Hey ALL!!,

So I wanted to AMP up my workouts and get some motivation along with it, so I thought I will make a challenge group for 2 weeks for all this who want to be a part of it. I wanted to challenge myself to the max for these two weeks and id love it if people would join in. I cant stick to challenges for long periods of time so I like setting small goals and seeing results.

Thew goal of these two weeks are to DO THE BEST YOU CAN AND GET THE BEST RESULTS POSSIBLE! We will add in the , motivation, workout, eating CRISP clean and share are daily experiences.

The challenge starts November 1st, 2013; which is weigh in day

Challenge ends- November 15th, 2013- Weigh-in day + inches lost

So who ever is in just type: "I WILL OWN THE NEXT TWO WEEKS!! "- check back in on November 1st with your starting numbers and we will take it from there. You have latest till November 2nd to join the challenge.

During these two weeks I will be doing insanity and running 2.5 km everyday, along with that eating clean like I have never before... just feel like testing my limits! ;P

Hope to have you all for motivation and support and give the same in return!!!! G'luck


  • thinnestmommy
    thinnestmommy Posts: 4 Member
    I'm so in stwrts tomorrow!!!!
  • bebifal
    I am totally in!!!

    lol I WILL OWN THE NEXT 2 WEEKS. In fact i'm gonna make the next 2 weeks my b$@ch!!

    During the 2wks, I want to workout in the mornings by adding the JM 30day shred.

    my weigh in today is 184.2lbs, hips: 42inch, waist 30.5inches. Height is 5'11
  • discoveredamber
    discoveredamber Posts: 379 Member
    I am in current weight is 177lbs. Bust is 41.5" waist is 35" stomach around belly button is 39.5" and hips are 41" I am 5'4"
  • walk_fit
    walk_fit Posts: 83 Member
    11/1 -SW 194.2

    goal for 2 weeks - drink 8 glasses of water.
    Walk - 6000 steps daily to kick start .
  • jonalit
    jonalit Posts: 2 Member
    I WILL OWN THE NEXT 2 WEEKS - count me in!

    This will be my first challenge to kick start my weight loss again, failed miserably last time. Im more determined now so will take measurements etc later and see what happens during the two weeks. Stepping up the exercise and watching what I eat are my priorities.
  • soni_me
    soni_me Posts: 95 Member

    I'm not happy with my inconsistency in exercise and eating for the last few months. This will jumpstart my motivation again. My goals are to exercise 6 days per week at least 30 minutes; eat clean (no junk...sweets); and log everything.
    11/01 SW- 241
  • mommysockmonkey
    mommysockmonkey Posts: 88 Member
    I will own the next two weeks!!!

    I'm in maintenance after losing 60 lbs., but I need to get consistent with my workouts. I'd also like to make morning exercise a habit. I'm doing Chalean Extreme, but I haven't been consistent, so I started day one again this morning.

    We can do this!
  • bebifal
    well just doing a quick check in. worked out this morning. It took all my willpower to not snooze my alarm. But proud that I did it. Still have my evening gym routine and training.