Sooo much candy left over!

I moved into a new neighborhood this past summer and we used to live in "The Halloween Capitol of the World". So anyway, I get all ready for last night, my kids get all dressed up (3 year old lady bug and 11 year old Scream killer). My husband said they were the ONLY kids out there and I didn't get a single trick or treater. :sad:

So my question really is this:

What do I do with all the leftover candy I never gave out?? I am an opportunist when it comes to eating, so I need to get rid of it fast. Throwing it out seems like such a waste.

p.s. The neighborhood still seems hopeful they will get kids because about half had their lights on.



  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    The local soup kitchen or food bank?
  • LB2812
    LB2812 Posts: 158 Member
    Yep, I was really hopeful we'd have a lot of trick or treaters this year in my new neighborhood so I bought & opened 6 bags of candy... we maybe went through 1-2 :( For me, I don't have a sweet tooth, but if it's in front of my face I'll eat it. I feel horrible throwing it out, so i was planning to just put it away. I may use some of it in holiday baking. Also, this being a busy time of year with a higher chance of house guests, I'll put out a bowl of candy when people come. I'll probably bring some into work and leave it in the kitchen for others to take. And after all that, whatever is left, I'll toss.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    The local soup kitchen or food bank?

    This ^^ Donate it. If there is a local women's local women's shelter that is a good option also, as the women there often have children with them.

    If you or your husband work, take it to work.
  • fsucrack
    fsucrack Posts: 68 Member
    Every year, Operation Gratitude sends 100,000 + care packages filled with snacks, entertainment items, and personal letters of appreciation addressed to active U.S Troops, children left behind, Veterans, First Responders, Wounded Warriors and their caregivers-and they LOVE sending Halloween candy!!

    This year, consider donating your extra candy to this amazing cause. Encourage your children to separate their candy into two piles: one they want to keep and one to donate. Many organizations across the country participate in Operation Gratitude’s candy buyback program. If you can find a participating office in your area, you may even be able to make a little cash!
  • mmc23
    mmc23 Posts: 42
    Our elementary school is collecting candy for the troops overseas. It's a great thing to ask about, a lot of local groups around the US (and likely around the world) do this and ship out the donated treats to the men and women in the armed forces. :) HTH!
  • kw85296
    kw85296 Posts: 265 Member
    Some of the dentist here have a buy back program for the kids candy and they ship it overseas to the troops. You could check to see if there is something similar in your area or just ship it to the troops yourself. Packages from home are always a welcome sight.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I love the ideas you have already been given, but just to add about a senior citizen center, nursing home, or low income senior housing complex?

    My mom used to live in a senior apartment building and the residents LOVED getting anything like that. My mom is on a fixed income and relatively able-bodied, but I'd say she was better off physically & financially than 95% of the residents. It was cool seeing these people enjoy a treat. I brought them a couple of dozen donuts once and stuck 'em in the communal seating area and they were so happy!
  • RockinTerri
    RockinTerri Posts: 499 Member
    I agree with the donation suggestions. In addition to a food bank or soup kitchen, what about a women's/children's shelter? I also know that there are dentists in our area that will allow a trade-in of candy for toothbrushes, toothpaste, and floss. You could see if any in your area have that, and donate those items to a shelter.
  • blc1971
    blc1971 Posts: 170 Member
    I work in a relatively busy office so I brought a big bag to put out for customers and other staff.