I can feel myself giving up... need help!!

I can feel myself giving up on my weight loss goals and I need to stick with it!!! I need some support. I am a month in, 10lbs down, and dont want to stop now...


  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    Wow! 10lbs in a month is impressive in my book. Maybe change up your exercise routine, keep it interesting.

    I love to cook, so I try to find ways I can make the food taste good while keeping the cals and everything else reasonable. Amps my enthusiasm when even my husband likes the better fare!
  • FixItDuck
    FixItDuck Posts: 112 Member
    Hey, I just sent you a friend request.

    Sometimes it's hard to stick with it, but you've done well, you've lost 10lbs! I've just returned this week, and planning to stick with it! I've almost gained back all I lost, last year so feeling a bit disappointed, but time to get on track again!
  • I have been feeling a bit like you these past two weeks. I started a very stressful new job and it threw me right off track. It might be a good idea to write down why you started this in the first place and it may help you get back on track. Ten lbs in a month is amazing and it should be celebrated - Im a big fan of Jillian and Bob and they always say to celebrate the little goals and give yourself credit. Good luck with your journey :)
  • padams2359
    padams2359 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Try looking into how you can change up,the recipes of the foods you like. 10 lbs in a month is great. If you haven't had a cheat day, might be time for one. Sometimes that is what you need to reset yourself to get back on track. Don't go overboard, but grab a brownie. Eat it slow, and enjoy it, then get back to your diet, and when you feel you are ready to quit, rememeber that brownie and keep moving forward.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    I can feel myself giving up on my weight loss goals and I need to stick with it!!! I need some support. I am a month in, 10lbs down, and dont want to stop now...

    Been here for 1.5 years. I have taken plenty of breaks from working out and logging foods. Stuff comes up. In fact, I haven't worked out and logged food for nearly 2 months currently. And it took me a while to learn that this is fine. We cannot always be in beast mode. Sometimes, you need a break.

    Perhaps you need to slow down (I don't think you should take a break after only a month since its not a habit yet). Log food, change your settings to maintenance so you're eating a bit more than while under deficit. Slow down on your workout.

    However, I would strongly advice that if (or whenever) you take a break or even slow down, you keep logging on to MFP. Surround yourself with good friends on MFP who log their foods regularly and are encouraging. Watching others workout and do well with their diaries and losing wight is always a good motivator.

    Good luck in your adventures :)
  • wiggywompus
    wiggywompus Posts: 65 Member
    Hang on in there you are doing so well would be shame to give in now. Just think how good you will look in that slinky dress!
  • helpfit101
    helpfit101 Posts: 347 Member
    Don't bother to continue this if it's not something you plan on doing a long time.

    And you don't need to starve yourself to lose weight. If you feel like you're starving why not increase your daily calories by 500? You've lost 10lbs in one month. Why not aim to lose 4lbs in the next month. And another 4lbs in the month after that.

    But keep counting.

    And if you don't like cardio just don't do it. It's not needed for weight loss.