip too.

I have suggested he go to the gym with me, but he seems set in the fact that the world is his gym. I've shown him some of the exercise videos I do (blogilates being one) but he doesn't really seem interested.

The only thing I can think of is buying him a exercise bike with incline and decline functions, but I'm not sure if it will just end up in a corner covered in dust as it doesn't seem to fit his ideal for exercise.

What do fellow bikers do during the darker months?
How do you motivate and inspire your spouse / other half?

Any feedback appreciated! Thank you!


  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    I'm the same way. Give me pavement and a direction & I'm happy. No tapes for me. The cold pavement is my gym.

    Perhaps check into a bike that is made for the snow and bad weather. Get him some winter gear to exercise in. Although maybe he sounds like he shys away from the elements in winter? I personally love it, may be he would too if he was dressed appropriately...
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    Well, he can get a turbo trainer and still maintain his fitness at home whilst caning it to some Sufferfest videos. He might find it boring though especially if he likes mountain biking / downhill.

    Many cyclist use the off season to take some time off the bike or cross train (so do weights, flexibility stuff, etc) until they start working on fitness for the new season.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Get him a light for his bike and some winter clothes.

    A trainer or rollers for indoor (I don't know if mountain bikes work on trainers but they should work on rollers, or get him a road bike for the trainer).

    Spin bike.

    Cross country skiing?
  • KatrinaWilke
    KatrinaWilke Posts: 372 Member
    My husband and I bike outside year round here in South Dakota! I hate riding inside. Although some people swear by it. We would rather night ride with some bright lights!

    Also he should check out to find strength training exercises geared towards mountain bikers. Maybe if he is working out with a biking goal in mind, it would make him more morivated!
  • jeepyj93
    jeepyj93 Posts: 392 Member
    My friend that is a Mtn biking nut cross country skis in the winter for cross training. If you don't enough snow walking or running will get him outside.
    I road bike and do spin classes which I hate because they are inside, so I take to the trails and walk and run for my outside fix.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Get a road bike and a decent set of lights
  • ahimsa1990
    ahimsa1990 Posts: 16 Member
    He could go night riding? It is pretty awesome! powerful lights and he is set. Also I go to spin classes and that really helps with my mountain biking but not sure if that would be up his alley.